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The Sorcerer Thread


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Canis, you got me thinking. Surge + Momentum is probably going to be quite a lot of bonus damage. You are on to something here, and I think I came up with a solution to get the best out of both of our builds. Just drop our ranged bar 2 and use two 2 handed bars, one main bar and one that you can switch to rapidly to activate momentum and surge then switch back. Here is the build:


PVP Battlemage
5 Light Armor 2 Heavy Armor
25 Magicka
0 Health
25 Stamina
High Elf or Redguard
Potion: Health 
Try to balance stats to keep from getting the overcharged debuff which causes diminishing returns. Balance magicka and stamina regen, and avoid health regen since you aren't a tank. You have no heals or any way to recover health, so health potions are your potion of choice.
Critical Charge 
Daedric Curse Lightning Form
Bolt Escape
Ultimate: Overload, Highborn, or Power Charge
2H Bar 2
Lightning Form
Bolt Escape
Ultimate: Overload, Highborn, or Power Charge
Activate Immovable and lightning form and keep both of them up permanently. Curse your enemy, then charge and start using your 2 handed basic attacks. Use bolt escape to stun and create a spell absorbing defense when needed, and then charge right back in. Switch to bar 2 to activate surge and momentum for longer fights, then switch right back to bar 1 as fast as possible. Use overload to recover mana. Remember, daedric curse is 28meter range so you can still harass people from range if charging in isnt going to be safe.
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I like it because now we can keep up a DoT, and 17 seconds of melee damage. This is solid, we won't need a finisher because we are the finisher. I'm sure there's room to play around with the armor, but we will be a raging shit storm with an uncanny ability to apply ourselves feverishly to our target. I think I may agree with you. And Lightening Form + Immovanle is the new OP. It might seem a little overkill with two bar setups almost identical, but it's the best way to keep up our desired damage output without without ever missing a beat. I'd almost drop our Racial on the buff bar since it'll be something else that transfers over.A typical engagement in our favor would look something like OffensiveMomentum-Immovable-Lightening Form-Surge-Switch Bars-Critical Charge-Daedric Curse-Melee-Reapply DoT & Buffs As NeededDefensiveImmovable-Lightening Form-Momentum-Bolt Escape Into Critical Charge Distance-Surge-Critical Charge-Daedric Curse-Melee-Reapply DoT & Buffs As NeededUnless we can afford to face tank and forego a Critical Charge. Of course evey situation will be different but it's all music in my head at this point. A really mean Sorcerer build.BTW, we want to buff up Inbetween Momentum and Surge because in order to min/max the capabilities, you want to wait 3 seconds to squeeze all the damage potential out of the combo, seeing as how Momentum is a 20 second buff that increases 2% every 2 seconds, and Surge is a flat damage buff that lasts 17 seconds.

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Nevermind Slaughter and Ruffian only effect DW skills...


A similar build i was going to try out next beta:

The only thing i wanted to test in PvP was DW Mage's Fury, But the idea to use a 2h aswell was nice guys.



LA/HA 5/2 or MA/HA 5/2 depends on how good the + attackspeed is



Twin Slashes

Mage's Fury

Lightning Form








Daedric Curse

Critical Charge

Bolt Escape

Negate Magic


The main goal was to abuse the dmg increase to targets under 25% HP.

When the Target drops under 20% HP, has Mage's Fury on him and is Immobilized by Encase, that's 14%critchance and 36% more dmg (Exploitation, Slaughter and Ruffian)
One might be able to Immobilize the enemy right before Deadric Curse.

The manareg on Overload with DW should be pretty solid.



No capcloser in Bar#1, but 30%ms from Lightning From and a slow on Twin Slashes.

I would like some PvP skill in there somewhere to make use of those awesome passivs. (Maybe Rapid in #2 and Catrops in #1, dunno)

No Bolt Escape in Bar#1...

