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Altmer – Sorc – 5-6 Light 1-2 Heavy – Bow – Destro
Destro Staff – Killing from a distance

  • [*]
Dark Exchange [*]Encase [*]Surge [*]Daedric Curse [*]Mage's Fury (Updated from Lightning Splash due to damage changes)

Bow – Kiting

  • [*]
Familiar [*]Winged Twilight [*]Immovable [*]Bolt Escape [*]Encase

Ult – Negate Magic
Build summary:
Sorc's are really good at two things: Killing from a distance, and kiting. To take advantage of these advantages, I focused each bar around each thing separately.
With your bow out, you dodge-roll and get a speed increase as well as getting some + damage from a distance with bow out. The principle of the build is just to get away from fights you can't win, or being able to kill melee in 1v1 with relative ease: A melee user is going to have a gap-closer, so every time they use it you should use Bolt Escape. If they don't have Immovable active then case Encase and you're home free. If they have immovable active, then it turns into a resource war.. But, hopefully your pets give you the advantage here. A) your pets could do enough damage to eventually kill him if this guy decides to chase you too long. B) if they try to kill your pets, you turn around and start shooting at him and he'll probably get back on you. The trick is that you also need to keep immovable up or you'll be killed fast..meaning that it turns into a resource war, but I think your pets would give you a clear advantage here. I know this is a bold statement, but I don't think any melee build could actually finish you off in 1v1 if you both start with full resources...
With your desto bar it's pretty self explanatory, Surge, Daedric Curse, and then spam Lightning Splash all over the ground. This might not be the best 1v1 build against another caster, but in a group you're going to pump out sooo much damage it's ridiculous. Weakness to Elements combined with your raw damage will still probably be better than most others in 1v1 ranged vs ranged fights. The amount of damage this build pumps out in groups is absolutely ridiculous... and with Dark Exchange you are able to continuously pump it out for a long amount of time. This build is going to be exceptionally strong if you have someone on your team using things like Dark Talons or another Sorc using Encase to keep people rooted in one spot. Lightning Splash and Daedric Curse's damage is insane. Daedric Curse will be dispelled a lot, because it's that powerful against groups, but the costs them a lot more Magicka to do that then it costs you to cast it so the utilitarian view still makes it an amazing spell in group battles.
Negate Magic's self explanatory. This whole build's pretty self explanatory, it's awesome though.
5-6 light for the extra damage, 1-2 heavy for immovable and maybe a 2-piece set bonus. You'll probably want to be Altmer rather than breton for the +3% elemental damage.
Baha, this build... There's only a few things that I think could be replaced. If you don't like using pets then you could use something else but I think pets are the best choice for kiting, for both the reasons I gave above. If you don't like Curse then Mage's Fury's a good choice, if you don't like Lightning Splash then Daedric Mines is pretty chill, but Daedric Mines isn't necessary because it's more for melee, and your second bar is for melee.
It just seems like a super fun build, good for PVE too if you just rearrange your bars like this:

  • [*]
Pet [*]Pet [*]Surge [*]Lightning Splash [*]Dark Exchange


  • [*]Conjured Ward [*]
Encase [*]Bolt Escape [*]Immovable [*]Rune Prison

Ult – Storm Atronarch
The monster(s) will attack your pets and then you can annhilate them with Surge/Weakness/Lightning Splash combo of huge damage. If things get spicy then bar#2. In groups I'd even keep it the same, the pets could help the group out and with a real tank the multiple Lightning Splashes are all you need for huge damage. I doubt they stack in one area, but you can spread them between multiple monsters. Let the NB do the most single-target dmg, that's their calling, you focus on being awesome.
I really really like this build, it's balls deep. It might not be the best best build, but it seems pretty fun and it utilizes almost every aspect of the Sorc besides the tanky Lightning Form/Bound Armor/Conjured Ward type Sorc, but no matter how hard I try I can't make a good case for that build-type on a sorce..like I can't make a NB ot DK build that really shines as a ranged-only class, just doesn't work out too well. XD
Cheers! As always, let me know what I did wrong and help compile more advise for other Sorc's. :)

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Destro Staff – Killing from a distance

  • [*]
Dark Exchange [*]Weakness to Elements - If you don't like Weakness to Elements then I hear you, having Encase on this bar as well is a really good alternative. [*]Surge [*]Daedric Curse [*]Lightning Splash

I would definately put dark exchange on my secondary action bar. There's no reason to have it on the primary because when you use it, you will want to be far away from enemies who might rush in a incapacitate you when your stamina is gone. Then you'd be easy pickings.


