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The Templar Thread


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Hah - but I want DPS for both - PVE & PVP and I'm curious how much I can get from Enchanting.


For ST build - yeah RedG seems perfect (ST regen, + 12% max ST), but Orc's HP regen and -12% sprint cost is also nice.


Maybe this whole discussion about racials is irrelevant if we can pump up what we want with armorsmithing / weaponsmithing / enchanting...?

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I think Smithing, Enchanting, Alchemy, and anything else they put out will have equally good combat incentive. It will depend on your character. For DPS you'll probably want to either be a Weaponsmith to sharpen blades or w/e, an Enchanter for offensive enchants, or an alchemist who makes some nice poisons or "Berserker" type potions...


I am fairly certain it will be complex enough for this to be possible.


The real question in my mind is whether these professions are stronger for the person who's leveled up in them. I highly doubt there will be any items bound to your character, so you probably can accomplish everything possible without needing to actually have the professions yourself.


If nothing's bound, and there's no insanely long cooldowns or anything that's just super awesome, I probably won't do a profession. I like dedicating my time to killing things, finding materials, and selling those in exchange for the things that other people make.

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I can't pinpoint source right now but if i can recall correctly that what u say Muscle was before they changed crafting system. After they went to spending points on crafting think they specificaly said that crafters will have perks in sense of upgrading armor, weapons, alchemy effects which can be used only by them ( they also said that soulbound system will not be in the game but ofc there are many ways to skin the cat) 

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I can't pinpoint source right now but if i can recall correctly that what u say Muscle was before they changed crafting system. After they went to spending points on crafting think they specificaly said that crafters will have perks in sense of upgrading armor, weapons, alchemy effects which can be used only by them ( they also said that soulbound system will not be in the game but ofc there are many ways to skin the cat) 


Interesting, thanks for this. I wonder if it means that when you trade an enchanted item with "your" effects on it from a profession it will just be a % lower if the receiving person doesn't have the perks from the profession.


It makes sense, like in Skyrim when you have +x% weapon damage it just makes the weapon say it does more damage for one person, but it wouldn't for a person without the perk. Very interesting. 


I'm always an enchanter on casters, alchemist on melee DPS, and smith on tanks in RPGs. Assuming it's balanced, looks like I'll be an enchanter. :P

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Crafting's probably minor in comparison to regular item stats. Once we know those we'll have a much better base for endgame. But yeah, all item stats/profession perks/morphs/wolf&vamp.. so many things we don't know that we need to know in order to get some real number crunching going on.


I'm glad we've had enough time to come up with really balanced/working builds though. Low-level beta playing doesn't compare to being able to think about the endgame from the leaks IMO.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to point out that Backlash seems very overlooked as a Templar ability, but it could be very powerful especially in PvP. Yes it has a 1.5 second cast time and I hate cast times in PvP because they seem like they take a week, but the reason it would work so well is because BURST DAMAGE RULES IN PVP. Healers can usually heal through steady damage even if its a couple players dealing damage on the same character, as long as the healer has enough magicka. But by saving up the damage for 6 seconds, and then multiplying it by 1.33, well no healer can heal through that. Plus there will be no warning, in fact just the opposite, the healer will think that character is fine because they wont be taking damage, the healer will look for others to heal or maybe put a group heal, then BOOM, the target's health bar implodes and he's dead.

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Casttime isn't a problem. you're able to cast while running.


But towards the mainopinion, i see the Templar more as Bruiser with Support abilitys than as Healer.

Iin my honest opinion are full healers are a waste of potentional.

I'm first idea was to play the Templar as Orc with 2hand weapon + Healstaff or sword/shield.

skill the charge skill to -> more dmg the further u charged and with our knockbackspear a 3,5sec knockdown. n addition the Slow Range Castspell on maxrange and the Reg/Stamina Aura as support ability. On Last spot i would get the Shield witht he amount of 24% of our life.

As ultima maybe Nova, but not sure atm.

The healerstuff, sword shield is just for escaping/surviving. Not sure witch skills so far.

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Guest Starlight

Hello there


I`ll definitely play a full healer in TESO (Resto-Templar).

