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General Skill Questions

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Would it be to much to ask , if you could include  (if known) what levels we get each skill; Later you could input what level the morph come at at? 


I know most of the best skills are level 50, so would I assume that the morphs for these would come when we are doing 50+ and 50++ content?


I guess I am trying to use your table as a ESO skill building flow, sweet job!

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Would it be to much to ask , if you could include  (if known) what levels we get each skill; Later you could input what level the morph come at at? 


I know most of the best skills are level 50, so would I assume that the morphs for these would come when we are doing 50+ and 50++ content?


I guess I am trying to use your table as a ESO skill building flow, sweet job!


That information can be added eventually, but unless I'm mistaken it hasn't been leaked or released yet.

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Would it be to much to ask , if you could include  (if known) what levels we get each skill; Later you could input what level the morph come at at? 


I know most of the best skills are level 50, so would I assume that the morphs for these would come when we are doing 50+ and 50++ content?


I guess I am trying to use your table as a ESO skill building flow, sweet job!


It isn't really level dependent: You have to get experience in the skill tree to unlock an ability, and then you can use a skill-point to be able to use the ability.

For example, you can have your Resto tree fully unlocked before being able to unlock a single ability from Destro.


A couple people have asked about how many pieces of armor you'd need to wear in order to use the active ability. I don't think you need to wear any at all, you just need to have leveled up the skill-tree enough.

For example, if you level up in Medium Armor then you can unlock the Active and the Passives for medium armor. Then, if you change to Heavy or Light armor later on, you wouldn't get any of the benefits from the passives you've unlocked in Medium (unless you have a few medium pieces on still) but even if you've got zero pieces of medium armor on, you'd still be able to use Evasion.


For example, if you look at the quakecon video, he's level 16 in Aedric Spear abilities, but level 1 in Destro Staff.


I'm fairly certain that within the skill-tree, you get the first active ability unlocked at lvl 1(without any use) and then every 10 levels you gain access to 1 active and 1 passive ability.


Then character levels and soul shards (x3) give you access to points to put into those unlocked trees separately.


I'm not sure how this correlates with skill-trees that have less abilities/passives (like Soul Magic) but I get the feeling it'd still be every 10 levels of the tree. I'm planning on leveling up the Soul Magic tree really quickly to lvl 30 so that I can get Soul Lock and not worry about putting that shit on my bars ever again... To do this I'm going to put both of the possible actives from this tree on my bars.


Armor levels slow because there's only one active that you can put on your bar for it. I think armor/weapon skill trees will levels while in use, even without an ability on your bar, but it will go faster if you keep one on there and use the ability often.


**This is all guesswork**

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Would it be to much to ask , if you could include  (if known) what levels we get each skill; Later you could input what level the morph come at at? 


I know most of the best skills are level 50, so would I assume that the morphs for these would come when we are doing 50+ and 50++ content?


I guess I am trying to use your table as a ESO skill building flow, sweet job!

I'm really just summarising what MuscleMagic has already said but:1, You have your own character level2. Each Class skill line and weapon line has it's own independent level

3. Each individual Active skill has it's own levelYou can be level 40 overall, with level 50 in the Draconic Power skill line, with a Obsidian Shield skill at level 4 and wielding a sword and shield who's skill level is 20. Morphs only happen once at the current stage in development - they occur at level 5 of your active skill level for each skill but what subsequent levels do or even if you can level past his for individual skills is not leaked yet.Passives and Actives are unlocked by skill points from either character levelling or soul shards once you are the required skill level in that skill line and not in overall character level.That's all I know so far...

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I'm fairly certain that within the skill-tree, you get the first active ability unlocked at lvl 1(without any use) and then every 10 levels you gain access to 1 active and 1 passive ability.


Then character levels and soul shards (x3) give you access to points to put into those unlocked trees separately.


I'm not sure how this correlates with skill-trees that have less abilities/passives (like Soul Magic) but I get the feeling it'd still be every 10 levels of the tree. I'm planning on leveling up the Soul Magic tree really quickly to lvl 30 so that I can get Soul Lock and not worry about putting that shit on my bars ever again... To do this I'm going to put both of the possible actives from this tree on my bars.


Armor levels slow because there's only one active that you can put on your bar for it. I think armor/weapon skill trees will levels while in use, even without an ability on your bar, but it will go faster if you keep one on there and use the ability often.


