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The Sorcerer Thread


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  On 1/29/2014 at 4:45 AM, ConfusionSwag said:

Sweet, is there a penalty for swapping weapons in combat or does it just take a while? Also, with things like pet summons that last a while, can I cast it from one set of hot bars then switch to the next without losing the pet?

I doubt toggled spells would be allowed to stay. Then one hotbar could be the 2 pets and bound armor and you'd basically have 3 more abilities than everyone else.
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Guest Valdemarsh

I used Volatile Familiar Morph in test. Damage not really significant, stun significant - while monsters in stun you can resummon it (stun not as long as you need to do it completly, but ~1/2 of time while you use ability+familiar appear)

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Guest yosherl

Heya Folks !


first of all, sorry for my english, I'm not a native speaker.But it should be understandable :-)


I could play on the last 2 beta WE's and I think the game could be really great. But there are many things they have to do.. its still a long way to go..


Now to my Sorc: I hit the lvl 23 PvE and Rank 6 PvP.


Like the PvP much, but my sorc's sucks hard there -_-


What I've tried:

Classical Sorc with Destruction Staff and Healing Staff. (Light armored)

Battlemage with 2H and and Healing Staff (Mostly heavy armor)


I would like to play a Sorc with Light armor and with a Staff for Range DD. But the damage is quite too low from my point.

For a knock down you need ~ 2 seconds cast time, 1 sec for casting and 1 sec for the animation of the skill (flying)

Damage is ok, but takes really long time and your enemy can easily evade.


Then you have the Bolt from the Sky, think its called Mage's fury... Instant cast with low damage and huge Magicka comsume.

To kill a enemy with only this skill you have to use it up to 10-15 times oO


Inner Light grants you 17% krit damage... never saw that this happen..


Then you have this Shield from the SC tree. Nice Buff but at the end I died with that as well. You cant use much dmg skills (cause you need all of them!) and keep that shield always up. Your Magicka drops as fast as hell even if you wear light armor.


Try the active spell from the light armor as well, but dont helps much against Bow or Melee's.

Skills from the Destruction Staff are nearly useless in PvP from my view...


Lost nearly every 1on1 Situation with such a build and this is really annoying.



With a Battlemage and 2x 2H what to do in a raid situation at a castle ? You are not able to jump in the raid and kill a guy and jump back, are you ?


Can me help any1 out ? Would like to play a Sorc, but with end of this beta I dont know what to do :-(





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Biremes if u want to stay ranged and use a bow you should use a nightblade for max dps or templar for max survability, sorcerer its overall a very bad class,believe me....but if u really want to be a sorcerer use surge to increase your damage with the morph to heal on crit and bolt escape/lightning form to survive

Yosherl sorc its a bad class in pvp,if u really want to use it u have to use the destro staff and focus on the destro staff(FIRE) spells that are actually very good, you can simply use weakness to elements and spam force shock to kill people,and use destructive touch if they get close. Sorcerer spells cant really help you much,you can only use bolt escape-lightning form for survability and daedric curse for some aoe dmg,but they cost a lot and other classes have way better spells in their arsenal

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Guest yosherl

yeah Refunds have the same experiance made :(


But why are the sorc such bad in pvp ? Do you see any chance of improvment there ? Maybe they change something ? Or is it better in a higher level ?

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Tested the 2h sorc with curse, mages fury, charge and lightning form.

went pretty well in PvP.

I skilled full HP and abit Stam, also had full HA.


Things i still have to test next beta:

-Does overload still count as an melee attack, when a 2h is equipt?

-does the magicka reg from mages fury morph and overload morph not scale in PvP?

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  On 2/11/2014 at 2:38 PM, Rally said:

Tested the 2h sorc with curse, mages fury, charge and lightning form.

went pretty well in PvP.

I skilled full HP and abit Stam, also had full HA.


Things i still have to test next beta:

-Does overload still count as an melee attack, when a 2h is equipt?

-does the magicka reg from mages fury morph and overload morph not scale in PvP?

Tested about he same build in light armor mostly:

- mages fury

- lightning form

- critical charge (2hand)

- overload of course

(will try with reverse slash when i can unlock it)


It would seem, regarding my experience, that overload really switch basic attack into a magika spell  (damage range of the weapon did not change the damage of my overloaded normal/heavy attack)


i'm still trying to figure out how to maximise efficiency of this build, maxing magika or endurance, balancing between the 3 stats not to be too squishy.

Lightning form seems to offers a nice survivability and escape (even if it did not properly displayed the armor buff)

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Is there a reason crystal shard never seems to be used?  I know it has a cast time  but high damage + knockdown seems nice... It seems though the morph proc was broken and I never got an insta cast last round of beta.

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Guest yosherl

with this build:

- mages fury

- lightning form

- critical charge (2hand)

- overload of course


You have 0 CC. If there is a guy with 2 CC's your are dead without doing anything. My opinion.

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First of all in the last beta it didn't matter what armor you wear you allways had the same amount armor same goes for attribute points.

My PvE sorc was close to 1k mana and my lvl 50 pvp char had 1200 a little bit more than normal because of the race passive.

Next thing in this beta there was often a delay of 5s which makes it unplayable with any class.

