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The Templar Thread


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This guide assumes you want to maximize your Templar's abilities as a healer first, magic DPS second. It also assumes PVP first, PVE second.


The great thing about being a Templar is that you will be the only class who can really heal this effectively, yet your Lycan or Daedra skill trees will be just as effective as other classes because I believe we'll get a preset bar when we transform. So, if you want to DPS then chances are that one of those roles will be really good well rounded DPS and you don't need to worry that Templar's DPS isn't as good as the others..but, their heals will never equal yours.. Temp 4 Life!! (literally) Haha


Anyway, on with the guide:




It seems that the difference between heavy and light armor will be about 18% total damage mitigation (30% vs 12% total). +4% extra mitigation from the heavy bonus, and +Health Regen as well as Healing Received.


I think this is comparable to the 28% extra St regen from medium for most St builds, since regen's not worth quite as much as flat mitigation.


But, more importantly, I think this means that Light Armor is definitely the way to go for a Temp Healer. Almost 40% more available MP is a lot, especially if you're distributing into MP as your main stat (which, I'd highly advise doing as a healer who can't be incapacitated--Immovable will be the only St ability we take, so it should be applied liberally--meaning that you should never get behind on heals, if you can time your immovables right and early-test your enemies to see if you need to keep Rune Focus up or not.)


Taking Light Armor will also make your Solar Flare spamming more effective (assuming that dmg aoe can crit, but also the 5% [in pvp. 7% in pve with full light] extra spell damage is nice all-around.)




You want one of your bars to be purely for healing, and while it's true that Resto Staff abilities are shitty compared to Restoring Light, the passives support a healing role more than the other weapons. Namely: +15% healing on targets under 30% HP,  and +5% to all healing done.


Blessing of Protection is also a good buff as long as you keep your Resto Staff out, which is perfect because it won't be unlocked until Staff reaches a high skill-level...meaning you keep it on your bar while leveling, since keeping weapon/armor abilities on your bar is a waste of skill-experience real estate for your class trees.




It's true that Destro Staff would give you -80 resistances toward enemy if you time it right with a Fire Staff, and that Destro Staff will benefit more from Light Armor +spell damage (maybe). But, I really think Bow might be a better choice if we end up not using much ST with Destro Staff out (since we won't keep Immovable on our Destro Bar).


Most notably, a Bow gives you: Weighted Shot: Cheap and long ranged interrupt. Snipe: A way to easily pick people off from a distance. The other active-abilities probably aren't worth taking over Temp abilities.

Passively a bow is great, pretty much all of the passives are used by the character with the bow, rather than having passives that boost the weapon skills themselves.


Of course, I think that either Lycan or Daedra will be an awesome secondary bar as a Templar though...but that's just a guess. Based off current info, Bow is probably the best choice for most Templar's other bar.



Race really depends on your playstyle, Stamina isn't as important for PVE as a Templar but you might run out of it pretty quick in PVP while sniping/interrupting or while managing Immovable.


Templar benefits from having high MP, so I'd be Breton or Altmer, but it goes back to how you plan on playing your character. Argonian's + 7% healing received is nice, but not worth taking over the +10% MP. 


I'd go with your gut, play whichever race you want. The overall difference won't be that much, but I think Breton is the best choice.




Here's an example of a cookie cutter build-

Resto Bar-

  • [*]Blessing of Protection - Group Support [*]Siege Shield - Group Support [*]Cleansing Ritual - Spammed Heal [*]Immovable - Anti-incapacitate [*]Rune Focus - Anti-interrupt

Bow Bar-

  • [*]Sun Fire - Amazing in 1v1, -10% damage done to you, strong damage, -40% speed. [*]Piercing Javelin - Strong damage, cheap knockback. This + Sun Fire = Solo Kite Combo. [*]Solar Flare - Amazing spammable AOE dmg, the +40% damage on next hit helps everyone. [*]Weighted Shot - Interrupts are amazing, especially if you've got a templar casting bullshit like Cleansing Ritual or Solar Flare. Haha! :) Honestly though, most people in your group won't have an interrupt, and this is one of the best ones. [*]Snipe - Sometimes the Healer's gotta help kill a single-target.


