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Negative Reactions - Any Truth to Them?

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I personally haven't been involved in any beta events, so the following negative reactions scare me.


The game is legitimately worse than Skyrim. I don't mind being banned from the Beta and any future tests so if anyone wants I can give a play-by-play. I don't mind getting banned because it's so bad I wont ever play it.


Calling ESO an MMO is hilarious. It's not Massive, it's not Multiplayer, and fuck, without the other two it could do without being Online. It's super-mega-instanced(Even for an instanced game it's super instanced, like, 5x worse than Skyrim instanced), graphics are meh, combat is clicky-clicky like Skyrim but more clunky and with less depth(THAN SKRYIM), 5 hotbar abilities(lol console)...


A friend of my put it succinctly;




From what I've seen in videos (official and third-party), it doesn't seem as bad as the above indicates. But, again, I've never actually played the pre-release product so I can't exactly refute this guy's complaints.


Someone talk me down from the ledge.

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I just finished the beta session for this weekend. I can say, without any reservation what-so-ever that I was blown away by the game. I played Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind. I played WoW at a professional level. I've played a lot of varying games of varying genres in-between. I was simply blown away.


ESO looked gorgeous. Yes, there were plenty of bugs, but that's why it was a beta test. We were there testing content and reporting bugs. More often than not, glaring issues were quickly fixed. I had an amazingly positive experience this weekend not only with the game but the community online as well. People were helpful. They grouped up. And most importantly, the rampant immaturity was kept to a minimum.


Put simply, it was wholly refreshing. I can comfortably say, if I could purchase and install the game right now, in beta with the bugs and all, I wouldn't hesitate for a second. The only negative review I can give is that the beta session happened to fall on a weekend I was scheduled to work.



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I just finished the beta session for this weekend. I can say, without any reservation what-so-ever that I was blown away by the game. I played Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind. I played WoW at a professional level. I've played a lot of varying games of varying genres in-between. I was simply blown away.


ESO looked gorgeous. Yes, there were plenty of bugs, but that's why it was a beta test. We were there testing content and reporting bugs. More often than not, glaring issues were quickly fixed. I had an amazingly positive experience this weekend not only with the game but the community online as well. People were helpful. They grouped up. And most importantly, the rampant immaturity was kept to a minimum.


Put simply, it was wholly refreshing. I can comfortably say, if I could purchase and install the game right now, in beta with the bugs and all, I wouldn't hesitate for a second. The only negative review I can give is that the beta session happened to fall on a weekend I was scheduled to work.




Thank you for posting this. It's good to hear an overwhelmingly positive experience when there's pessimism from months of very limited news.

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Sure thing. I can't go into serious details, as I'm looking forward to the next beta invite (hopefully), but I think it is safe to say they are pretty far along with the game and it will be awesome. The whole experience felt eerily reminiscant of an Elder Scrolls game with the added complexity of an online community experience. While I played solo most of the time, a group was welcome and helpful. Additionally, there were plenty of people running around in public dungeons and we all helped out to blow through the content. Solo or group, the choice will really be up to you.


If you have questions, I'll try to answer what I can. But keep the faith man. It is and will continue to be, awesome




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I personally haven't been involved in any beta events, so the following negative reactions scare me.



From what I've seen in videos (official and third-party), it doesn't seem as bad as the above indicates. But, again, I've never actually played the pre-release product so I can't exactly refute this guy's complaints.


Someone talk me down from the ledge.


I think ESO will have a lot of negative backlash from two camps of people, what's funny is that they are very bi-polar. On one hand you have guys like you qouted, who expect nothing but a full open world with 50 skill slots to use their Razer Naga, PvP anywhere and what not - I wouldn't put too much weight to those, GW2 and to some degree DIablo 3 has paved a way.


On the other hand, I've seen a guy on youtube saying it's the biggest disappointment of his life precisely because it was an MMO and he was expecting it to be Skyrim but with multiplayer, I believe terms like "more single player oriented" was used and the mere presence of an action bar was a disgrace. I kind of understand where they are coming from, but anyone who spent 15 minutes on some research before playing the game would know this is an MMO, so complaining that an MMO is an MMO is really kind of futile.


Bottom line is: if someone's expectations aren't met by the game, it doesn't have to be the game's fault. And it doesn't mean they had too high expectations either, they could just have different expectations, if that makes sense?


I've downloaded some 30 youtube videos over the weekend, so while I haven't got to play the game, I pretty much know the prologue by heart now, and the game looks really good, with still few months to release I'm calm. It really is impossible for me to say whether I'm going to play it for years as that depends on endgame and how they roll out content, but I'm definitely going to level to the cap and get myself suited and geared and farm enough to make my desired build complete with all the passives and what not.

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Guest Rastafariel

Im very optimistic. Read my post for what I would add to the game BUT, upon much contemplation, I think they have done a decently good job of merging TES w/ MMO.Ive playwd MMOs since 1998 and RPd since 1982... so I like both and have a solid idea about what both are and have been.Im almost definqtely getting the game. The only thing Im worried about is the new playr mentality about Plvling to Max and then RPing or AvAvA or whatever. The most fun for me will be in the journey. Exploring abd RPing with a small group of friends.Finding people to do that with will be difficult with todays mentality.

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