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The Nightblade Thread


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i wonna skill 1/6 magica 2/6 HP 3/6 stamina and maybe 2 mid armors 5 heavy + some Stamina enchantments are planed.

But i wonna use this skill collection also at the pvp. 


as opening the Bow with the snare usw and if they get closed 2 me i can hide me with the shadow cloak (Stam reg 15%) + weapon switch and a fast kill should refresh my stam.


thats the plan. if it works ? i hope so ;)

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Here is the current build I am mulling over:


altmer, nightblade7 light armor

30 magicka

20 health


resto staff bar:mark targetstrifeentropycrippleshadow cloakdeath strokefrost staff bar:hasteweakness to elementsforce shockrapid manoueverspurgehighborn


resto staff bar is for laying mark+dots/hots then escaping via shadow cloak.


frost staff bar is for kiting while spamming basic attacks with haste, weakness, and frost shock debuffs up.


basically a pure ranged caster nb build. i figure that i will use light attacks to proc frost snares and be able to get heavy attacks off with the time afforded via kite/snaring.


some changes I am contemplating are:


-possibly incorporating more healing some how via resto staff abilities, perhaps totally revamping into a healing support build with more cc.

-finding a way to be more bursty if destro heavy attacks turn out to be insufficient.

-working in annulment to counter the negative effect of mark target.



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Hi there,


I am no stranger to MMOs but I am a bit of a stranger to elder scrolls (played skyrim & oblivion) so please bare with me if I put something silly.


I have been reading alot about this game on the official website and i have been fortunate enough to have participated in the beta.


I decided to make a Nightblade as I found this to be the most fun out of the things I tried in the beta.


I made a wood elf night blade DW and my secondary will be a bow. My decisions for this was I simply liked the wood elf and also saw its bonus with a bow, I liked this because I will be using DW mainly and with the increase in gaining bow experience it will help me keep up with DW.


So this is what I am thinking in terms of stats. This maybe totally wrong and thats why I am here to be corrected.


My abilities will use magika but my weapons will use stamina, therefore do I spend points increasing magika and rely on medium armour bonuses for my stamina? 


I want to be a high damage dealer is this the right choice of class for that?




Edit - I will mainly be involved in PVE

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I believe u can expect NB to be serious damage dealer. Most probably NB will have best single target DPS .

Regarding resources balance will be needed. Each resource will have soft cap so investment in that skill over cap will get u diminishing return.

What will be proper resource balance for you will depend on your build/s and your style. Even when u think u got it right then again u have to playtest it .  

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Ok so I have done some research and came up with what I think would be a good nightblade dps character, feel free to give feed back. My aim is to do a lot of DPS with the first hot bar and to go invisible and fall back with the bow to regain health/stamina/magicka with hot bar 2. Race: Undecided (input?)HB 1: Dual wielding (daggers,swords... Input?)1. Teleport strike2. Haste3. Flurry4. Shadow cloak5. Cripple or assassins blade (input?)Ultimate: either Death Stroke or Consuming Darkness (input)Armor: mix of heavy/mediumHB 2: Bow1. Strife2. Haste3. Siphoning strikes4. Shadow Cloak5. Either blur or immovable (input?)Ultimate: Deathstroke or Consuming darkness (more likely the latter)

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  • [*]
Race: My friends are playing in the Ebonheart Pact.  But I will most likely buy the pre-order version and roll Kajiit for their racial passives: med. armor XP bonus, health regen in battle, and crit bonuses. Then with the pre-order perk I will move my Kajiit to fight for Ebonheart. [*]Primary Weapon:  Duel Wield- daggers for speed  -or-  axe/dagger  for bleed DoT and speed [*]Secondary Weapon: Bow- sneak power shots, poisoning, and siphoning. [*]Armor: 5 med. / 2 light- for the stealth, dexterity, and of course, the 5% passive Agility attack speed bonus- with some help with magic regen. [*]Resource Ratio: possibly 25%health, 35%stamina, 40%magicka [*]Skill Bar:



Duel Wield: melee


  • [*]
Assassin’s Blade- for big damage when the enemy is low on health. [*]Haste- for bonus attack speed. [*]Blur- for incoming damage mitigation. [*]Teleport Strike- as a melee opener.  The plan is to ambush them from range with my Bow, then teleport to them, stun them, and then start stabbing. [*]Shadow Cloak- for, well, invisibility. [*]Death Stroke- to hit them hard with a full Ultimate pool.  I may use this right after Teleport Strike if my Ultimate is high enough.