  • [*]Warhorn - Really good overall, especially if you think about how much it helps the whole group.


Sidebar (Alternative spells//skills to buy with extra points, in case you want to substitute them in later):

Backlash: If you are taking a good amount of damage while healing, but you aren't getting too close to dying, then Backlash is a really powerful damage ability that could pick off a lot of idiots, especially in AOE fights where you're taking a steadier stream of damage.

  • [*]Entropy gives some extra MP and a weak DOT, +15% damage on next magic ability. If you find yourself running out of MP too much to be consistent, then this is probably worth taking over Snipe...but then I'm sure you'd have excessive ST. Entropy is really good for this build, and might be a necessity-we'll see. [*]
Sun Shield: If you are taking a good amount of damage, but you are getting close to dying (or you are dying frequently) then Sun Shield is an extremely powerful shield and a good thing to have around. [*]Eclipse is really good if you find yourself in 1v1 situations a lot. It works against almost anyone, taking them out of commission for 5 whole seconds--or, if they're baddies, they'll mess themselves up. [*]Arrow Spray might be a better choice than weighted shot, if you want to let your group deal with interrupts and then all you need to deal with is either healing or damaging. The 1-->2 of Solar Flare --> instant Arrow Spray when Solar Flare finishes casting could be a really hard AOE burst. [*]Spear Shards is a good choice for PVE, and if you think you can fit it on your PVP bar then go for it. I think that with Solar Flare spamming, which will be more overall AOE DPS, you don't need it... But, in PVE where it's easier to set things up with the top DPS of the group, 15% buff to them can make a huge difference. [*]Rushed Ceremony is a good choice for PVE when things are really tight and you need to get a heal out instantly. But, in PVP you'll want to be in a bigger group where people are expected to die, you should focus on benefiting the whole group more in this case to prevent the most amount of deaths possible. In raids like this, meters matter, maximize your output and hope that your teammates have set-ups good enough to go defensive when needed. Yes, you should focus on individuals in need if you can, but I'd even leave that to the other group members to CC enemies killing a single target rather than putting it on the heals like in most games. In ESO there's so much survival abilities, this difference is huge.... Anyway, I could theorize about PVP-economics with a utilitarian philosophy all day--but I'm going to save that for my guild <Cyrodiil Squad> for elite PS4 players.. [*]Rapid Maneuver if you have room on your Bow Bar for infiltrating on foot in PVP. Maneuver also helps as ST drain if you don't find yourself using Snipe or Weighted shot enough to use much of it--take advantage of the extra resource. [*]Equilibrium in PVE, because your heals give more Health than they cost, so this is a good trade if you're low on MP. [*]Scatter Shot instead of Piercing Javelin, it's not as good but if your ST is too high then it can help you get balanced. [*]Volley if you find yourself sitting back and AOE-spamming a lot of Spear Shards, Solar Flares..run out of MP, boom--you got an ST AOE. Although, I think if you're able to AOE this often, you're probably not helping your group out that much... Try to leave the damage to the pure-DMG, or take Lycan or Daedra. [*]Annulment is actually pretty good, but it only works against magic damage. [*]You'll really want Soul Trap somewhere until you get Soul Lock. Wherever you can fit it, and maybe only in PVE.


Alternative Ults-

  • [*]
(Breton) Dragonskin because it might save you a lot. (Altmer) Higborn because when you're out of MP you're screwed. [*]Soul Strike on Bow Bar if they allow you to take an Ult for each bar, it'll help you in 1v1 fights, which you lack killing power in. [*]Barrier might be powerful enough aoe-bubble to be worth taking, but it's only equal to about 3 Healing Rituals--which is actually a lot, but I think that giving everyone 25% more resources might be the better choice for actually winning fights rather than just trying to heal. Although...an extra 10% MP regen is pretty dang nice for this build, so Barrier might be better. I'd say, make someone else take Warhorn and you take Barrier, it helps fill out your niche better anyway.


While leveling-

While leveling you'll want to balance out your skills between Aedric Spear, Restoring Light, and Dawns Wrath.


Don't use abilities from Armor/Weapons until you have nothing else you need to level up, since having their skills on your bar doesn't increase their leveling speed.


