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The Chat Room Returns, Cyber Monday Deal


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For those of you who have been clawing your eyes out over our inability to use the chat room over the past couple months, there's good news! I've renewed our deal with the third-party that hosts the server it uses, so it's back up and ready to go!


In addition to that, I've created a coupon code ( ELSWEYR ) that you can use for $0.99 premium membership (1 month) for the whole week; that's 50% less than the usual $2.00. All proceeds help greatly in funding this money-sink website.


Of course, hardly anyone ever takes advantage of these deals or premium membership... But one of these days... someone will!


And you?




Posted Image


... You will be jelly.


So there is your ElderSouls.com Cyber Monday celebration.


Anyways, carry on. 

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Most of you spend more than that buying one-day memberships to porn sites. We may not have porn but we do have Blake...


I figured if I spend more on a can of pop; yes, pop. I can afford to pay for a month of premium


You are a gentleman and a scholar. This man deserves my measly +1.


Side note: We did, at one point, actually have an "18+" premium-only forum. It was sort of a tongue-in-cheek joke until Brad hit it up. :lol:

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