The sorc is actually really good for PvP if you build him the right way.

He might not be strong in 1vs1 fights but most fights are zerg vs zerg and there the Sorc is great.

And if you really want to play a Sorc for 1vs1 than i would suggest you playing a Scout.

Which uses sword and shield + bow with medium armor and uses lightning form and bolt escape for the mobility.

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I agree irons, although I think restoration staff + melee weapon is the strongest 1on1 build for sorc. Sorc is kinda weak on self healing (although havent tested daedric mines) and needs some way to sustain his health. Medium armor is a good choice because surge crits heal, so stacking crit is awesome for a melee sorc who wants self healing. resto staff bar needs entropy, regeneration, surge, and maybe force siphon. This allows the sorc to sustain himself and win a 1on1.


Update: I just found a HUGE self healing synergy. Surge is insane self healing on a 2 handed crit build with full medium armor. Crit charge hits like a truck and surge turns it into a massive self heal too! Pretty insane.

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I had tons of fun with my melee Sorc. I pretty much skimped out on any mana and went hard with Stamina. Critical Charge stunlock was intense. With the morph you'd critchargestunheavyattack rinse and repeat until Reverse Slash. I crafted swords and improved them to devastating effect. All in all though, it's a shit show when it comes to pvp, feels a lot like GW2 except I felt a lot deadlier in GW2. It was a lagg beta, I look forward to the next one. I did feel powerful, but unless I got someone singled out by myself, it was whoever hit their button at the right time secured the kill. Life's good, melee Sorc was great in PvP and PvE.

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  On 2/12/2014 at 7:06 AM, CanisPanther said:

I had tons of fun with my melee Sorc. I pretty much skimped out on any mana and went hard with Stamina. Critical Charge stunlock was intense. With the morph you'd critchargestunheavyattack rinse and repeat until Reverse Slash. I crafted swords and improved them to devastating effect. All in all though, it's a shit show when it comes to pvp, feels a lot like GW2 except I felt a lot deadlier in GW2. It was a lagg beta, I look forward to the next one. I did feel powerful, but unless I got someone singled out by myself, it was whoever hit their button at the right time secured the kill. Life's good, melee Sorc was great in PvP and PvE.

Almost did the same, but i could cast deadric curse and mages fury way earlier, b4 i was inrange for critcharge. Then the target was charged by me and another partymember to instagib them most of the time. Life's good :D

Will be even better once i can prebuff with Surge.

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My sorc build felt really strong in PvP when I switched to resto staff in both large group and 1v1 situations


I used:

All light armor w/ resto staff (1/2 health 1/2 magic distribution)

Mages fury

Daedric Curse


Grand Healing


Storm Atronauch


1v1: Always having regen up heals a ton and if you can just run around in your grand healing circle you're very hard to kill. Daedric curse is incredible efficient damage per mana (used shorter duration morph) used and encase is sooooo unfair against melee (used extended snare morph).  I'm sure everyone was playing really bad and suboptimal but the heals and daedric curse out attritioned ranged characters and encase was so good against melee characters I felt really op.


large scale pvp was kind of a shit show but the heals worked well to support ppl using siege equipment and daedric curse is great for poking


overall when I switched to resto staff I felt like I was doing more damage, moving faster through content and more valuable to groups.  I will definitely use a resto staff at launch with my sorc.  Maybe I was just using them wrong but the destro staff skills seemed garbage and the attacks didn't seem like they did more damage than resto staff

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  On 2/12/2014 at 8:20 PM, Earl Grey said:

My sorc build felt really strong in PvP when I switched to resto staff in both large group and 1v1 situations


I used:

All light armor w/ resto staff (1/2 health 1/2 magic distribution)

Mages fury

Daedric Curse


Grand Healing


Storm Atronauch


1v1: Always having regen up heals a ton and if you can just run around in your grand healing circle you're very hard to kill. Daedric curse is incredible efficient damage per mana (used shorter duration morph) used and encase is sooooo unfair against melee (used extended snare morph).  I'm sure everyone was playing really bad and suboptimal but the heals and daedric curse out attritioned ranged characters and encase was so good against melee characters I felt really op.


large scale pvp was kind of a shit show but the heals worked well to support ppl using siege equipment and daedric curse is great for poking


overall when I switched to resto staff I felt like I was doing more damage, moving faster through content and more valuable to groups.  I will definitely use a resto staff at launch with my sorc.  Maybe I was just using them wrong but the destro staff skills seemed garbage and the attacks didn't seem like they did more damage than resto staff


Seems like this would be better if you put Winged Twilight in instead of Mage's Fury and move than to an execution bar.  The extra Mana Regen and DPS would help a ton in longer battles.

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  On 2/12/2014 at 9:18 PM, drock said:

Seems like this would be better if you put Winged Twilight in instead of Mage's Fury and move than to an execution bar.  The extra Mana Regen and DPS would help a ton in longer battles.


That was just my experience with the last beta.  I didn't have the  winged twighlight abilitie but mages fury was just good for tagging people in larger battles to get more player kills.  I'm sure there are plenty of things i could have tuned to be better and same with the people i faced for instance melee nightblades seemed really underpowered but i'm sure they could be built more effectively

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