If you already have weakness to elements and surge on your bar, you might as well switch out daedric curse with mage's fury because it will get a big boost from weakness to elements. Then that will be your primary spam ability, and you'd probably want it anyways as it seems to be the sorcerer best and only "executioner".


Lightning splash, hmm... possibly too circumstantial. I think many PvP'ers will dodge it easily once they see it hit the area they are in. It should be very good in conjunction with encase and repulse though, but that requires close quarter combat. I'd switch it out for bolt escape in case you get jumped. Being very squishy, having a method of avoiding combat is critical. If jumped, one could possibly bolt escape ahead, stunning the target, then turn around and blast him. If he then moves close again, rinse and repeat.

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Destro Staff – Killing from a distance

[*]Dark Exchange

[*]Weakness to Elements - If you don't like Weakness to Elements then I hear you, having Encase on this bar as well is a really good alternative.


[*]Daedric Curse

[*]Lightning Splash

I would definately put dark exchange on my secondary action bar. There's no reason to have it on the primary because when you use it, you will want to be far away from enemies who might rush in a incapacitate you when your stamina is gone. Then you'd be easy pickings.


If you already have weakness to elements and surge on your bar, you might as well switch out daedric curse with mage's fury because it will get a big boost from weakness to elements. Then that will be your primary spam ability, and you'd probably want it anyways as it seems to be the sorcerer best and only "executioner".


Lightning splash, hmm... possibly too circumstantial. I think many PvP'ers will dodge it easily once they see it hit the area they are in. It should be very good in conjunction with encase and repulse though, but that requires close quarter combat. I'd switch it out for bolt escape in case you get jumped. Being very squishy, having a method of avoiding combat is critical. If jumped, one could possibly bolt escape ahead, stunning the target, then turn around and blast him. If he then moves close again, rinse and repeat.



The problem with moving Dark Exchange to the 2ndary bar is that there's nothing you can remove from the Kite Bar without weakening it substantially. You don't want Dark Exchange when you're using Immovable, either. I feel that Dark Exchange is a required skill on the 1st bar because you don't have anything else to use your stamina there. It's just the lesser spot of two evils, I wish Dark Exchange wasn't necessary.


Yeah, Daedric Curse swapped with Mage's Fury is possibly a good idea, especially because of Weakness to Elements. Either one of those will just be fillers in-between throwing down Splashes. Here's how Daedric Curse would work: Open with it on someone in the middle of the pack of enemies, throw down lightning splashes, once daedric curse goes off reapply it and throw down more lightning splashes. Things will die really fast because Daedric Curse is hitting hard as well as the continuous assault from Splash. On the other hand, if you take Mage's Fury: Lightning Splashes all around until something's about to go below 20% health, then Mage's Fury and everything will probably die from it.

The difference is that 1) Curse is way easier to use, because you don't need to time it to be effective. 2) You'll only really benefit from Mage's Fury once during the fight unless people are healing up above 20% and dropping back below. I think Curse > Fury in almost all situations.


The thing is that Mage's fury can't be used as the main damager because it is a one-time execution ability (yet Curse hits almost as hard as that execution strike). The regular damage from Mage's Fury is weak, it = about 1 tick from Splash (that has potential to tick 5 times) but it doesn't cost a whole lot less.


Lightning Splash is probably hard to use, but once you get good at placing it (should be easy on PC) then you don't have any better options for damage--even on single targets who are running out of it right away it's not much worse than other options. It's better for groups, for sure, and you can use it as a wall between you and enemies or anything. "Walk through it if you dare" type thing.


You're right though, this build's definitely better for fighting groups with.. but that's just how the Sorc class is. If you want the best of both worlds then you'd need to roll a Templar at the price of things being weaker overall.

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The thing is that Mage's fury can't be used as the main damager because it is a one-time execution ability (yet Curse hits almost as hard as that execution strike). The regular damage from Mage's Fury is weak, it = about 1 tick from Splash (that has potential to tick 5 times) but it doesn't cost a whole lot less.


