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The Dragonknight Thread


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Irons I know your still planning on being a DK with at least 5 pieces of medium,like i am. Post your ideas i really want to see them! You dont have to worry about muscle critisizing them ill keep him at bay.  :wink:


That day.... o_O He started it!!! Hahaha! :P For real though, I like irons's builds. I think we both have pretty much the same ideas toward things, and we're able to look past the small differences in our ideas.. it was just a weird night that night. XD


I'd like to see your build ideas too, since I've been making templar weapon-dmg builds I want to see how they compare.

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Okay Okay, I post my build :wink:


First of all I no longer plan on using 5 pieces medium armor, because of the changes made to the game besides that my build hasn't changed too much.



Armor: 7h

Stats: 30 points stamina, rest HP

Entchantments: HP reg, power and stamina reg if needed.

S&S Life Steal and Shield (dmg Shield)

2h some dmg entchantment with proc (to take advantage of the passive)

race: Redguard




Critical Charge

Reverse Slash



Obsidian Shield


Magma Armor



Fiery Grip

Low Slash/Puncture

Dark Talons

Ash Cloud

Molten Weapons/Inhale


Dragonknight Standard


Who are your enemies, as a DK in heavy armor you don't really have to fear any sort of physical dmg build. Caster however can deal more dmg than you. Therefore this build has Spell Resistance from the DK passive, Immoveable and the boost from heavy armor. That should be enough so that you don't really have to fear anyone. Especially because those nasty casters don't like physical dmg and that's what you are going to dish out.

Obsidian Shield has a number of reasons in this build. First it absorbs all sort of dmg, that means it helps you against spell and weapon dmg plus while obsidian shield is active you don't receive any sort of dmg. And with your high HP reg you actually heal your self up again. It can also be used to counter spike attacks on you. Than Obsidian shield is a powerful support ability because it helps your whole group. And the most import reason for Obsidian shield is the stamina reg which you will need.


The second bar is a little bit more tricky. Your main gap closer will be Fiery Grip in some cases you might want it to change to shield charge however Fiery Grip has quite a few advantages. Immoveable protects you for most forms of CC but I would guess that slows and immobilize still works on you. In many games your charge get's reduced if you are crippled. Fiery Grip counters that completely.

Low Slash or Puncture is a decission which depends on your role if you want to reduce the dmg of an enemy go with low Slash if you wanna reduce the armor of a target go with puncture. That's also something I have to take a closer look at ones the games launches because I'm not sure how important it will be to reduce the armor of a healer if it's uneffective I will just drop it.

The Dark Talon and Ash Cloud combo should be pretty much self explaining.

The last skill is Molten weapons, it's another support ability and it helps you with your stamina reg or you use Inhale as a Self heal instead.



If you take a closer look at my bars you will see that my first 1 is really stamina heavy and that second is more magicka heavy.


The playstyle with the first bar is simple you use your self buffs to beef up and hit your enemy mostly with normal hits. When he get's low you start using Reverse Slash. That means that you don't really need much stamina for the most time except the amount which is needed to keep up your buffs.


The second bar uses your magicka pool. However you also will use your abilities whith a lot of thought. Your basic combat style will be to hit your enemy with normal attacks and to use pash (hold right click left) to interrupt and annoy him.

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It's pretty much the 2 bars I was going for on my Templar build with 7 Heavy. It's hard to overcome magic damage in Heavy.


My temp build's using either puncture/low slash, but I think instead of LS or Puncture that Defensive Posture's better--just for survival against the magic damage and then taking Inhale instead of Molten Weapons on S&S bar, but I'd put Molten on bar#1 instead of Immovable.


Hmmm..S&S bar's too MP based, too.


So, I'd personally change it a tad to this, but it's pretty much the same concepts still:

S&S- AOE Survival/Control

Fiery Grip

Defensive Posture

Dark Talons

Ash Cloud


*Magma Armor

2H- Single DPS/Support

Critical Charge

Reverse Slash

Obsidian Shield


Molten Weapons

*Dragon Leap - Fits better with the single-target concept that my changes were going for. Extra mobility's always awesome to have around as well.


It's nice that Obsidian Shield and Reverse Slash are spammable so you can either shit on people quickly or support the group pretty well while you guys are just trying to run through an entrance that's being AOE'd.


Like I said though, it's almost the same. I think all your changes with the ability changes were good choices.

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It's pretty much the 2 bars I was going for on my Templar build with 7 Heavy. It's hard to overcome magic damage in Heavy.

Not really the DK has a passive which grants you Spell Resistance, this spell resistance gets increased by Immoveable and than gets increased by the heavy armor passive. So you will have quite a high Spell Resistance plus you have Obsidian Shield and of course a very high HP reg.


