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Hey, look, they re-did the ogrim.

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they took a great deal away from his lower lip lol.




muscle-I CANNOT WAIT till we get the final skills,because like you i want to be a templar with a similar build,but am now on edge because of what you said about buffs!! (sigh just wish we knew more)


Kind of a weird thread for this, haha, but idk, I think Templar will actually do alright as long as they can self-heal better than healing others to make up for the lack of damage negation they get.


The problem is that they do AOE heals more than self-heals so in groups the templars are going to get face-raped super fast compared to everyone else, since not only do they have more mitigation but they're getting the templar's heals as well..

And...then, when the templar tries to DPS, it isn't as good because..well..it just doesn't synergize that way right now.


We'll figure it out though! :) I'm definitely going to main a templar and ring-partner with a pure dps.

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