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The Forsworn Question


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I presume this topic has been started already but I couldn't find it so I created my own.


Anyway, what do you guys think of the Forsworn?

Do you think that their cause is just and they should rule the reach?

Do you think them beastly savages and you rather support the Nords?


What do you think of the whole "War of the Reach"?


I personally simply cannot overcome my dissatisfaction with the fact that the Forsworn worship Daedras and above all those disgusting Hagravens. I do think that they're cause is just (i remember reading that when they ruled the Reach their kingdom was just and peaceful) and I think they look awesome in their outfits or whatever with their cool swords, bows, and axes but I just don't agree with their methods is all.


So what do the rest of yall think?

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Who do I think deserves to occupy this chunk of Skyrim, the Nords or the Forsworn? Being personally apathetic about everything teetering on the political, I'd rather stay neutral. But I do have a rationale on whom I'd rather have it.


I'm a Nord by heart, so I've got a predisposition for the Nord race.


Nords sit with me at taverns and confide in me their daily woes. Reachmen try to kill me on sight. I prefer the Nord personalities.


The Nords have built cities, forged metal, cultivated lands and spawn happy, hardworking people. The Reachmen are currently the only faction of human-level intelligence whose advancement in culture and societal infrastructure has remained virtually unchanged throughout the millenia of their existence. Nords take the ball.


One time, I thought one of the forsworn that I battled looked hot. She had a viciously seductive femme fatale expression on her face that was determined to kill me. Unfortunately, my character unwittingly performed a kill-animation on her and sent her head flying. I was like, "Aww, man... Couldn't I have pacified you any other way?" I then turned to Serana, who was staring at me. "Oh, shut up, you already friend-zoned me." I told her.


Serana is a Nord. Nords win.

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I understand what you are saying, however, it did say that the Reachmen ruled Markarth in a just and proper way. Then Ulfric and his guys came along and butchered everybody. I said at first that I support the Nords, but I have to say that there are definitely two sides to this. I mean, sure the Forsworn are savages who worship Daedra but they haven't always been like that and It's certainly not their fault. On the other hand, you've got the "civilized" Nords ruling Markarth. But let's just take a closer look. You've got a young and inexperienced Jarl who can't impose his rule, you've got a family of greedy bastards who have the whole city in their pocket and are never above slaughtering their own citizens just to keep their river of blood and silver flowing, you've got a terrifying mine referred to as a 'prison' which hardly anyone ever gets out of, no matter what his/her crime, etc. Bottom line is, yes, the Forsworn are bastards but it is the Nords who made them into what they are today, the Nords who themselves are far from civilized despite what anybody says.

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I just knew you were gonna respond somewhat like that. So much for the sentimentalities of mine. But I did mention I'd stay neutral. It's been my motto for a long time.


In the game, I killed Ulfric, because he was an ass. I racked up an enormous bounty resisting arrest in Markath. I subsequently halted the progression of the questline before I decided I wanted to see the "King in Rags" myself. Eventually, I helped out the Forsworn King because I grew to like them more than Ulfric's cronies, who were running the city. I still kill any Forsworn that attack me first. So, I hope my pattern of unequaled neutrality makes itself apparent here.


But, I suppose you want a political answer?


It's a shame they were pushed from their lands. Then again, picture not two races, but just one human race in general. Without the racial discrepancies, it looks to me that they were just outcompeted for resources, because, remember, even before Ulfric grabbed back Markarth, the Forsworn took it back from the Nords, who originally only competed for resources with them. I must emphasize that the Nords simply quarreled with them long ago. The Nords from Atmora and the Bretons from High rock spread their societies until they intersected somewhere in Skyrim, and then started duking it out. It was the empire that spread their rule to every corner of Tamriel that insisted their Nord auxiliary invade The Reach. I'd say it's their fault, but then again, peace had to be achieved.


You see the infantilities of the bickering in political gray-areas? That's why I hate politics. It's unfortunate that a family of greedy bastards and their Stormcloak faction are dicks, but If I had to choose between the Markarth rulers and the Forsworn, I'd be choosing between two factions of dicks, neither of which I like. They don't speak for all the Nords.


Now that's what you expected now, isn't it?




On a side note:

Blake, for whatever cacamayme reason I feel compelled to honor my new title of "Keeper of the Tomes", it sure feels like it's going to take away my options for what I gotta post... So I hope you don't mind that I might just keep the title because it sounds kinda cool, but I might start off to queries with irreverence. You know, my own free-ass way. So, uh, thanks...

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I agree with what you are saying. Bottom line is, both factions are dicks. Just like in the civil war. I mean, both Ulfric and Tullius are being huge assholes to their people but I hate Ulfric more because his disguising his true selfish intentions with this rebellion and the fight for the 'true Nord way of life'. On the other hand Tullius is just a guy sent by the Empire to deal with a rebellion he hardly cares about and he doesn't really hide the fact.

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I always say Legate Rikke was the more competent commander. Though, I think I forgot Tulius was unenthusiastic.


And I do understand the Forsworn's plight at the end of the day. Defending your own is something I can sympathize with. It's just that those nutbags try to kill me all the time.

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