The latest info has Mage's Fury with a base cost of 24 dealing 7 damage, and Lightning Splash at 53 dealing 4 damage/sec for 5 seconds.  There is a substantial cost difference, so the choice comes down to determining if the target will stand in the Lightning Splash aoe for any length of time.  One might imagine that he will not.


We also do not know if a Lightning Splash ground effect will remain in place if the caster tosses out additional Lightning Splashes in series.  I expect Daedric Mines prevents more than 3 mines out at a time despite the caster paying full price for more, but is Lightning Splash given the same harsh design treatment?  We don't know.


If the caster can toss out multiple Lightning Splashes, can he place them on top of one another or is the target subjected to only the damage of one?  What if several casters put their own Lightning Splashes down in the same place?  More questions without current answers :(

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The latest info has Mage's Fury with a base cost of 24 dealing 7 damage, and Lightning Splash at 53 dealing 4 damage/sec for 5 seconds.  There is a substantial cost difference, so the choice comes down to determining if the target will stand in the Lightning Splash aoe for any length of time.  One might imagine that he will not.


We also do not know if a Lightning Splash ground effect will remain in place if the caster tosses out additional Lightning Splashes in series.  I expect Daedric Mines prevents more than 3 mines out at a time despite the caster paying full price for more, but is Lightning Splash given the same harsh design treatment?  We don't know.


If the caster can toss out multiple Lightning Splashes, can he place them on top of one another or is the target subjected to only the damage of one?  What if several casters put their own Lightning Splashes down in the same place?  More questions without current answers :(


4 dmg x up to 5 vs 7 dmg x 1 is a lot different than what I was basing it off of @ 5 x <=5 and 6 x 1. With Fury = about 2/3 the price of Curse.

Do you know if they buffed Conduit (Splash's synergy) to make up for the weakened Splash?


I'm glad that Mage's Fury is buffed though, I think that was needed after the change from being spammable below 20% to one burst at 20%.


I think that even Mines will stay out with multiple casts, they made them fairly weak for probably that reason. It is very possible that they won't, and possible that Splash wouldn't either. I think it will stay because it has such a small radius of effect.


It probably won't work with multiple Sorc's and I definitely don't think stacking it multiple times by 1 Sorc would work either. I think that every spell is exclusive. Meaning 4 DK in one group can't give the group 4 stacks of Molten Weapons or give 4 stacks of Obsidian Shield making everyone unkillable.


Obviously someone can't apply like 5 stacks of Cripple to one target, right? I don't think multiple NBs would be able to cast Cripple on the same target at all either.


So, anyway, using those new numbers you gave I'd say that Fury is probably better to replace Splash with, keeping Curse instead of Splash even. I'll change it in OP.


Splash + Fury both being spammable would be too much overlap.


Edit: I left Splash in the PVE bar instead of Fury because I think 9/10 times the target(s) will be predictable enough that you can keep it on them with relative ease and it's still more efficient than Fury if it gets 2+ ticks off. Even if it's not as bursty, I think that between keeping your pets and (de)buffs up you'll want to be conservative with MP in PVE, esp with Exchange on 2nd bar.

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If lightning splash stacks, it will be an excellent spell for sorcerers who get to stay in the back and spam them. I think it will also be a wicked area denial spell if multiple sorcerers spam it (bright wizards in Warhammer, anyone?). The only place I see a drawback is in 1 vs. 1 where it is probably easy to evade.


It's probably awesome if you can encase or repulse your enemies first, though, but that requires close quarter combat - not ideal for a light armored sorc.


I am really curious about how well weakness to elements, surge and destro staff power attacks will work together. If it deals about the same damage as mage's fury spammage, this would be an excellent roation because you would hardly deplete any resources on it. Then imagine if weakness to elements would morph into an AoE. Then I'd really start to contemplate the sorcerer as my prefered class (which is templar right now).

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Buffs and debuffs will almost  certainly be toggles, so that should not be an issue.


However, every artificial restriction ZOS places on active attacks represents one step closer to a cooldown/non-resource based system (World of Warcraft) and one step away from the original resource-based design concept they wanted to employ.


  • [*]If a Sorc wants to lay a minefield, he's paying for those attacks just like that Sorc over there is paying for spamming
Mage's Fury.  I say let him. [*]If a Sorc wants to lay Lightning Splashes all over the battlefield, or even stack them up, he's paying for those attacks too.  Let him do it if he wants.  He's spending time and resources just like everybody else.