And based on the goal of this build you win when you are able to force an caster to attack you.



Dragon Leap is a really bad ulitmate for this build.

First you don't need another charge.

2. you don't want to knockback people you wanna keep them close.

3. Dragonknight Standard is one of the best PvP ultimates.


The thing with immoveable is that it needs to be at your main bar because of the short cooldown.


Ash Cloud is one of my favourite abilities for example if you cast it around a healer than 30% of his heals won't get through.

However to get the best out of it you need to have an immobilize otherwise your opponent just walks out of the field yeah he is slowed but still.


Defensive Posture is in my opinion not needed for this build. Just think about it you allready have lot's of passives which improves blocking or reduces the costs of it. It's a bit of an overkill.

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Not really the DK has a passive which grants you Spell Resistance, this spell resistance gets increased by Immoveable and than gets increased by the heavy armor passive. So you will have quite a high Spell Resistance plus you have Obsidian Shield and of course a very high HP reg.


And based on the goal of this build you win when you are able to force an caster to attack you.



Dragon Leap is a really bad ulitmate for this build.

First you don't need another charge.

2. you don't want to knockback people you wanna keep them close.

3. Dragonknight Standard is one of the best PvP ultimates.


The thing with immoveable is that it needs to be at your main bar because of the short cooldown.


Ash Cloud is one of my favourite abilities for example if you cast it around a healer than 30% of his heals won't get through.

However to get the best out of it you need to have an immobilize otherwise your opponent just walks out of the field yeah he is slowed but still.


Defensive Posture is in my opinion not needed for this build. Just think about it you allready have lot's of passives which improves blocking or reduces the costs of it. It's a bit of an overkill.


Templar has the same passive for spell resistance, temp also can use Immovable and Rune Focus, and the same heavy armor passive applies. Even that's not enough on it's own to counter magic damage. I'd definitely take a few magic resistance enchants at least... but that would hurt your DPS, since you for some odd reason want to be a DPS in heavy armor. On top of all that, I'm taking Defensive Posture for the spell-reflection (not for the reduction); the reduction in cost and the increase in block is very minor, but having this type of stamina-based spell protection is huge for survival.


Your armor rating will be plenty in heavy, especially with a shield, for physical mitigation. But your magic resistance is much lower than your armor--meaning you need to boost it somehow or you'll be just about as vulnerable to magic attacks as someone in light armor--more in your case, because you don't have any mitigation on your S&S bar.


I don't believe that miss chance will affect beneficial spells..but maybe.


DK Standard's really really good, but it's either that or Magma Armor on MY AOE bar (I said it was only different because it was different than your original bar).. DK Standard has no place in a single-target bar. Dragon Leap's not another charge, and it's perfect for a secondary bar--it can go on top of walls, knocking people off of walls--probably the best PVP ultimate in the game IMO, especially for the 2H(2ndary in my build) bar which is single-target (and it knocks back the other targets, which is awesome for the singling out someone.)


You simply won't have enough MP to do what you're thinking with Ash/Talons at the same time as Gripping back the people who escape. I guess you could get rid of Inhale and it would be good though--that's probably a better choice.


Now that I think I understand more where you're coming from (I didn't realize you wanted to main 2H--which I think is unreasonable with all Heavy armor because you'll just get raped by mages even harder while trying to enchant for DPS instead of survival enchants..might as well wear medium and actually do good damage [with just about the same amount of magic resistance as how you had your S&S bar.])


Although I disagree with wearing heavy and trying to focus on DPS over survival, I think your 2H bar is perfect. I do however think your S&S bar is majorly flawed in two ways; 1) No ranged magic mitigation. 2) Terribly MP dependent.

Here's what I'd do to change it:

2H- I think this bar's as good as it can get for your desires.

Critical Charge

Reverse Slash

Obsidian Shield




*Magma Armor

S&S- Hopefully you see where I'm coming from, and see how this setup achieves the goal of this bar a lot better.

Ash Cloud

Fiery Grip - Between Ash and Grip you won't have extra MP to do much else, you'll have to be okay with keeping people close by chaining Grips into your slow.

Defensive Posture


Molten Weapons - Keeping this up won't be MP intensive. If this wasn't your 2ndary bar I'd put this on 2H bar instead of Immovable(since it's a 2ndary that focuses on DPS rather than survival) and I'd put Puncture here to help you eventually take down your targets with this bar... but since this isn't your main bar, and you're not building your character around survival, molten weapons has no room on the 2H bar (as you were aware already).