Don't base race-choice off of +15% experience, as long as you're not changing your mind about weapons all the time this won't matter at all.


When you're level 50 and you unlock the PVP trees, they might allow you to put points into them instantly. But, if not, you'll want to use all of those abilities as much as possible to level them up until you unlock the passives. Make sure you save up points for these - you should have plenty since you're a pro who's focused rather than most scrubs who'll still be figuring things out. You only need 11 points for this.


I'll update this by future posts, I'm not very good at editing new information in.. So, if you're just checking this thread, then chances are there might be new information/tactics in the newer posts.


Don't be afraid of hurting my feelings. If you can explain yourself, then I'd like to hear as many constructive comments as possible.  :)


Emperor(hehehe) Musclemagic-

Breton Templar, 5 light 2 heavy, Resto & Bow:


Blessing of Protection

Siege Shield

Cleansing Ritual


Rune Focus


Sun Fire

Piercing Javelin

Solar Flare

Arrow Spray


Ult- Barrier


Enchantments: As much MP as needed, then all power enchants. Power enchants on staff and bow.


Stat distribution: 75% MP, 25% HP... but I need to figure this out better, I just need to be able to avoid being killed in one Veiled Strike + Stunlock, Once I'm balanced I'll be able to use Immovable to avoid stunlock from then on, but if I die before I regain balance then I'll be dying all the time. "Healer in robes?!" = "SQUIRREL!?!"


Including all the beneficial passives, this build costs exactly 50 skill-points. This leaves you with enough skill-points where you can put all the ones earned by Shards to leveling-only abilities or things to test out. You'll want to spend at least 4 of these to fill your bars with more Aedric Spear/Dawns Wrath abilities while leveling--Backlash, Eclipse, Puncturing Strikes, Spear Shards, and Radial Sweep (would like to level Aedric up fast, since only using Piercing Javelin with it when closer to end-game)--while leveling might be good choices for priming yourself (instead of immovable, blessing of protection, siege shield, snipe, arrow spray, and barrier).


That's my current plan anyway. Will update in future posts when new information's released.


Irons- I'm hoping you'll make a DK thread now! ^.^ Someone make a NB or Sorc thread as well, if you're up for it. I think this is the next logical step in our theorycrafting.

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You don't need a mod to change the title. Click "edit", then click "use full editor".

...Oh, but you do need a mod to take care of that double post. Tsk, tsk. That's a demerit from the Llama.


I prayed to Mod and Mod answered my prayer. Mod blesses the believers and forsakes the deceivers! Thank you, Mod, for this blessing. It's a sign! It's a sign!! It's a sign!!!....now the word "sign" doesn't look like a word..

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It seems that the difference between heavy and light armor will be about 18% total damage mitigation (30% vs 12% total). +4% extra mitigation from the heavy bonus, and +Health Regen as well as Healing Received.


I think this is comparable to the 28% extra St regen from medium for most St builds, since regen's not worth quite as much as flat mitigation.



Where did you discover the 30% mitigation number for wearing 7 pieces of Heavy armor versus 12% for wearing 7 pieces of Light armor?  I hadn't seen the mitigation figures posted as hard, confirmed values anywhere, so this would be welcome news.  Are these numbers confirmed from in-game testing?


Also, the new skills spreadsheet indicates that Heavy armor gets 1% per piece of Heavy equipped rather than the flat 4% from the older sheet. This would make it 7% for a full set of Heavy rather than 4%.  It's only an extra 3%, but in the world of mitigation, every % matters ;)


I agree that Light armor is the way to go for a healer Templar in any event, as Magicka cost/regen is a huge factor for them.

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Mod, if you can hear me...and I know you can, because there's so much evidence!

Please, Mod, tell me how to get my girlfriend to move out without stealing half my shit. Thank you Mod.


Advice about your girlfriend? Dude, there is a 50-50 chance that instead of the almighty, ever-loving site creator, you might be answered by the other guy, the manifestation of everything that is wrong and perverted-- Blake.



...Hah. Whom I'd love to hear.