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I like it because now we can keep up a DoT, and 17 seconds of melee damage. This is solid, we won't need a finisher because we are the finisher. I'm sure there's room to play around with the armor, but we will be a raging shit storm with an uncanny ability to apply ourselves feverishly to our target. I think I may agree with you. And Lightening Form + Immovanle is the new OP. It might seem a little overkill with two bar setups almost identical, but it's the best way to keep up our desired damage output without without ever missing a beat. I'd almost drop our Racial on the buff bar since it'll be something else that transfers over.A typical engagement in our favor would look something likeOffensiveMomentum-Immovable-Lightening Form-Surge-Switch Bars-Critical Charge-Daedric Curse-Melee-Reapply DoT & Buffs As NeededDefensiveImmovable-Lightening Form-Momentum-Bolt Escape Into Critical Charge Distance-Surge-Critical Charge-Daedric Curse-Melee-Reapply DoT & Buffs As NeededUnless we can afford to face tank and forego a Critical Charge. Of course evey situation will be different but it's all music in my head at this point. A really mean Sorcerer build.BTW, we want to buff up Inbetween Momentum and Surge because in order to min/max the capabilities, you want to wait 3 seconds to squeeze all the damage potential out of the combo, seeing as how Momentum is a 20 second buff that increases 2% every 2 seconds, and Surge is a flat damage buff that lasts 17 seconds.


Looks good. A few things I want to mention: Daedric Curse is 28m range so it will probably be worth casting before critical charge which is 22m range. Second, this class should be excellent, but there is no way to sustain the rotation mentioned. I don't think its possible to regenerate the amount of mana and stamina to keep all buffs on. If we make it through the rotation once, we are lucky. Once out of mana and stamina, I think priority goes to keeping immovable and lightning form on and staying on target with our gap closers and basic attacks.

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Looks good. A few things I want to mention: Daedric Curse is 28m range so it will probably be worth casting before critical charge which is 22m range. Second, this class should be excellent, but there is no way to sustain the rotation mentioned. I don't think its possible to regenerate the amount of mana and stamina to keep all buffs on. If we make it through the rotation once, we are lucky. Once out of mana and stamina, I think priority goes to keeping immovable and lightning form on and staying on target with our gap closers and basic attacks.

Hopefully in one rotation we've done enough to decide whether we've won or lost and that'll determin our next move. Yeah, it's resource intensive, and without health, we're relying on those resources to keep us up.
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I have improved the build further with a few important adjustments.


2 Hand PVP Battlemage

5 Medium / 2 Heavy or 6 Medium / 1 Heavy or 4 Medium / 3 Heavy or 7 Medium depending how set bonuses work 

25 Magicka

0   Health

25 Stamina


Potion: Health


Gear for weapon power. Keep magicka and stamina regen balanced for pvp so that you run out of both at around the same time and also avoid the overcharge debuff. Don't gear for regen, gear for power. Your potion of choice is health because sorcerror have no self healing, and because you have other ways to regain stamina (adrenaline rush) and mana (overload)


Enchant weapon for frost so you have a snare (stay on target with 2 gap closers, the 2 sec immobilize morph on critical charge, and the 30% run speed on lightning form). 



Primary Bar


Bolt Escape

Critical Charge

Lightning Form

Bound Armor

One Flexible Skill Choice: Immovable or Momentum or Evasion or Winged Twilight or Daedric Curse or Mages Fury or Reverse Slash 

Ultimate: Barrier or Overload or Power Charge or War Horn


Buff Bar: Only use this bar to activate key abilities, then switch back to primary bar. Your second weapon is also a 2 hander, unless you took momentum on your primary bar which would allow you to equip a bow secondary and have a ranged option.



Momentum or Bow Skill

Rapid Maneuver

Bound Armor

One Flexible Skill Choice: Encase or Purge or Winged Twilight or Daedric Curse or Mages Fury or Reverse Slash or Bow Skill

Ultimate: Barrier or Overload or Power Charge or War Horn


You should always be using your primary bar. The buff bar is only to be used before a battle to buff yourself for the fight, or rapidly mid-battle buff yourself within a fight.


You get the opener: First summon bound armor and keep it activated. Then cast warhorn for 25% more magicka and stamina, and then buff yourself with momentum and surge. Switch to primary bar and activate immovable. Critical charge at the enemy and then activate lightning form. From here go to town with basic attacks. Use bolt escape to stun them and block a spell, and then critical charge back in. Reactivate immovable and lightning form as needed. Use encase or purge when appropriate.


You give them the opener: Be in your primary bar with your bound armor on, and use out of combat regeneration to keep immovable and lightning form up permanently. Wait for a stealthed enemy to engage you. As soon as they engage, you will be immune to their stun, now critical charge them if they are at range or bolt escape into a critical charge if they are at melee range. As soon as they are immobilized by critical charge, quickly change bars and activate surge and momentum, then switch back to primary bar. Reactivate immovable and lightning form as needed. Use encase or purge when appropriate.


