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I was talking to David a while ago and he said he wants to revamp the ESO portion of this site to be more accessible. I think that we're making more narrow-focused threads so we should probably have a way to organize them for newcomers. And, once the site's more populated (it's going to boom during Open Beta) then it will definitely pay off to have more broken down navigation at that time.


So, here's my idea for new headers for the ESO branch of the forums:


Elder Scrolls Online Forums:


  • [*]I don't pull out


  • [*]Weapons [*]Armor [*]Enchantments [*]Skills [*]Stats


  • [*]DK [*]NB [*]Sorc [*]Temp [*]Vampire [*]Werewolf


  • [*]Aldmeri [*]Ebonheart [*]Daggerfall


  • [*]PvP [*]PvE [*]Professions [*]RP


Is there anything important missing? (Races would fall under Alliances. Anything else I can think of off the top of my head already falls into one of these categories. It shouldn't get tooooo branched out.)


Anyone have other ideas? I think David's secretly a masochist who enjoys working on tedious things, so it's okay to demand really annoying things like this! ^.^ MUAHAHAHA!

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Great idea. This will help the forum alot. So Veteran points, which catagory is that? Or do you want to leave it out until that patch is actually implemented, since it won't be in there during release?

But maybe you should add an "other"  catagory. Also "guilds" (for players) would be a nice catagory to add.

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Great idea. This will help the forum alot. So Veteran points, which catagory is that? Or do you want to leave it out until that patch is actually implemented, since it won't be in there during release?

But maybe you should add an "other"  catagory. Also "guilds" (for players) would be a nice catagory to add.


Veteran points are strictly PvP right? I haven't read much about it honestly so I don't know. Guilds might fall under Alliances since that's the separating factor, guild recruitment would probably be the main thread-topic in the alliance threads, but that's just a guess.


Maybe under general chat have sub-categories as:







idk, ask David, baaahaha!

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I don't think that veteran points is a big enough label on it's own. It falls under multiple categories, pvp, armor, guilds, etc...idk if it's really necessary to label.


I think a Trading Post would be a good idea, but that falls under General under the specific console/PC you're on anyway...that that might be what the forum for PC/XB/PS4 is except for help, guilds, meeting up, and ring partnering might fall under it as well..


I think that subjects like these would all sort themselves out within those main categories....


I actually think we could get rid of the Alliances tab, since that would fall under the specific console/PC usually anyway.


There's a lot of things that will be localized by ps/xb/pc, as well as by factions. Maybe instead of putting like.. PC/PS/XB under General, and instead of putting Alliance's as a thread of their own, put the PC/Consoles as their own threads because a lot of things would just fall under these 9 Points:

  • [*]PC




  • [*]PS




  • [*]XB





Then, general would just be more of a Chill Point (I like that name, we should name our general chat the Chill Point).... And we need live Chat again too, because how else can I get people to play on PS4 with me and join my guild and allow them to fill my pockets with coin?

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Fkin fker... Where's the gd dm lst sv bttn?! :( I destroyed my beautiful ideas and I can't think of them again. I had such epic moments of awesomeness there for the threads, and now I'll never be able to share them.


How come I've never been able to find the Last Save button? Just knowing that it's there is what makes me mad.... I can find how to clear it, but not how to actually use it when I need it. Please, someone tell me how to use it...


edit: too late, it just re-saved. Poobutt.

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I don't see anything to "view saved content". Oh well, I rewrote it in my edit of the post before last..but it's just not the same! *sobbing*


Ha! Anyway, :ninja:  since we're on the topic of forum navigation.... :wub:  David, can you make a big red "Meat Head" button for me?


edit: I discovered smileys, so now I must use them!  :wallbash:  :sick:  :nuke:  :devil:  :down: 

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Anyway, I was thinking, how about this arrangement:

  • [*]General Questions -->(Everything from race to armor, plus anything not covered by the subsequent five categories.) [*]PVP [*]Quests & Dungeons [*]Crafting, Cooking, Fishing & Animal Husbandry [*]In-Game Factions   -->(Fighters' Guild, Mages' Guild, Dark Brotherhood, etc.) [*]Lore       -->(Stories, 2nd era stuff and easter eggs.)

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Anyway, I was thinking, how about this arrangement:

[*]General Questions -->(Everything from race to armor, plus anything not covered by the subsequent five categories.)


[*]Quests & Dungeons

[*]Crafting, Cooking, Fishing & Animal Husbandry

[*]In-Game Factions   -->(Fighters' Guild, Mages' Guild, Dark Brotherhood, etc.)

[*]Lore       -->(Stories, 2nd era stuff and easter eggs.)



"Animal Husbandry".... Bart Simpson.... Farmer Francis, is this you? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyMv4kkSCvk


Seriously though, I think almost everything we talk about right now would still fit in the General Questions with that list, so that topic would just be too broad IMO.


I think it should be broken down into these Discussion Boards (in a different order, haha):

[*]Skills -- This would include threads about classes, armor, weapons

[*]Mechanics and Numbercrafting - This would be for deeper theorycrafting, beyond the general questions, for min/maxing and specific strategy exploits within individual mechanics or number-play.

[*]PC/PS/XB > General/Ald/Dag/Ebon (This would need these subcategories on each of the PC/PS/XB categories.) -- Guilds and trading posts would be included in here. This would encompass a lot, like ring-partners.

[*]PvE Discussion - Where we bring everything together for PvE

[*]PvP Discussion - Where we bring everything together for PvP

[*]General Discussion - For people just wondering about things like professions, and where to level up for their current cLvl, etc. This would include Lore.

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"Animal Husbandry".... Bart Simpson.... Farmer Francis, is this you? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyMv4kkSCvk


What is this? I mean, even my friends shove this garbage at me.



Okay, what I mean by animal husbandry are the animal mounts...well, horses for now, but, heck, maybe they'll have a pygmy silt-strider in the future. I don't know. 


But please don't spread those links around, you're making idiots rich by giving them exposure.

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What is this? I mean, even my friends shove this garbage at me.



Okay, what I mean by animal husbandry are the animal mounts...well, horses for now, but, heck, maybe they'll have a pygmy silt-strider in the future. I don't know. 


But please don't spread those links around, you're making idiots rich by giving them exposure.


Hahaha, idk man! You just...idk!!! LOL!


And yeah, I can't believe people who's "job" it is to make youtube videos. They get paid a shitload and are usually about 1/2 of avg human capacity.. At least the money comes from advertisers instead of from the viewers. Everyone get adblock, stop supporting idiotic streaming! weewooo


I know what animal husbandry is because I grew up around farmers.

It's not bad, but there's just something about you that makes me want to grab a beer and make hot dogs. I like it, haha

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