I studied the Skills and now I would like to hear, if my conclusions aren`t wrong.
I have also some questions (some of them I believe already answered in this thread, but I`ll need time to comprehend it. Please excuse me for asking stupid stuff :D


1. If you use your first skillpoints for your active abilities, they will level up faster (even if you don’t use them, but you have them slotted). Is that correct? So it is the goal to slot your important active spells asap Right? (And don’t waste to much Points for active Spells, you don’t need (or passives). But you have to take at least one, if you want to level up the tree (for example Mages-Guild).


3. So if you have 2 Pieces of Light/Medium and Heavy Armour equipped, you lvl faster, than when you are full Light or full Medium etc. is that right? (The difference may be small, but if you plan to swap your Gear in Endgame (PVP <=> PVE), it could be important right? (If we make the preassumption, that the lvl scale increases with high numbers. The parallel levelling makes sence (since they increase anyway from time to time). -- for example if i discover a new spot. 


4. So they say its possible to learn every skill and level it up. But you need Skillpoints to morph them (and to activate them).
But if you want to play a full heal, you should focus on your main-abbilities right? Morph them to the maximum and don’t waste them for alternative Spells you could possibly use for 2nd specc eventually.


5. Magika, Endurance and Health. I saw some numbers in this thread (Full Heal: 100% Magika, no points in Health ore endurance (=stamina) right?).

But I somewhere read, that there is something like a hardcap. And its possible to max out 1,5 Stats (For example 100% Magika/ 50% Health (or 50/50/50). If you go with every point in magika, you will hit the hardcap/softcap at 100%. If you take more Points in Magika (i.e 150%) it will be less efficient (decreasing efficiency) with every point. Is this true? (If yes, this brings some perspective and I would have to think about putting more points in Health (i.E Cicle of live: +1% damage for every 20 health you have). I heared the “fine-tuning†you can do with the professios (enchants etc.).


6. Ultimates: Warhorn vs Barrier Vs. Rite of passage.  (I think they are the most certain choices for healers/supporters).
The costs: Clearly Rite of passage is very cheap (only 150 Ultimate vs. 213/255). But the spell lasts only 11s. (The problem: Interruption)

Barrier sounds nice, but the radius is terrible. And the big question is, if the amount of absorbtion is afflicted by modifiers as +5%healing done etc. Because in this case rite of passage or Warhorn are better.


7. Breton vs. Altmer vs. Argonian (15% experience from Destruction Staff skill line. Vs +15% experience from Light Armor skill line. Vs 15% experience from Restoration Staff skill line. So for healer playing an Altmer I see a disadvantage).


8.  Important passives (as an Altmer):

Racial:  Gift of Magnus (4% Magika) >Spellcharge (3% Magika regeneration in Combat).

Templar (resto): All (Mending, Focused Healing, Light Weaver, Master Ritualist
Dawns Wrath: Restoring Spirit: (I take it, that you gain 2% magika if you activate a DW skill right?)

Light Armor: Evocation>Prodigy>Recovery>Spell Warding, Consecretion


Now if I go for all heavy, I don’t loose much (only 6% Spellcost 5% Spellcrit and some spellresistance) but I gain much defensive things with heavy. So my goal would be to swap to heavy armor if a fight goes crazy or you are in pvp/wvw (My survival vs Max heal).
Some of you proposed a mix. But the main Goal is simply, that both types of armour are on maximum Skill level (And that is possible right?). If I should equip 3/3 ot 4/2 we can discuss later.


The heavy armor would give me some huge perspective. (With my questions 1-5 answered). (Because then, I can sometimes let the restostaff in my inventory and take two other weapon combinations (Thats one reason for me to avoid skills from Resto-Staff...  better morphing out your other Spells...).

Clearly, a destro staff has its advantages (Regarding the Altmer-Destro-passive… and the fact, that our magikapool is big/reduced spell cost etc.)
But I would love to try out two handed, sword and shield or Dual wield. (or then a bow… as proposed here).

My main-weapon would be Resto-Staff (because of the passives). So I can swap from pure, light armoured-staff healer, to heavy (weapon x) healer.  

9. My active Abillities:


I was thinking of equipping two Resto-Staffs. So one Specc would be more direct healing and the 2nd specc would bring protection, synergies etc.(--> But then the 2nd Resto staff makes no sence...)