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Where did you discover the 30% mitigation number for wearing 7 pieces of Heavy armor versus 12% for wearing 7 pieces of Light armor?  I hadn't seen the mitigation figures posted as hard, confirmed values anywhere, so this would be welcome news.  Are these numbers confirmed from in-game testing?


Also, the new skills spreadsheet indicates that Heavy armor gets 1% per piece of Heavy equipped rather than the flat 4% from the older sheet. This would make it 7% for a full set of Heavy rather than 4%.  It's only an extra 3%, but in the world of mitigation, every % matters ;)


I agree that Light armor is the way to go for a healer Templar in any event, as Magicka cost/regen is a huge factor for them.



Yeah, 3% makes a difference. Thanks for that. :)


I forget the exact formula I used to come up with that, I did it a few days ago and those were the general numbers I came up with. It's based on 750 armor = 26% mitigation, and then irons posted something a while ago about light:medium:heavy being ~.6:1:1.2 values, so heavy = 2x light. And then we know how much typical armor someone will have at endgame from leaks. Thinking now, 18% more, just from the armor-stats, with heavy at end-game might not be right, it's probably a bit more than that actually. Let's see.... it would be 30 armor for 1%, and we're seeing numbers around 650 for light armor and 1300 for heavy, yeah?


I guess that'd be like 23% difference just from the raw stats rather than 18%.


Still though that doesn't change the facts enough. Like you said, the principle still applies that for a healer (especially a practically un-CC-able one) you're better off in light armor. The impact on your damage bar is pretty huge as well, which I actually plan on using a bit more than what most people would consider kosher. XD

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Light armor and long range away from heat of the battle is the way to go for a restoration staff healer.Templars that heal will be forced to go much closer to the action. They rely very much on instant 12m pbaoe abilities (which you can trigger while you whack away with a 2 handed sword). They are also not forced to use a restoration staff to heal and can wield a weapon or a shield and a weapon. Much easier to build a hybrid healer of you are a templar.In PvE even Templars healers will use light armor and restoration staff, but in PvP I think Templars healers will mix it up.I don't think that you at this point can assume that armor rating and mitigation is linear. A tank with tank armor and tank skills will probably be pretty tough to kill and have more than 30% mitigation or what ever you calculated.As for race. There are 3 races per faction and all races are not open to all factions. You should probably find one race pet faction that will be good. Such as Argonians, Altmer and Breton.

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Light armor and long range away from heat of the battle is the way to go for a restoration staff healer.Templars that heal will be forced to go much closer to the action. They rely very much on instant 12m pbaoe abilities (which you can trigger while you whack away with a 2 handed sword). They are also not forced to use a restoration staff to heal and can wield a weapon or a shield and a weapon. Much easier to build a hybrid healer of you are a templar.In PvE even Templars healers will use light armor and restoration staff, but in PvP I think Templars healers will mix it up.I don't think that you at this point can assume that armor rating and mitigation is linear. A tank with tank armor and tank skills will probably be pretty tough to kill and have more than 30% mitigation or what ever you calculated.As for race. There are 3 races per faction and all races are not open to all factions. You should probably find one race pet faction that will be good. Such as Argonians, Altmer and Breton.


I'm not really assuming anything..according to my calcs full heavy will give 48.8% reduction, not 30%.


Yes, those are the 3 races that I recommended in OP.


Your other bar is for damage, you'll want to focus on healing while you're a healer...being hybrid while trying to play with 1 role is pretty much always bad for group battles. 1 bar = 1 role = better.


Again, can you give an example build of what you're saying so we can see where you're coming from? I don't think it would fill either the role of DPS or the role of Healer better at any point in time than this build does. But, I'd really like to be shown otherwise so we all can benefit.