Other than Shadow Cloak this gives me 5 slots using the Assassination Skill Line.  With the passive abilities, Pressure Points and Hemorage, that will add an extra 5%crit rating and 25%crit bonus damage respectively. 




Bow: range


  • [*]
Snipe- for a heavy ranged opener.  The idea is to use this from the shadows as an element of surprise. [*]Poison Arrow- range interrupt. [*]Strife- for the healing from life leach. [*]Siphoning Strikes- for the resource regeneration. [*]Shadow Cloak- for the invisibility. [*]Soul Shred- for the AoE stun and the damage -or- Eye for Fear (Kajiit racial)- for the crowd control (if racials are allowed)



If I feel I may need more CC for my primary skill bar, I would consider Sparks (weapon skill) over Haste and replace Blur with Purge for a clense.  However, in a full-out battle, I will most likely fight from range and stay away from heavy blows and splash damage as much as possible.  Either that, or sneak past the battlefront using my supurb stealthing abilities and do some dirty deeds behind enemy lines.  Maybe I will start fires in their bases, surprise some poor Sorcerer with some 1v1, or sabotage their siege weapons.  In any case, I don’t think I will need to CC as much as I would like extra attack speed from Haste and the passive crit bonuses from using more Assassination skills.



As far as my Bow set, I may replace Strife with Cripple or Purge.


I've also used this skill tree counting on the estimated number of skill points I will aquire from leveling, skyshards, and questing after some time of gameplay at max-level and placing them where I believe will work best with how I play: http://eso.massyx.de/1bFtOIY

85 skill points is only an estimate.  I'd like to hear from others about what they estimate is an average number of skill points for maxed-level gameplay.


I think this build will benefit my play-style best.  I can use this while questing, dungeons and exploring, as well as PvP.  But as much as I think this build is good for me, I KNOW that I will change some things when I start playing.

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Hello everybody,


I'm still downloading the client, but I want to know a few things before starting.


I'm currently playing a sneak mage in Skyrim who relies on Illusion magic and daggers for assasination and destruction for when things get dirty. I would love to play something similar on EOS, so the obvious choice is a Nightblade.


I know you can use any weapon in any class, so...



Is it PVP viable to play a Mage Nightblade?


If so, is it viable to use a Staff or rather dual-wield and let the Magicka only play a support role for your damage?


Which weapons and armors would you reccomend? (specially from a PVP perspective)






Thanks in advance.

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I'll focus on stealth first, and killing whatever I can kill at low level. I'm also working on my character's role playing. Here's what I have so far...



I am Madari, a female Khajiit of the Nightblade class, born under the sign of the Lady during the dark of both moons. I use a bow as my primary weapon, but will train later with dual wielded daggers, if I can find any worth wielding. I prefer medium armor of the highest quality to keep my fur from getting ruffled during fights. I mostly hunt solo, trying to find a way to kill monsters by myself. There are rumors that I belong to the Dark Brotherhood, but I assure you that nothing could be further from the truth. If someday there is a rumor that I also belong to the Thieves' Guild, then that one will be false, too.

My name is a Khajiit name. It means "clever child," in your tongue. My parents were part of a Khajiit trade caravan that regularly traded between Hammerfell and Elsweyr. One one of its travels, we were attacked by bandits, and my parents were killed. One of the bandits, a Khajiit, hid me from the others. He returned for me later and carried me back to where he was living with friends of his, and from them I learned much that I would need to know to survive and prosper.

[i have a handy lie about my upbringing, in case anybody gets too nosy about my affiliations. Khajiit pull your leg, ho ho.]

Where did I grow up? Why, I was a sybil of Dibella in Stros M'Kai. I didn't like the kinds of things they would make me do in the temple. You know how boring it can be when you spend all day on your knees—praying and such. Anyway, I didn't like it there, so I left.

[Addition to lie.]

Well, actually I did not leave voluntarily. The priestesses there thought that it was inappropriate for a sybil to have sharp teeth and claws such as I have. There were some... incidents. To make a long story short, they kicked me out.

[To answer suggestive speculation.]

Did anybody ever tell you that you have a dirty mind? No, I was talking about claw marks accidentally left on the furniture. I was a young Khajiit back then, and I did not know any better. I also tried to cover up a mess on the carpet, and once I mistook the baptismal pool for a bath and left the water soapy. With the high priestess's favorite charmed necklace at the bottom of the water. Each of my mistakes, innocent though it was, annoyed the Dibellans, and eventually they lost patience with me and decided that I wasn't their sybil after all.