But I am not sure. Here another proposal:


Until lvl 15 (With Resto-Staff)

-   Sun fire

-   Rushed Ceremony

-   Healing Ritual

-   Restoring Aura

-   Rune Focus


After lvl 15


1 Weapon (Resto Staff)

-   Rushed Ceremony

-   Healing Ritual

-   Restoring Aura

-   Rune Focus

-   Equilibrium or Force Siphon (or Blessing of Protection)


2 Weapon (). (Synergy spam)(Protection Spam)

-   Trapping Webs

-   Bone Shield

-   Rapid Maneuver (I think only for organized groups because of spellbreak) (Ev. Sunfire

-   Rushed Ceremony? (oh shit button, before swapping back to Specc 1)

-   Cleansing Ritual


=> Dual Whield --> Twin Slashes- Morph- Selfheal scales with modifiers?

=> Bow (Sun Fire for 1v1, solare Flare, Weighted Shot (As proposed from Muscle)

=> Destro Staff
=> Sword and Shield


I feel, that healing will be very important for PVE groups, so my goal is to reach full potential in endgame Situations. After that I can go for more snare/cc.

Thanks for your patience with me :D



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I think all builds (and preferable both bars) should include at least one ability that cost stamina so that you constantly can use both stamina and magicka as resources. For a pvp healer that probably include having at least one piece of heavy armor. For PvE healing I think you might want to get at least one piece of medium armor for evade (there is no AoE threat builder so while the tank is tanking the boss all the thrash will go for the healer until your AoE DPS can deal with them).


A templar healer have another option though as he can get all his heals from the skill line. This opens up to get his stamina skill from wielding a physical weapon instead of a staff.

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Templar Ultimate Healer


Class: Templar PVP Battlehealer

Race: Argonian

Armor: 7/7 Heavy

Health: 30

Magicka: 17

Stamina: 2


Restoration Staff


Steadfast Ward

Rushed Ceremony

Regeneration or Grand Healing (small scale or large scale pvp)

Cleansing Ritual or Purge

Rune Focus

Rite of Passage or Barrier


Restoration or Destruction Staff




Force Siphon or Force Shock

Sun Shield




This is an incredibly powerful PVP healer. Survival is the number one focus for a pvp healer, because you are usually the primary target of the enemy. You have maximum health, and wear heavy armor which further boosts your health regeneration. Being argonian boosts your max health and your self healing by 6%. In addition to all of this, you can use your massive health pool to fuel your spells by using equilibrium. This gives you more magicka than a magicka focused player. Although you do poor damage, you can outlast and defeat most other builds in the game through attrition. Sun shield, equilibrium, and self healing are the perfect synergy. 


Your healing bar is perfect for pvp, having no cast times on anything. You have steadfast ward for clutch saves on people who are near death. Follow steadfast ward with rushed ceremoney. The combination of these two spells can bring someone back from nearly dead to a safe zone. You have regeneration for a mana efficient heal, which can be replaced with grand healing in large battles. You also have the ability to cleanse negative effects on your allies by cleansing ritual, and also create a zone of control with Rune focus. All of your stamina is used for CC breaks and dodge rolls, giving you optimal uptime. I can't think of a more effective PVP healer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to make a Shockadin build, but Im just not sure how effective it will be.


Im thinking:


- Heavy Armor

- 2h Sword or One Handed and Shield, Bow

- Dawn's Wrath and Resto


The main focus would be on PvP survivability where the Templar can do a combination of Spell Damage and Melee while being able to heal himself and take a good amount of damage.


The biggest flaw in this build for me would be choosing where to put the skill points in magicka, health or stamina because in order for this build to work well there needs to be a decent amount of each. 


If however its somehow possible to bring the OOM damage while having healing and survivability, I think the Shockadin will be a very effective choice.

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I want to make a Shockadin build, but Im just not sure how effective it will be.


Im thinking:


- Heavy Armor

- 2h Sword or One Handed and Shield, Bow

- Dawn's Wrath and Resto


The main focus would be on PvP survivability where the Templar can do a combination of Spell Damage and Melee while being able to heal himself and take a good amount of damage.


The biggest flaw in this build for me would be choosing where to put the skill points in magicka, health or stamina because in order for this build to work well there needs to be a decent amount of each. 


If however its somehow possible to bring the OOM damage while having healing and survivability, I think the Shockadin will be a very effective choice.