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staying max 12m away from combat to use your pbaoes as a templar in light armor is unhealthy close in pve and suicidal close for pvp. you *will* die first and being that close to the action there is nothing (or very little) your tank can do to prevent it. 


i think a lot pvp templars will use a shield and one hand and/or heavy armor.


or even go hybrid between dps and support

- spending stamina on a two hand supported with instant 12m pbaoes that cost magicka


storm caller sorceres with a destruction staff will probably have access to the most mobile burst dps of all builds but I think that dawn's wrath (magicka) + Bow (stamina) have the potential to be the best long range sustained dps. in the entire game. (very useful in pve but also in pvp when defending something static, like a fort)






if you for a second are allowed to be very short sighted and general then:



nightlbade is probably THE class for surprise attacks, sneak attacks, killing off unprotected enemy support before anyone noticing or attacking targets already engaged in combat or already half dead. invisible illusionists. the spec ops class. the assassin.


dragon knight is probably THE best 1v1 close range melee class. the defender.  the tank. survivability and hard to kill being a high priority. hard to escape from. hard to kill in melee battle. the heavy warrior.


sorcerer is probably THE best 1v1 long range class. light armored. mobile. nukers and blasters. very magicka intensive. kiters. ranged death dealer with superior mobility. the paper tiger. 




and templars is probably THE best group vs group (both for pve or pvp) class. only class that have access to heals while wielding an offensive weapon. this class will thrive when having multiple friends and enemies close by so he can utilize the fact this is the class with the most offensive aoe abilities and instant fire and forget pbaoe buffs and heals. 

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staying max 12m away from combat to use your pbaoes as a templar in light armor is unhealthy close in pve and suicidal close for pvp. you *will* die first and being that close to the action there is nothing (or very little) your tank can do to prevent it. 


i think a lot pvp templars will use a shield and one hand and/or heavy armor.


or even go hybrid between dps and support

- spending stamina on a two hand supported with instant 12m pbaoes that cost magicka


storm caller sorceres with a destruction staff will probably have access to the most mobile burst dps of all builds but I think that dawn's wrath (magicka) + Bow (stamina) have the potential to be the best long range sustained dps. in the entire game. (very useful in pve but also in pvp when defending something static, like a fort)






if you for a second are allowed to be very short sighted and general then:



nightlbade is probably THE class for surprise attacks, sneak attacks, killing off unprotected enemy support before anyone noticing or attacking targets already engaged in combat or already half dead. invisible illusionists. the spec ops class. the assassin.


dragon knight is probably THE best 1v1 close range melee class. the defender.  the tank. survivability and hard to kill being a high priority. hard to escape from. hard to kill in melee battle. the heavy warrior.


sorcerer is probably THE best 1v1 long range class. light armored. mobile. nukers and blasters. very magicka intensive. kiters. ranged death dealer with superior mobility. the paper tiger. 




and templars is probably THE best group vs group (both for pve or pvp) class. only class that have access to heals while wielding an offensive weapon. this class will thrive when having multiple friends and enemies close by so he can utilize the fact this is the class with the most offensive aoe abilities and instant fire and forget pbaoe buffs and heals. 


Hmm, that's true. I was initially going to be mostly Heavy armor to balance that, but I think the magicka is actually better for survival unless you're getting bursted down too quickly. And, the passives for Resto staff are a lot better than S&S for survival, so unless a shield has a huge amount of armor rating then I think it would be a decrease in your survivability.


Do you have an example of a Templar build you're thinking of? I can see where you're coming from, but I'm having a hard time making it work on paper.

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using that how much mitigation does medium armor have?


34.72% for medium, 22.57% for light. These are based off of 650 light, 1000 medium, 1300 heavy and probably aren't too accurate, but it makes a good general guide.


~50% heavy, 35% medium, 22.5% light.  My random inputs at first were way off (30% vs 12%) haha! But, the principle for this thread still remains, so it's alright to just leave it I suppose. :P

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"The Avenger"


Class: Templar


Race: Altmer or Breton


Weapons: Two-handed and bow.


Armor: Either 5 medium / 2 light, 5 light / 2 heavy or 5 heavy / 2 light


Stats: Either 100% magicka or 70% magicka / 30% stamina


Role: DPS and support.


First action bar: Two-handed


1. solar flare / sun fire

2. reverse slash

3. critical charge

4. puncturing strikes

5. blinding light


Second action bar: Bow


1. sun fire / spear shards (depending on the situation)

2. poison arrow

3. volley / snipe (depending on the situation)

4. piercing javelin

5. restoring aura


I am rather happy with the ability choices because I think they will allow the character to deal with pretty much any situation, but what I cannot figure out is what kind of armor configuration will support the build the best.