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Primary Weapon: Duel Wield- daggers for speed -or- axe/dagger for bleed DoT and speed

Dagger deal the same damage per hit as all other 1 h weapons. They also have the same attack speed. You get crit, not attack speed, from a passive on daggers and bleed on axe.Also, if you open from stealth your nb sneak attack will stun them for quite some time (even with a bow opening).
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So by my math, Strife has the best damage/magicka ratio of all instant DD class skills.   On top of that, it proc's a HOT.


So am I crazy?   My plans are to roll a magicka heavy Nightblade built around the concept of spamming Strife.


I'm still working out the build details, but imagine a build optimized around magicka pool size/regen that spams Strife.  I'd fall back on bow/DW when magicka is depleted and use stealth mainly for escaping/avoidance. 


Note: that I mainly like the non-combat features of MMORPG's, so for combat I'm mainly looking for a build with simple, effective tactics.


Thanks and cheers

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Stush i was thinking the same thing so i tried it in beta,and even if i was low level and with shit gear i saw that its pretty hard to kill people in pvp just by spamming cripple and strife since people can stack insane amounts of hp and shields,so you really need a way to deal sustained damage,thats why i think that its better to focus on bow damage(medium armor+haste+mark targhet) and just use cripple to immobilize-snare people and strife to heal. I tried to use cloak in pvp but it didnt work well for me because everyone uses at least 1-2 dots and the duration is too low to make any difference while the cost is pretty high. So if u want to be an assassin the best way is to start in stealth-mark targhet(30-40 m)-snipe-haste-cripple-strife-white attacks until he is dead,and u get 60% hp and dmg buff from mark targhet morph; the problem is that after uve killed the first guy ure low on magika and out of stealth,so u cant use the same combo on someone else unless u run out of combat,you can only go on with cripple-strife-white attacks that is still a nice combination but can be countered by eclipse-reflective scale and other stuff,so this is the perfect build to ambush people but not so good in large scale/group fights,and since pvp its all about group fights ure not gonna help much ure faction but ure only gonna get some easy kills while running around solo

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So by my math, Strife has the best damage/magicka ratio of all instant DD class skills.   On top of that, it proc's a HOT.


So am I crazy?   My plans are to roll a magicka heavy Nightblade built around the concept of spamming Strife.


I'm still working out the build details, but imagine a build optimized around magicka pool size/regen that spams Strife.  I'd fall back on bow/DW when magicka is depleted and use stealth mainly for escaping/avoidance. 


Note: that I mainly like the non-combat features of MMORPG's, so for combat I'm mainly looking for a build with simple, effective tactics.


Thanks and cheers


No skills in this game are designed to be spammed except execute moves on low health targets. Youll quickly burn your magicka or stamina and be left helpless. The majority of your damage in this game comes from using abilities and white attacks together, not spamming one ability over and over.

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Some more pondering after last weekend, trying to get a bit more group oriented focus and tending to my PvE-PvP schizofrenia by going more healer/support/offtank than maintank.


Breton, 7/7 Heavy, 2:1 health:magicka - but I'll most likely respec as many times as is needed to hit a nice equilibrium.


Set 1: 1h+shield


1 - Puncture [-40% mres]

2 - Def Posture [2 sec stun]

3 - Teleport Strike [Lotus] or Cripple [???]

4 - Entropy [Heal on hit]

5 - Strife [Funnel]


U - Death Stroke


Set 2: Resto staff


1 - Immovable [???] or Siphoning Strikes [???] - really need to know morphs, Immovable because I feel like having a stamina dump on both bars is important, on the other hand Siphoning Strikes in heavy armor might be awesome in PvE as a faux healer.

2 - Regeneration [TBD] or Purge [???]

3 - Cripple [???]

4 - Force Siphon [???]

5 - Strife [Funnel]


U - Consuming Darkness or Warhorn

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  • 2 weeks later...

  1: Shadow Cloak ( invisibilty / escape )

  2: Teleport strike ( Gap closer )

  3: Invigorating drain ( Vampire ability ) Does dammage per second and heals you for 150% dammage done and restors ULTIMATE!!!

  4: Dark shades ( Summons 2 dark shades to attack your apponent and give them a dammage debuff and of cours they do dammage

  5: Harness magicka. ( dammage absorbing ability that also regenerates magicka per second and is increased by how many light armor pieces you are wearing )

  6: ULTIMATE.  Devouring Swarm ( Vampire ability ) sends out bats that do dammage per second around you and heals you for all enemies hit.   This build is a  DPS  self healing build and can tank in immergencies or if a real tank is not available.