You are caught unprepared, in a bad position (dragon knight fiery grips you in a group battle), or in an unfair fight (1on2, 1onX) and need to escape: Break their stun, then bolt escape and switch to the buff bar. Activate rapid maneuvers and run away while using bolt escape as needed. Try to get to teamates or to friendly NPC's or far enough away to mount up. 

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I have improved the build further with a few important adjustments.Primary BarBolt EscapeCritical ChargeLightning FormWinged Twilight or Daedric CurseImmovableOverload or Power ChargeBuff Bar: Only use this bar to activate key abilities, then switch back to primary bar.Bolt EscapeMomentumSurgeWinged Twilight or Daedric CurseRapid ManeuverWarhornYou should always be using your primary bar. The buff bar is only to be used before a battle to buff yourself for the fight, or rapidly mid-battle buff yourself within a fight.You get the opener: First summon your minion if you are going to use it instead of Daedric Curse. Then cast warhorn for 25% more magicka and stamina, and then buff yourself with momentum and surge. Switch to primary bar and activate immovable. Critical charge at the enemy and then activate lightning form. From here go to town with basic attacks. Use bolt escape if you need to stun them or block a spell, and then critical charge back in. Reactivate immovable and lightning form as needed.You give them the opener: Be in your primary bar with your summon out, and use out of combat regeneration to keep immovable and lightning form up permanently. Wait for a stealthed enemy to engage you. As soon as they engage, you will be immune to their stun, now critical charge them if they are at range or bolt escape into a critical charge if they are at melee range. As soon as they are immobilized by critical charge, quickly change bars and activate surge and momentum, then switch back to primary bar. Reactivate immovable and lightning form as needed.You are caught unprepared, in a bad position (dragon knight fiery grips you in a group battle), or in an unfair fight (1on2, 1onX) and need to escape: Break their stun, then bolt escape and switch to the buff bar. Activate rapid maneuvers and run away while using bolt escape as needed. Try to get to teamates or to friendly NPC's or far enough away to mount up.

Man Warhorn is a chunk of change, it'd also have to restore ST/MP to really get a bang for my buck. Highborn would almost be better because you're getting a garunteed resource. I don't know, I do dig the buff bar though, a well rounded array of buffs, and bound to make people rage with Rapid Maneuver and Bolt Escape. Bide your time in safe territory before you strike again. Hopefully our opener is enough to close the deal sooner than later because we weaken if someone can outlast our resources, thank God we only pick on squishes. :P Still thinking Medium/Heavy armor is the way to go seeing as how we've become a more focused single target bezerkr. I can't wait for beta to put the training shoes on this build.
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Im sure warhorn also adds the filler magicka/stamina when it raises your max amounts, and keeps you at the same ratio. So if you are at 100% then you will be at 100% with the new max. So it essentially gives you 25% magicka and stamina for 30 seconds. You are also very correct about medium armor being best for this build.


Also I made one more change to the build. I think bound armor is going to be the best summon for this build for a few reasons. First, it is a permanent toggle, thus lowering our in combat mana useage and making us more efficient. Second, our character is very squishy once immovable and lightning form fall off. If we run out of stamina and magicka, we will be easy to kill. Bound armor makes us significantly more resistant to damage when our buffs are not on. It also has a morph for 25% more armor, which synergizes extremely well with both immovable and lightning form. This ability is a no brainer. So now, all our resources go towards the following.


Priority 1:

Critical Charge and Bolt Escape to stay on target, out maneuver the enemy, or get away.


Priority 2:

Immovable and Lightning Form to become immune to CC and be able to absorb large amounts of damage, and have a speed boost


Priority 3:

Momentum and Surge to maintain extremely high weapon DPS


The class is now complete, and focused. I updated the build 2 posts above with the changes.

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Bound Armor is interesting to me because it lacks definition. I say this because with the Morph, it says "+25%" to armor, what it doesn't say is if it's a bonus to overall armor or just the armor bonus from the ability itself. Say Rank 3 of Bound Armor is 33 armor, that's a little over 7.5 extra armor. Now, if it applies to overall armor, obviously this move is much better. Of course, you know me, you say Bound Armor and I Immediately look at the damage bonus it gives, 8% isn't the best until we: a. Rank it up. b. Find higher damaging weapons. Oh man, the possibilities to max out melee damage are endless with a Sorcerer.

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We don't know exactly how the morphs on bound armor work so it's hard to say which is better right now. The description on this site says the damage bonus is to heavy attacks. If heavy attacks prove to be very useful in pvp, then that may very well be the better morph. Especially considering that the armor bonus may not effect your total armor and just the armor given from bound armor.