5 med / 2 light:

Pros: High stamina regen to fuel weapon abilities, all weapons will have higher crit range, more combat maneuverability and quicker stealthing.

Con: Low amor rating


5 light / 2 heavy:

Pros: High magicka regen to fuel spells, spells crit for more damage, better spell resistance and spells cost less.

Con: Low armor rating


5 heavy / 2 light:

Pros: High armor rate, better health regen, melee does more damage, more damage migitation, received healing is better and it looks better.

Cons: Low stamina regen, can't play sneaky as well, no useful set-bonus, no increased crit scores for either spells or weapons.


I guess the real choice is between 5 med / 2 light or 5 light / 2 heavy. The latter will only really be interesting if it turns out that these two won't give enough survivability. If the choice is between the two aforementioned configurations, I think it will come down to which config gives the better armor rating. 


My initial thought is that 5 med / 2 light might be better, but it could be sweet if at one point, I could also grab a destruction staff every now and then and play as a glass cannon nuker (if I come across parties who need such a character, or if the guild needs such a character at times). Then the 5 light / 2 heavy looks very appealing (and that's also why I consider going 100% magicka).


So, any input and feedback on ability choices and especially armor configuration would be most welcomed.

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I fcuked up a lot of concepts in the OP. I'm also using the new skill sheet, so my ideas changed a bit. Here's an update on what I plan on playing:


Breton Templar - 5 light 2 heavy (mp & power), Resto (power), Bow (fire- I think Fire's more damage, Shock will take away MP, Frost will slow. I just want extra damage, but power might actually be better in this case as well.)



Rune Focus

Blessing of Protection

Cleansing Ritual (Purge, if Rune Focus gives the +100% to Healing Ritual)

Healing Ritual


Siege Shield

Poison Arrow

Sun Fire


Solar Flare

Ult- Barrier


Bow bar:

Keep Siege Shield up to help out group and self from taking as much damage. Against other groups, Entropy --> Solar Flare over and over. Against single targets, Entropy -> Sun Fire then Poison Arrow spam until you're out of Stamina.

Barrier and Siege Shield on bar gives +20% mp regen, with Entropy there as well and being in Light Armor as a Breton you shouldn't have too much MP issues while spamming damage (either single-target or group).

If at any time you come into melee ranged with enemies, switch to your Resto bar.


Resto Bar:

Keep Blessing of Protection on your allies every 8 seconds, instruct everyone who wants healing to stay within 12m. Cleansing Ritual should be up every 12s so that allies can activate it to remove debuffs.

Apart from this, spam Healing Ritual. It's +100% healing because the people withing 12m radius are effected by Cleansing Ritual, this (and the other passive that reduces MP for Healing Ritual) is why Healing Ritual > Rushed Ceremony. Healing Ritual is 12m radius as well, meaning it always gets the 100% if Cleansing Ritual's up.

When needed, use Rune Focus to keep from being interrupted. And use Immovable as often as ST allows to keep from being CC'd or pulled away from group.

Even as Breton with Light armor and +10% from having Barrier, MP will be an issue with this build, so play conservatively.



Barrier is just amazing, fitting in your role nicely for sticky situations. It lasts a long time, effects a lot of people, and absorbs a good amount of damage. It also gives you +10% MP regen.

Although, if we can use 2 Ults, then I'd use Soul Strike on the bow bar and Nova on the resto bar because they're more appropriate for each bar specifically.



While leveling: 5 heavy 2 light, MP enchanted.


Puncturing Strikes

Healing Ritual

Cleansing Ritual

Focused Charge



Rushed Ceremony

Sun Fire

Piecing Javeling

Solar Flare

Poison Arrow

Ult- Radial Sweep


The reason I use 5 heavy while leveling is because I need to level up the passives for Heavy Armor. This build also uses 3 from each Templar tree, for even leveling + the Ult from Aedric Spear just to level it up quickly. Once I unlock the passives needed from each of the trees then I'll be able to use the final build.. unless the PvP trees require usage for leveling rather than just PvP combat. In which case I'd have to make a grinding build that has all 4 of them in it.