This is a fairly viable build and what you'll find yourself using the most is probably rushed ceremony as a 'self heal'.  Stacking most of your stats into health and stamina would be ideal.  I'd suggest 3 skills on each bar for your weapon abilities plus rushed ceremony and restoring aura for the passive bonus for having it slotted.


You'll have a fairly tanky build and able to drop at least 2-3 serious heals per fight.

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I've been a long time healer / supporter player over the last 10y and am still quite new to TESO, but played the last BETAs and currently plan the setup with which my group will be running in PvP:


What I'm currently thinking, is:


1. Templar (Healer)

2. Templar (DPS / Backup Heal)

3. Dragonknight (CC + DPS, probably with Fire-Destro-Staff and Bow for more Range-AoE-DPS, alternative would be another DPS-Templar)

4. Mage (DPS + CC)


in order to run a sort of "Caster-group" or "bomber-group" , as I assume that the time for the (probably stronger in x vs x) melee-groups is still far ahead.



In the following I'll write down the build I have in mind for the "offensive" DPS / Backup-Healer Templar. Any comments on the setup posted above, aswell as the following build are highly appreciated, so tia:



1. Bar (Destruction-Staff for less Mana Problems, preferably Shock-Staff for more AoE)


Sun-Fire / Deflective Light (Range-AoE)

Solar-Flare (not sure whether to specialize it to Healdebuff or AoE Damage, would like AoE more but Healdebuff is a must so then would need to come from someone else in the Group, maybe DK-Ultimate)

Backslash (trying to understand that skill right, it's casted on a target, stores the dmg and then sort of "explodes" after 6s, right? )

Weakness to Elements

Blinding Light


Ultimate: Warhorn


2. Bar (Resto-Staff)


Rushed Ceremony / Breath of Life


Rapid Maneuver


Rune Focus


Ultimate: Nova




Questions i. e. would be, if someone already has experience with playing a (DPS) Caster-Templar and knows, if it's even possible from a mana-point of perspective.



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Guest Iduyenn

I hope, there will be much impressions from the closed beta- players about endgame- skills and evolvement of healing. Is it true, one Skill can only be morphed one time?  

looking forward to more informations



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You get 1 Skillpoint for each level, 1 Skillpoint for various (zone-type of) quests, 1 Skillpoint for every group, sometimes even for single-dungeons, 1 skillpoint for the extra-bosses that can be summoned via special ways in the same, named dungeons, 1/3 skillpoint for each skyshard, then comes Cyrodil with tons of skyshards, then come the VR-levels...


So I cannot give you a definite answer, but it's safe to assume that a lvl 50 Char will have the 120 skillpoints that I used in the build.

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Hmm This seems to be the place to post about templar builds


I did not get far enough in beta to really test out this build so far its mostly an idea.


I really like the whole concept of I can heal you, but I am by no means a pacifist!


I wanted a templar that has a big 2handed weapon and is quite skilled in the noble arts of Mace to face combat! I tested this early and I found a coalation between amounts of mace hits to enemy face is proportional to me not loosing.


but I wanted to be able to do most dungeouns and stuff as a healer


Sorta like a very melitant healer

where i got my idea: https://www.google.dk/search?q=Templar&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=eVsKU6jUK8fLsga4goHwAg&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1600&bih=799#q=warrior+priest&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=HTxcioLT68YpoM%253A%3BIeHMWY0fo-nCTM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.tentonhammer.com%252Fimage%252Fview%252F41355%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.tentonhammer.com%252Fnode%252F41346%3B600%3B900



Stats wise I was thinking of going 2magicka 2 health 1 Stamina


seeing magica abilities does the most damage and 1 in stamina should be enough to use a few melee abilties every now and then


The idea would be this guy would not have tons of damage but very hard to kill I geuss.


I was thinking of going altmer or breton because they seem to be good with magica and spells.


I have one requirement for races though: appearencewise they must be able to be 100% bald and have a beard. Like a true fanatic


1 weapon would be 2hand second would be resto staff I think, did not make it to lvl 15 so I don't know how that works.


Thinking of going light armor aswell thats one of the reasons for 2 in health, also I should be able to heal myself most of the time anyway?


can anyone explain the extra weapon mechanic how it works in the game?


Thanks in advance and sorry for bad english

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