I made a few more final adjustments to the build to give it some flexibility


-Barrier is an option as an ultimate because just slotting the ability gives you +10% magicka regeneration, which is huge! A damage shield is always useful in pvp as well. Also, racial ultimates like power charge may have been removed.


-I turned immovable into a flexible skill choice instead. Now that we are in medium armor, and bound armor, and lightning form, immovable is not an absolute must have. We still have our free CC break as well, and not taking immovable would allow us to go 7/7 medium armor and open a skill choice. It is hard to say, immovable may still be the best choice out there, but now we have many more options to explore. This flexible skill choice allows the build to adjust to different circumstances and play styles.


-If you take momentum as your flexible skill choice in bar 1, you now don't need a 2 hander equipped for bar 2 and can use a bow to give yourself a ranged option.


Here is the variant of the build, having a bow as secondary.


2H Bar


Bolt Escape

Critical Charge

Lightning Form

Bound Armor


Overload or Power Charge or Barrier


Ranged Bar


Bolt Escape

Poison Arrow or Snipe


Bound Armor


Overload or Power Charge or Barrier


You can activate surge and then snipe from range, and use encase and bolt escape to maintain range as needed. Once you decide to melee (which might be right away) just switch to the 2 hand bar, use momentum, and charge in. Then activate lightning form and go to town.

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with 6 medium and 1 heavy you will be very good at stealth. and wielding a physical weapon let you open up with a sneak attack (easy enough with a bow sneak attack from your secondary bar, but with 6 medium you might even get close enough to land a 2h sneak attack without too much trouble).


the telegraph for heavy attacks is pretty obvious and can be blocked quite easy - and that will set you off balance. very dangerous to use in a 1v1 situation. i'd imagine that the best way to use heavy attack in PvP is to exploit when a target in off balance state (which will knock him down). might also be useful on a target that is distracted (like fighting someone else) or possible right after a CC (a ranged heavy attack right after a bolt escape or after opening up with a sneak attack).

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with 6 medium and 1 heavy you will be very good at stealth. and wielding a physical weapon let you open up with a sneak attack (easy enough with a bow sneak attack from your secondary bar, but with 6 medium you might even get close enough to land a 2h sneak attack without too much trouble).


the telegraph for heavy attacks is pretty obvious and can be blocked quite easy - and that will set you off balance. very dangerous to use in a 1v1 situation. i'd imagine that the best way to use heavy attack in PvP is to exploit when a target in off balance state (which will knock him down). might also be useful on a target that is distracted (like fighting someone else) or possible right after a CC (a ranged heavy attack right after a bolt escape or after opening up with a sneak attack).

I noticed the same thing about heavy attacks, seems like its best to keep using light attacks, unless you land some kind of CC, then use a heavy attack. I don't think ranged heavy attacks can be blocked and reversed to offbalance you, just melee, so that might make ranged heavy attacks more useful.

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Just want to let you know that Ive updated the build to an even more powerful form. The last build we discussed is still awesome but there is one extremely important change that I made. For our ultimate we use negate magic, quite possibly the best ultimate in the game. Let me explain


Negate magic is the only offensive dispell in the game. It is also an AOE silence and its morph heals you for 12% max health and magicka for every dispell (not sure if it stacks). Not only that, but this ultimate counters EVERY other ultimate in the game. Lets say you were fighting a dragon knight and he uses magma armor. Hes now practically invulnerable for 15 seconds and you had no choice but to try to bolt escape away, and if hes good he will just fiery grip you back. With negate magic, as soon as he pops magma armor we can instantly dispell it and also gain several massive passive buffs from the dark magic tree as well as silence him for 10 seconds or force him to dodge roll out, wasting massive stamina. Negate magic is the best ultimate in the game in my opinion, but the timing of its use is critical. 


I also improved upon the old build by turning bar 2 into a dual purpose buff/execute bar. We use bar 2 to buff ourselves, then quickly switch back to bar 1. However, when the enemy gets under 50% health we cast immovable and then switch to bar 2 to finish them off. The finishing combo once they are under 50% health is mages fury, then critical charge into reverse slash spam until they get double executed from mages fury explosion + reverse slash. Its an absolute beastly buff/execute bar now. If they hit their oh shit button, you negate magic and finish them off.