It's either a resource-driven system or it isn't.  Artificial restrictions dramatically reduce the availability of tactical decisions on the battlefield.  For example, if a team of Sorcs stack up Lightning Splashes to make a spot impassable, then they are expending a lot of time and resources to do that.  The attackers can either (1) be idiots and run into it and die or (2) come up with a counter by moving around that one spot, going after the Sorcs, or some other idea.


Multiple healers can stack their aoe heals, so I would hope that multiple Sorcs can stack their aoe attacks.

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Altmer – Sorc – 5-6 Light 1-2 Heavy – Bow – Destro







[*]Weakness to Elements

[*]Lightning Splash




[*]Bolt Escape

[*]Dark Exchange


[*]and instead of Daedric Curse you might take Bound Armor for your pets.


Ult – Probably use Storm Atronarch or Overload instead of PVE.


The monster(s) will attack your pets and then you can annhilate them with Surge/Weakness/Lightning Splash combo of huge damage. If things get spicy then bar#2. In groups I'd even keep it the same, the pets could help the group out and with a real tank the multiple Lightning Splashes are all you need for huge damage. I doubt they stack in one area, but you can spread them between multiple monsters. Let the NB do the most single-target dmg, that's their calling, you focus on being awesome.


I really really like this build, it's balls deep. It might not be the best best build, but it seems pretty fun and it utilizes almost every aspect of the Sorc besides the tanky Lightning Form/Bound Armor/Conjured Ward type Sorc, but no matter how hard I try I can't make a good case for that build-type on a sorce..like I can't make a NB ot DK build that really shines as a ranged-only class, just doesn't work out too well. XD



I might be underrating weakness to elements but it doesn't seem that good  to me in PVE.  It's single target and you'd have to hit them 4 times with your destro staff/elemental abilities before it breaks even with just hitting them 5 times right? I think conjured ward would let you do more damage by beefing up your pets and letting you not have to kite as much through damage mitigation.  Bound armor would be good if coonjured ward is too mana intensive.  

Even though I want my sorc to do huge damage I really don't want to be so squishy I have to run backwards anytime a single mob leaks past my pets 

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I might be underrating weakness to elements but it doesn't seem that good  to me in PVE.  It's single target and you'd have to hit them 4 times with your destro staff/elemental abilities before it breaks even with just hitting them 5 times right? I think conjured ward would let you do more damage by beefing up your pets and letting you not have to kite as much through damage mitigation.  Bound armor would be good if coonjured ward is too mana intensive.


For tougher individual targets Weakness To Elements will be a dps boost, because it lasts 15 seconds.  In that time you'll hammer away many more than 4 times, so it will pay off.  For easy targets that might die in a couple of hits, I agree that it's not so good.


Even though I want my sorc to do huge damage I really don't want to be so squishy I have to run backwards anytime a single mob leaks past my pets 


Rune Prison is your friend for leakers :)

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For tougher individual targets Weakness To Elements will be a dps boost, because it lasts 15 seconds.  In that time you'll hammer away many more than 4 times, so it will pay off.  For easy targets that might die in a couple of hits, I agree that it's not so good.



Rune Prison is your friend for leakers :)


I brain-jizzed when you said Rune Prison. I'm a huge advocate of always taking Rune Prison for PVE, this should definitely go in the 2nd bar at least.


I think the main bar is good how it is. Weakness to Elements is better in groups where it doesn't just help your weapon-attacks and your Lightning Splash. It effects all elemental damage, including the DK's fire damage and the NB should have Fire damage enchantments on their weapons. Weakness to Elements would also effect Storm Atronarch and maybe even Overload if Overload converts things to shock damage.


For soloing though, I would definitely swap Weakness for Conjured Ward so your pets and yourself can take a bit more heat. Great call!  :)


I edited this into OP, let me know if you still don't like something though.  EDIT: I changed things even more. I think Dark Exchange on main bar is a better idea, it gives you more MP to lay down Splashes, making it more offensive. I think this also improved how well the bow bar helps you survive.


Yeah, Oberon, I really hope you're right that as long as you're paying for the resources then you can get as many stacks of something you want. This obviously wouldn't apply with buffs/debuffs though, like you said, so I just wonder where they're going to draw the line.

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Yeah, Oberon, I really hope you're right that as long as you're paying for the resources then you can get as many stacks of something you want. This obviously wouldn't apply with buffs/debuffs though, like you said, so I just wonder where they're going to draw the line.