*DK Standard


Of course, you'll probably disagree and say that since your S&S bar is secondary it doesn't need to be balanced as long as you can achieve the short-term goal that you want to achieve before switching back to 2H. But then it seems like a waste to go Heavy to begin with, since you really will take about the same amount of damage from magic (due to enchants and everything else)--yet you'll have less health than a medium user because you're putting so many points in St in order to try to DPS better... While you gain 14% health regen, you lose 14% st regen and the lower damage you do makes you forced to use even more St for damage and use more enchants for power and St regen to counter....it's just..not worth it to go Heavy if you want to DPS. Sure, you'll beat other melees fairly easy--but is it worth it considering that most the damage in the game is spell damage?? I sincerely hope you have thought long and hard about this choice before dedicating yourself to getting lvl 50 with that high of St and using all your time on Heavy Armor..

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This is not really a dps build though. Though you are right alot of these actives require stamina,he will just have to use his mana abilities more or mix and match med and heavy.Still a very viable build though.


"This is not really a dps build though." = Exactly what I'm saying, so why is the 2H DPS bar the main bar? It won't take much more damage than a medium armor build would, so I don't understand the draw to this.


"...alot of these actives require stamina,..." = Opposite of what I'm saying. What I said is that he uses too much MP in S&S bar. His 2H bar is perfect because Obsidian Shield is spammable while your group's taking damage and it's just amazing so it's the perfect MP use in 2H bar. The S&S bar's just too MP heavy for his resource layout to be useable--and it doesn't increase his magic resistance at all, which is what should really be the focus of that bar to begin with IMO since he's heavy armor.


Mixing and matching medium and heavy would help his DPS a bit more, yeah. If I was making a physical DPS DK I'd either go 7 med or 5 med & 2 main-piece heavy and then use bow instead of S&S.


I think it's a really really good build for fighting physical DPS builds in 1v1 -- Assuming they're also melee users. If they're using a bow it will just turn into a chase/kite match where there probably would never be a victor -- and I can't picture it shining while trying to do anything else in particular with it...

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It's really funny that you completely miss understand my build.


So I will try do explain you that build:


First it isn't a Dps build your target is in no way to dish out huge amounts of dmg.

Your target is to annoy people to keep them for doing what they are supposed to do.

That means if you are able to force someone to attack you, you win.


I mentioned it in my build but you seem to ingnore it.

The "main" attack of my build will be my "normal" attacks.

That's why it isn't a problem for me to you have lot's of magicka skills on my S&S bar because I will just use them very thoughtful.




A few other things:


What you don't seem to understand is that you use DK Standard not for the dmg but for the healing reduction.

Jumping over walls with DragonLeap sounds great but when you don't have a whole group with you will just die.

It's a nice skill but absolutely useless for my sort of build.


Kiting? You really think that anyone would be able to just kite my with this build? This build is not kiteable. You have Immoveable which ignores most CC's and you have Fiery Grip which helps you against the rest of CC. And keep in mind if someone would just play hit and run with me I ignore it because I'm tanky as hell and my target is to be attacked.


Spell Resistance? You really think that Defensive Posture would change anything? Pls think about and you will quickly realize that it won't.

And like I explained twice the DK has quite a lot of Spell Resistance.

If you don't believe me just watch

at 1:00 you see that the DK in heavy armor has more Spell Resistance than Armor.

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It's really funny that you completely miss understand my build.


So I will try do explain you that build:


First it isn't a Dps build your target is in no way to dish out huge amounts of dmg.

Your target is to annoy people to keep them for doing what they are supposed to do.

That means if you are able to force someone to attack you, you win.


I mentioned it in my build but you seem to ingnore it.

The "main" attack of my build will be my "normal" attacks.

That's why it isn't a problem for me to you have lot's of magicka skills on my S&S bar because I will just use them very thoughtful.




A few other things:


What you don't seem to understand is that you use DK Standard not for the dmg but for the healing reduction.

Jumping over walls with DragonLeap sounds great but when you don't have a whole group with you will just die.

It's a nice skill but absolutely useless for my sort of build.


Kiting? You really think that anyone would be able to just kite my with this build? This build is not kiteable. You have Immoveable which ignores most CC's and you have Fiery Grip which helps you against the rest of CC. And keep in mind if someone would just play hit and run with me I ignore it because I'm tanky as hell and my target is to be attacked.


Spell Resistance? You really think that Defensive Posture would change anything? Pls think about and you will quickly realize that it won't.

And like I explained twice the DK has quite a lot of Spell Resistance.

If you don't believe me just watch

at 1:00 you see that the DK in heavy armor has more Spell Resistance than Armor.


I know DK standard's better for your build, but it wasn't the better choice with the changes I made.