Here is the updated build. I believe this melee battlemage is stronger than a range focused destruction staff sorcerror in small scale pvp, but the destruction staff ranged sorcerror is much stronger in large scale pvp where they can bombard enemies from far away with massive AOE.


Ultimate PVP 2H Melee Battlemage



6 Medium 1 Heavy

17 Magicka 

2 Health

30 Stamina


Bar 1: Primary combat bar


Bolt Escape 

Critical Charge

Lightning Form 

Free Choice: (Rapid Maneuver/Purge/Daedric Curse/Entropy/Evasion/Silver Bolts/Cleave) 


Negate Magic


Bar 2: Buff and Execution bar. Always activate immovable before switching to bar 2 



Critical Charge 

Reverse Slash 

Mages Fury 


Negate Magic or Soulstrike


I truly think this battlemage will be one of the best pvp setups in the game.

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A sorcerer passive skill says:


"Hitting an enemy with a dark magic spell heals the caster 3% (6%) of maximum health."


Does it mean: When I hit five enemies with an area of ​​effect spell, I heal 30% (5 x 6%) of my life?


And concerning "Negate Magic":

"Gain 12% health and magicka when dispell occurs"

Does it also mean: 12% per every dispell of every enemy?


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A sorcerer passive skill says:


"Hitting an enemy with a dark magic spell heals the caster 3% (6%) of maximum health."


Does it mean: When I hit five enemies with an area of ​​effect spell, I heal 30% (5 x 6%) of my life?


And concerning "Negate Magic":

"Gain 12% health and magicka when dispell occurs"

Does it also mean: 12% per every dispell of every enemy?


We can only guess for now.

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Guest ConfusionSwag

Will it be possible to tank as a sorcerer in all light armor with lightning shield on at all times? It'd be pretty sweet to tank without sinking anything into stam or having to put on heavy armor. I don't intend on going all-star dk tank. Just need something that could get by

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Will it be possible to tank as a sorcerer in all light armor with lightning shield on at all times? It'd be pretty sweet to tank without sinking anything into stam or having to put on heavy armor.I don't intend on going all-star dk tank. Just need something that could get by

Ya just use bound armor, lightning form, and if you want to wear 1 piece of heavy: immovable.

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Guest ConfusionSwag

Sweet, is there a penalty for swapping weapons in combat or does it just take a while? Also, with things like pet summons that last a while, can I cast it from one set of hot bars then switch to the next without losing the pet?

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anyone has tried the daedric mines? i wonder if u can use them as main dps spell by casting them under ppl in melee range and if its possible to hit the same targhet with all 3( morph for insta cast 3 in line)....for example using shield charge-puncture-daedric mines-bolt escape-mage fury, with high max magika and spell cost reduction it should be possible to use the mines 4-5 times, if they can hit the same targhet(and nearby) its 39 magic dmg each cast+immobilize+blood magic/exploitation 

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Guest Biremes

Hi everyone,


Trying to create a relatively balanced Stamina/Magicka using ranged DPS and kiting. I plan to distribute points into mostly Magicka with some in Stamina for survivability (More AOEs, DOTs, rolls and access to Dark Exchange) if needed (beyond passives from Bosmer and medium armor) and use pets to keep enemies at bay.


Sorcerer - Bosmer - 5 Medium Armor - 2 Light Amor (Or visa versa depending on Stamina pool)



1: Encase w/ Restraining Prison

2: Poison Arrow

3: Arrow Volley

4: Lightning Splash

5: Scatter Shot

ULTIMATE: Summon Bear


Destruction Staff

1: Conjured Ward (or Weakness of the Elements)

2: Mage's Fury

3: Fire Rune

4: Dark Exchange

5: Summon Winged Twilight



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Guest Biremes

Hi everyone,


Trying to create a relatively balanced Stamina/Magicka using ranged DPS and kiting. I plan to distribute points into mostly Magicka with some in Stamina for survivability (More AOEs, DOTs, rolls and access to Dark Exchange) if needed (beyond passives from Bosmer and medium armor) and use pets to keep enemies at bay.


Sorcerer - Bosmer - 5 Medium Armor - 2 Light Amor (Or visa versa depending on Stamina pool)



1: Encase w/ Restraining Prison

2: Poison Arrow

3: Arrow Volley

4: Lightning Splash

5: Scatter Shot

ULTIMATE: Summon Bear


Destruction Staff

1: Conjured Ward (or Weakness of the Elements)

2: Mage's Fury

3: Fire Rune

4: Dark Exchange

5: Summon Winged Twilight


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