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Breton Templar - 5 light 2 heavy (mp & power), Resto (power), Bow (fire- I think Fire's more damage, Shock will take away MP, Frost will slow. I just want extra damage, but power might actually be better in this case as well.)



Rune Focus

Blessing of Protection

Cleansing Ritual

Healing Ritual


Siege Shield

Poison Arrow

Sun Fire


Solar Flare

Ult- Barrier

Very solid build. I have not thought much about Templars, but after looking at all their skills it seems like their 3 skill lines are very distinct and do not interact much. There are some combinations possible, but not as much compared to mage or nightblade.


You might wanna consider changing the cleansing ritual for purge if the radius of rune focus is about 12 yards too (for the 100% more healing). because purge gives you another 10% mana regen, and besides cleansing (a player that is cc ed for 14 second cannot remove the cc with the synergy of cleansing ritual) it also reduces the duration of negative effects on nearby allies by 50% for 5 seconds.

The other thing is, I dont really think that the entropy is a good pick. You allready have alot of heals on your other bar. You might want a defensive ability like scatter shot on your bow bar.


But I think this is a really strong build. I dont think there is a better healer build possible (op templars)

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Very solid build. I have not thought much about Templars, but after looking at all their skills it seems like their 3 skill lines are very distinct and do not interact much. There are some combinations possible, but not as much compared to mage or nightblade.


You might wanna consider changing the cleansing ritual for purge if the radius of rune focus is about 12 yards too (for the 100% more healing). because purge gives you another 10% mana regen, and besides cleansing (a player that is cc ed for 14 second cannot remove the cc with the synergy of cleansing ritual) it also reduces the duration of negative effects on nearby allies by 50% for 5 seconds.

The other thing is, I dont really think that the entropy is a good pick. You allready have alot of heals on your other bar. You might want a defensive ability like scatter shot on your bow bar.


But I think this is a really strong build. I dont think there is a better healer build possible (op templars)


I really really like Backlash, but yeah, they're kind of just wonky abilities in tier 3, haha


Great call mate, if I am using Rune Focus enough to get the +100% buff then Purge is probably the better choice. :)


The thing about this build is that I only plan on using it in group settings, so if someone's on me I have no problem getting out the Resto Bar because we can always benefit from it. Entropy might not be that strong, but I think the accumulation of it's effects is worth taking: the small MP. The small DoT. The small +damage on next attack. If I time it right with Solar Flare spamming then I think my calculations show I can cast it infinitely. More sustained, and then if I don't want sustained I just don't need to cast Entropy and I can spam Flares for burst. Single Targets I'd rather throw on Entropy and Sun Fire then drain ST with Poison Arrow and swap over and let me group handle the killing from there on..or just survive if it's 1v1. Haha, I like pissing people off and I don't think anyone will be able to take down that Resto bar in solo very easily.

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Guest muscle on the p

You know.. I think scattershoT is a better choice than entropy because it is just better with Flare.. st+mp. I'd take entropy over Siege Shield though, but I'd like to take siege shield instead of Bless of Protection then.. How does that sound? Possible to take instant heal instead because of huge mp regen?

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I was on my phone when I thought of these swaps. I meant Arrow Spray, not Scatter Shot. I'd like to get your guys opinion on these bars compared to the bars from 2 posts ago:


Breton Templar - 5 Light 2 Heavy (Enough MP to be stable in PVP and then all Power Enchants), Resto (Power), Bow (Power)


Rune Focus


Rushed Ceremony

Purge (Cleansing Ritual-PVE)

Siege Shield (Entropy-PVE)


Magelight (Restoring Aura-PVE)

Piercing Javelin

Poison Arrow

Solar Flare

Arrow Spray

Ult- Barrier (Nova-PVE)


Resto bar with Siege Shield, Purge and Barrier will have a lot of extra MP regeneration. Hopefully just enough ST to keep Immovable up a lot. But, with all that MP regen, keeping Rune Focus up shouldn't be a burden at all.. Meaning that not only will I have consistent good mitigation but I'll have plenty of MP for spamming Rushed Ceremony rather than having to rely on Healing Ritual. When a situation calls for it, having Purge and Siege Shield are also very handy so it's not like it's a waste to take them.