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you can only use invigorating drain once on the same enemy, you cant use it as main damage, its meant to be used when you are already low hp/stamina to regenerate and then finish off your enemy.....you should use some stamina ability to deal dmg and then recover the stamina with the drain

True, thanks I forgot about the once per target..... I was blinded by wishing to be OP haha. Nice Profile picture btw lmao, Good movie.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest drtoboggan

Khajiit, 2H, NB, Med Armor - Stamina Focus

Primarily concerned with PVP. Focus on skirmishing rather than zerging.

I dont see how you would really counter the below combo, especially in an ambush situation. I know it's long, but it's flexible, basically built around 1 2 and 3. Wrecking Blow is stamina intensive, but with medium armor (Wind Walker) and 2h passives (Balance), this is viable. Note the crit rating and dmg opportunities with this build.


1. Stampede (auto crit + immobilize)

2. Shadowy Disguise (crit rating 70%+ for next attack)

3. Wrecking Blow (stun, + power next attack)

4. Heavy Attack (use effect from 3.)

5. Ambush (immobilize, + power next attack) (does this have a minimum range? if so use at 4. in place of heavy attack)

6. Wrecking Blow (stun, + power next attack)

7. Impale (+300% dmg low health targets)


Vulnerable to interrupts for the second Wrecking Blow, but at that point it hardly matters unless you need to finish them quickly before their friends notice what's happening. If you're supported at all, you should be able to pick someone off before they're able to do anything and get hidden again before help arrives. As you level, you get increased crit dmg and rating from Khajiit, Medium Armor and Assassination lines, so this should only get more effective.


Tell me what I've missed - there's gotta be something.

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Here is a fun Nightblade vampire tank build possibly the best tank build also because of the healing abillity.  At stage 4 vampirism Magicka abilities cost 60% less!!!! and my Stamina abilites do not need to be used very often so it will revcover in time.  Momentum used once every 20 seconds and Cleave once or twice in a fight most likely. This build is awsome because of the healing and damage and you can just go beserk on people. it also works with PURE HEALTH!!!!  thats right no points needed in Stamina or Magicka!!!!  When you lvl you gain magicka and stamina by default anyway and with the vampire passive at stage 4 vampirism you will be more than fine. Also vampires have a passive where it negates lots of dammage when you are at low life 30% I think.

  I prefer Nord as my race for health boost and resistance and I plan on wearing full plate armor and btw the -75% health regneration at stage 4 vampirism wont matter because of the healing abillities you have are instant not over time or health regeneration abilities,


 1:  ( 2 handed ability ) Cleave  morphed into Brawler which creates a damage absorbing shield and is increased in power by each enemy hit.( STAMINA ability )

 2:  ( Nightblade ability ) Dark shades summons 2 shades that debuff the enemies damage and they do damage of course. Try and keep the minions out at all times. ( MAGICKA ability )

 3:  ( 2 handed ability )Momentum morphed into Rally which causes 10% increased damage for 20 seconds and generates +2% additional damage eveyr 2 seconds 30% boost near end and when the effect ends it heals you!!.( STAMINA Ability )

 4: ( Nightblade ability ) Drain power morphed into Sap Essence heals you for all enemies hit. possibly gives a melee damage boost also still. It might just remove the aoe damage it used to do ( MAGICKA Ability )

 5: ( Nightblade ability ) Siphoning strikes morphed into leeching strikes. ( and it is a toggle ability so you dont have to press it again once it is activated, pretty much a passive )Has a chance to recover magicka and stamina by default but also restores 2% of your health with every basic attack. it does decrease your melee damage by 20% ish but with Momentum you wil get the healing effect and not suffer from the penalty so much making this ability GODLIKE!!

 6: Ultimate ( Vampire Ultimate )   DEVOURING SWARM!!!! sends out blood / essence drinking bats everywhere and does good AOE damage and heals you for every enemy hit!!  This build is a PVE build because it lacks chase and stun abilites. I am sure it could be modified for pvp with Shadow cloak and teleport strike of course.

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[*]Race: My friends are playing in the Ebonheart Pact.  But I will most likely buy the pre-order version and roll Kajiit for their racial passives: med. armor XP bonus, health regen in battle, and crit bonuses. Then with the pre-order perk I will move my Kajiit to fight for Ebonheart


What kind of pre-order perk are you talking about?


Your socalled "perk" will be, that you can play an Imperial and THEN choose any alliance you want to play for.


That doesn´t allow you to play Khajiit race for Ebonheart.


Imperials will have different race abilities, not the ones you are aiming at by playing a Khajiit...

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