Actually, I expect they will not allow multiple castings of Daedric Mines or stacking Lightning Spash, as that's the easy (read: lazy) game design solution.  Hopefully they'll stick to their original resource-driven design goal and not veer off into WoW-land with such decisions.

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why wield a destruction staff if you are NOT going to use weakness to elements (which basically is the only active destruction staff ability that improve your sorcerer abilities)...


might as well use a bow instead (less graphic tracers back to you that tell everyone that "hey! i am a caster over here - come kill me!")

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But it does come with some useful passives, though. For a caster sorcerer, the encase -> elemental wall (or impulse) combo seems promising. Not to mention, that using power attacks with a lightning staff will damage up to 3 enemies. Then imagine if weakness to elements could be morphed into an AoE.


Wishful thinking, but still...

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  • 1 month later...

*pokes head in*


I'm not sure if this is the place for questions, but shoot, I'll do it anyway.


I'm going to have a sorcerer alt, and I'm going to want to be a really mobile and sneaky healer for PvP because I'll be following around a group of sneaky hard-hitting DPS rogues as their pocket healer. This means, however, that I'll probably want to wear leather for the most part, which is beneficial to stealth, speed and stamina- but I don't know how wise it is to do this when as a healer I'll probably need to rely on magicka. Haaalp.


I already know that I want it to be a Breton. But I'm stuck as to where I should start off for my sneaky/fast healer concept (think restoration druid, if you've played WoW). Is it even viable?

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*pokes head in*


I'm not sure if this is the place for questions, but shoot, I'll do it anyway.


I'm going to have a sorcerer alt, and I'm going to want to be a really mobile and sneaky healer for PvP because I'll be following around a group of sneaky hard-hitting DPS rogues as their pocket healer. This means, however, that I'll probably want to wear leather for the most part, which is beneficial to stealth, speed and stamina- but I don't know how wise it is to do this when as a healer I'll probably need to rely on magicka. Haaalp.


I already know that I want it to be a Breton. But I'm stuck as to where I should start off for my sneaky/fast healer concept (think restoration druid, if you've played WoW). Is it even viable?


Very viable. :) On a sorce you can do this and it's just as good as MP--either way you're going to be using Dark Exchange as a healer, so it doesn't matter whether you're using high amounts of MP regen or ST regen, it amounts to the same...but St regen actually heals you as well with Dark Exchange, and MP regen saves you a bit more time because you won't have to cast DE quite as often (~20% less or w/e).


Breton's a good choice.


Something like:

Breton - 7/7 medium (it also increases the damage and atk speed of your resto staff because it's melee weapon) - Resto/Bow



Lightning Form









Poison Arrow




You'll take a lot of magic damage, and you don't have much for control, but I think it will still work out nicely.

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Very viable. :) On a sorce you can do this and it's just as good as MP--either way you're going to be using Dark Exchange as a healer, so it doesn't matter whether you're using high amounts of MP regen or ST regen, it amounts to the same...but St regen actually heals you as well with Dark Exchange, and MP regen saves you a bit more time because you won't have to cast DE quite as often (~20% less or w/e).


Breton's a good choice.


Something like:

Breton - 7/7 medium (it also increases the damage and atk speed of your resto staff because it's melee weapon) - Resto/Bow



Lightning Form









Poison Arrow




You'll take a lot of magic damage, and you don't have much for control, but I think it will still work out nicely.


Thanks! Good to know there are ways to make it work; I'll have to try this come open beta (or closed if I'm lucky) and see how it works. :3


One question though- restoration staffs are melee weapons? As in, in combat you smack people with them close-range? 

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Ahh, hmm, it was confusing looking in videos, it looked like just be melee that heals. This makes more sense though.

If you attack someone and your Pet attacks him head on you will deal dmg to the enemy and heal your Pet.


The base attack is similiar to the Destruction Staff but you deal less dmg and therefore heal for a little bit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As you all probably know, I've been going back and forth between what class I want to play as. I always come back to the Templar, but this week I've been all about the Sorc. I just wanted to post my current build plans:


Altmer Sorc – 32 HP 17 MP 0 St – St Pots

PVP BARS (7 Light or 5 Light 2 Heavy[main-piece])

Resto- Lifesteal

Conjured Ward





Shock Destro- Shock


Fury (or Force Shock, depending on how important interrupts end up being)

Splash (or Force Shock, if interrupts are important and Fury ends up being better than Splash, but I think Splash will be better than Fury for sure.)