The bow bar is only to help burst down mobs when DPS is more important than healing. If it's a single target, spam Piercing Javelin/Poison Arrow until out of resources. If it's a group of enemies then spam Solar Flare and Arrow Spray until out of resources.


I'd walk around with Bow bar out for Magelight and being able to burst things down possibly, but remember that your strength is in your Resto bar.


I've tried making changes to the leveling bars as well, but I can't seem to improve on it without making leveling go slower.

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Those changes are definitely an improvement. I like the mage light on the bow bar. But I am a big fan of blessing of protection. I would have kept the siege shield on the bow bar instead of piercing javelin. I do not think you need the extra regeneration.

Why do you take piercing javelin over scatter shot? Mainly because of the the resource type (M instead of S)? Or because it is more damage. Because I think for single target damage poison arrow will do more. That means that scattershot has the same effect + a 5 seconds disorient.

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Those changes are definitely an improvement. I like the mage light on the bow bar. But I am a big fan of blessing of protection. I would have kept the siege shield on the bow bar instead of piercing javelin. I do not think you need the extra regeneration.

Why do you take piercing javelin over scatter shot? Mainly because of the the resource type (M instead of S)? Or because it is more damage. Because I think for single target damage poison arrow will do more. That means that scattershot has the same effect + a 5 seconds disorient.


Yeah, I love these new changes! (They're thanks to you btw, :P) I really like Siege Shield on Resto. I think that in Cyrodiil ranged mitigation will be more important than close-quarters, so the 20% ranged/siege protection is nice on Siege Shield, but the passive MP regen is a huge amount as well. It had to replace either BoP, Immovable, or Rune Protection, so there was really no other choice besides BoP.


idk, I might not need the extra regen, but if I'm using Rushed Ceremony instead of Healing Ritual then I'm pretty sure that in some battles that extra MP will save us.


Yeah, haha, I chose the bow bar for spammable damage output with both MP+ST for both Single+AOE damage only:

Single Target Spammable--  MP-Javelin, ST-Poison Arrow

AOE Spammable-- MP-Flare, ST-Spray


I really want 1 of each type, (AOE-ST, AOE-MP, Single-ST, Single-MP) and I really want them each to be spammable. Getting the biggest burst of damage in the shortest amount of time is my goal.


While still following those guidelines, do you see anything I could change? (I want them all to have some ranged, too.)


This leaves the build with 1 extra slot:

In PvP I think Magelight will be nice to have around, and the +7% crit chance and -5%MP will improve my burst.

In PVE I'm thinking Aura because it benefits the group more here, where Magelight is probably more beneficial in PVP.


Right now it's a decent build for clearing Trash in PVE while soloing. Either I can kite a single target just from using Javelin over and over (maybe with a Spray once in a while for -50% speed) or I might be able to even kite a small group with -50% speed on Spray and then spamming Flare while they're slowed..they'd have to be a pretty easy group though if kiting's possible with just -50% speed on them...

The ST regen from Aura will allow me to sprint further too, if I'm behind my group in a dungeon or just want to get somewhere quicker and can't get on my horse, especially when I activate it I should at least be able to sprint for a long ways.


I'm almost thinking that I like having Aura out so much that I want it out all the time now... Haha XD


In PvP I'd switch to Resto Bar as soon as there's a fight anyway. I just hope that a NB and a Sorc wouldn't be able to burst me down so fast that I couldn't switch to Resto and buff up.. With all the +MP stuff on this build I'm going to be built with over 60% of stats into Health, so I don't think I'll be that burstable.



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On second thoughts I think your bow bar (allthough not really important) can really have some changes. You really underestimate the damage of light and heavy attacks. Abilities without utility will be somewhat stronger then normal attacks, but you can only keep that up when you have a high amount of regen. Because you have so much regen with your passives on the resto bar you will not need that much regeneration echantments etc. Thats why I think its better to have 1 aoe ability and 1 single target ability and the rest utility abilities in pvp. You dont want to use all your stamina for single target and aoe. You want to be able to block, dodge, escape from cc (cost stamina) and sprint. 

Thats why i would say drop the arrow spray and drop the piercing javelin.

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