You have lower resources and you think that you won't be kiteable because you have the most expensive gap-closer in the game on your bar? Good luck. Immovable will help in a lot of situations, but in some I don't think it will. "KB and disabling effects" -- what does that exactly entail? Will it help against all roots, snares, incapacitates, stuns, blinds, and fears? I don't think it will help against roots, snares, blinds, or fears, (just stuns and incapacitates) but we'll have to wait and see on that.


That's really interesting about him having more Res than AR, for some reason I felt that Heavy wouldn't have Res on it. This changes a lot about my thoughts on heavy armor, thanks for showing me that. Before, I ignored it when you said that if you can force someone to attack you, you win, because I found it ridiculous because I thought that if a mage attacked you, you'd die considering you're enchanted for DPS. Now, I'm unsure of what I think of your build because while I still feel like it's unfocused I think it might work out pretty well. I do think that balancing resources on your S&S bar will help it more than hurt it, but it's still okay.


Being able to reflect spells would definitely increase your magic mitigation, but it doesn't matter anymore.... I need to go rethink a lot of things about my own builds now. Heavy Armor just started looking much much better again, like it did initially for me.


Gah, man, this changes everything...seriously, see you in like a week when I get done evaluating all of the builds I've ever made.

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As far as I know Immoveable protects you against effects like, knockback, stuns, off balance, disoriented but doesn't help you against roots or slows.


Yeah, you're right. Fear/Blind don't make sense (to me) to be negated, but they probably will be.


Edit: Just stumbled on this- "disabled target (stunned/immobilized/disoriented/silenced)"


wtf's up with my font? Haha, oh well


It looks like it applies to those + KB. So maybe blind/fear will still affect? Maybe not, because they may fall under disorients..but then again, some tooltips clearly state "disorient" so it's probably different--Blind is for sure, I think Blind just increases miss chance by 50%..which is actually pretty badass, especially on a single-target nb bar with DW/Medium for Sparks+Blur+Evasion = rarely get hit.

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Heavy armor increases power with melee attacks ( juggernaut which actually gives u x3,5 power more than molten weapons if u are casting it)as well. It could mean that dps in heavy can push numbers as well as on other side medium. Perhaps heavy armor when u use 2H can make similar damage to medium armor when using 2 w. That can be math as well.

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Yeah, what irons said. When it comes to physical DPS there's no way that heavy can outperform medium for any period of time.


Perhaps if you're a khajiit NB with capped crit, the attack speed will make less of a difference for the initial burst--a heavy user would have to just straight up spam something like uppercuts followed by reverse slashes for it to be similar to the medium armor spamming the same thing... but even then, only for a very very short period.

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You will dish out more dmg with medium armor than with heavy.heavy armor:3.5% more powermedium armor:21% higher crit rate10% higher attack speedand you have more stamina regBut abilities like Molten Weapons and Momentum will increase your dmg.

actually heavy armor ( 7 pcs ) is 7 % not 3.5 %.

What i am saying is that crit and haste may be beneficial to DW and power to 2H. Math like that u had in WOW for example. 

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We should make a thread were we post our 'if i were the emperor build's' lol!


Although I think we'll probably only get the passives (which are nice) some cool abilities would be stuff like:


1) Big ranged AOE DPS that also slows the targets by 75%.

2) Reduces damage taken by 50% and increases your health by 50% passive.

3) Move 100% faster while stealthed, stealth-moving costs no stamina, and you stay invisible for 5 seconds after coming out of stealth.

4) Huge single-target melee-ranged nuke.

5) 30m radius AOE nuke-heal (that heals yourself for 2x the regular heal).

Ult) Medium cost ult that instantly kills the 2 closest targets to you.


Or, simply


1-6) Spirit Emperor- Whoever you look at dies, friend or foe, and you are invulnerable to everything except for single-target melee-ranged DPS...your health regen is +1000%. Good luck bitches! Haha

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actually heavy armor ( 7 pcs ) is 7 % not 3.5 %.

What i am saying is that crit and haste may be beneficial to DW and power to 2H. Math like that u had in WOW for example. 


I hear you, but I don't think it's enough to outperform medium armor in DPS.


Also, I think that weapon power would be more beneficial to DW because if it's a flat # then each hit would do more damage, the faster the attack speed the better.


If it's % of weapon damage, or standardized to a specific multiplier for each weapon type (like WoW is now) then it wouldn't matter though...and I reckon it probably is, so it's a nice thought but probably not likely to work out.


As much as I wish there were little things like that to give math-folks some additional advantage, I also hope that they don't have it to keep the skill curve at least down a little bit..it's already looking to be huge.

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