Ult- Highborn


I'll mostly be using resto bar—simply surviving with Conjured Ward/Dark Exchange until it gets to about 4+ targets.

When it turns into group fights of 4 or more in any target area—Encase -> Splash -> White hits until kill-target is almost 20% -> Fury. Repeat until group's dead. Exchange when needed. Escape if things get hairy.



Group Varient (7 Light)

Resto- SP

Force Siphon


Steadfast Ward

Rune Prison


Shock Destro- Shock






Ult- Highborn


Typical healing bar is main bar in group PVE. I feel like in PVP the DPS will get me further in groups but in PVE the healing will. Force Siphon, Regeneration, and white-heals for everyone. Steadfast Ward when one is low. Rune Prison is necessary for group PVE.


When DPS is needed, same group DPS strat as PVP bar. Control/AOE.


Solo Varient (7 Light or 5 Light 2 Heavy[main-piece])

Shock Destro- Shock






Resto- Lifesteal

Conjured Ward





Ult- Highborn


While soloing I think that pets will be immensely powerful. Tank and Damage in one (two even! :P)


Depending on how many targets are in the fight, I can either finish one target quickly with buffed up destro damage or I can simply survive while pets and resto staff slowly take things out, dedicating resources toward Conjured Ward for all 3 of us.


Armor reasoning and enchant list: I decided to go back to 2 Heavy, but I might end up going back to 7 light and taking armor rating enchantments if it ends up giving similar AR but better passives for me..which I think it will, otherwise the AR enchant will be such a small % bonus for heavy armor wearers.. So, anyway, I might back out of the 2 Heavy since I'm not planning on using Immovable anymore.


If I go with 7 light I will take a lot of +AR and then +St flat regen (as well as St pots) because it is the most effective resource for me to get back as a % of total, giving me more of the other 2 resources when possible as well.


If I get enough AR + St Reg, I'll go +Power, SP or WP I'm not sure of yet—but probably looking like WP. If I do go mostly WP then I'll need to change my PVP Destro bar for Surge and Fury because I'll be better @ single-target. This would be bad though, because it would make my Resto bar semi-redundant and I'd have to change that to my group bar for PVP as well..


There are too many unknowns right now to say any of this for sure, but I think that it looks pretty good on paper compared to most other builds I've made. It might not be the strongest in every area, but I feel like it has the least amount of weaknesses of any other possible builds.


Shock Destro- Shock because of the Storm Calling passives. However, they say "spells" or "abilities" so I doubt it will affect the white damage or the enchantment, but maybe. If not then I'd do Frost Enchant and Fire Staff, I'd use Shock Staff still if I was going to use Force Shock though because that would be a lightning ability/spell in that case.


I'd really like to be Daggerfall, and my Orc DK 1H&S Heavy build is looking pretty sweet these days as well.. so I might end up with that. It all depends on how things flow for these builds in beta.


I also think that if pets aren't very powerful and Exchange gets interrupted a lot then sorc will be pretty mediocre.


If Exchange channel can be stopped every 1 second then I think the chances of it being interrupted are slim.

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I wonder if there is any chance of a meele sorcerer being effective?


Can you have 2 or more Deadric Summonings simultaneously?


I thought of an Heavy Armor build, and tanking the damage while your pet(s)? deal damage from behind


Maybe with dual wield or 2h for more damage. But do the weapon based skills do enough damage? as you would rely only on oets and buffs from the Sorcerer tree



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I'm interested in the bound armaments morph for bound armor.  Anyone think the bonus to heavy attack damage would be worth the sacrifice of 11% of your magika for a pvp dps build?  Anyone know if it will stack with overload?  I'm hoping to center my build around white damage using mages fury as my mana sink.  This is the build im looking at currently -


PVP (5 Light 2 Heavy)

Shock Destro - DPS

Weakness to Elements

Entropy/Force Shock

Mages Fury



Ult - Overload

Resto- Buff

Bolt Escape - Ball of Lightning

Armor - Armaments - 8% Heavy Attack Buff

Magelight - Crit increase

Twilight - Mana Regen

Dark Exchange

Ult- Highborn

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