**This is all guesswork**

You can only unlock class skills at lvl 1 weapons start at lvl 5. The next class skill will be unlocked at lvl 5


Armor and Weapons lvl when you just wear them means that you don't have to slot a weapon skill to lvl them. And both lvl relative quickly.


Soul Tree gets unlocked through the story. Similar to mage guild which lvls when you bring them books.

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here might be some useful stuff. mostly from the various leaked videos from the september build.

edit: this list will eventually be part of the database instead. for now i'll remove it to avoid confusion. 

Would it be to much to ask , if you could include (if known) what levels we get each skill; Later you could input what level the morph come at at?I know most of the best skills are level 50, so would I assume that the morphs for these would come when we are doing 50+ and 50++ content?I guess I am trying to use your table as a ESO skill building flow, sweet job!
1) Check my big spoiler in the previous post2) You get the option to morph [all active] skills when you leveled that individual skill to level 43) You don't get the skill at CHARACTER level 50, you get the skill at SKILL LINE rank.

For example, the templar ability Sun Shield from the Aedric Spear line is opened up when you leveled up theAedric Spear line to rank 50. At that point you can spend a skill point to unlock it. If you have active skills from the Aedric Spear line on your hot-bar you will level the Aedric Spear line. If you place your Sun Shield I on your hot bar it will level up. Once your Sun Shield reach rank V you get the option to morph it.It is the same for weapon, armor and racial skill lines.You level weapon skill lines by wielding the weapon.You level armor skill lines by wearing armor of that type.Example from Dragon Knight Ardent Flame skill line:Fiery Reach {ACTIVE} unlocked at Ardent Flame Rank 1 (open to spend a skill point when you start the game)Searing Strike {ACTIVE} unlocked at Ardent Flame Rank 4Kindling {PASSIVE} unlocked at Ardent Flame Rank 8Darknight Standard {ULTIMATE} unlocked at Ardent Flame Rank 12Warmth {PASSIVE} unlocked at Ardent Flame Rank 19Fiery Breath {ACTIVE} unlocked at Ardent Flame Rank 24Searing Heat {PASSIVE} unlocked at Ardent Flame Rank 29Lava Whip {ACTIVE} unlocked at Ardent Flame Rank 34World in Flame {PASSIVE} unlocked at Ardent Flame Rank 39Inferno {ACTIVE} unlocked at Ardent Flame Rank 50Dragon Knight Draconic Power skill line:Spiked Armor {ACTIVE} unlocked at Draconic Power Rank 1 (open to spend a skill point when you start the game)Dark Talons {ACTIVE} unlocked at Draconic Power Rank 4Iron Skin {PASSIVE} unlocked at Draconic Power Rank 8Dragon Leap {ULTIMTAE} unlocked at Draconic Power Rank 12Burning Heart {PASSIVE} unlocked at Draconic Power Rank 19Dragon Blood {ACTIVE} unlocked at Draconic Power Rank 24Elder Dragon {PASSIVE} unlocked at Draconic Power Rank 29Reflective Scale {ACTIVE} unlocked at Draconic Power Rank 34Scared Armor {PASSIVE} unlocked at Draconic Power Rank 39Inhale {ACTIVE} unlocked at Draconic Power Rank 50You can have a level 50 CHARACTER dragon knight with only rank 1 in ardent flame and draconic power SKILL LINES (because the character never slot his active hot bar with any skills from the two skill lines).If you never spend a skill point on Fiery Reach then you don't have a skill from the Ardent Flame on your hot bar and will never advance it.

Morph (morph cost 1 skill point and you do it at skill rank V, I actually think your skill will be stuck at 4.99 until you decide to spend a skill point to morph it) increase one aspect of the ability.

For example:- Fiery Reach IInstant18 meter range60 Magicka* Pull enemy towards you* Deal 8 fire damageUnlocked at Ardent Flame Rank 1- Fiery Reach IVInstant18 meter range75 Magicka* Pull enemy towards you* Deal 15 fire damageOk, so now we have rank IV and get the option to spend another skill point to morph it.- Empowering Chains I (Morph)Instant18 meter range75 Magicka* Pull enemy towards you* Deal 15 fire damge* Increases the weapon power of your nextattack by 40%Upgrades:New effect:Next weawpon attack after casting dealsadditional damageUnlocked at Fiery Reach V- Extended Chains I (Morph)Instant22 meter range75 Magicka* Pull enemy towards you* Deal 15 fire damageUpgrades:New Effect:Has increased range.Unlocked at Fiery Reach V

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1) Check my spoiler

2) You get the option to morph [all active] skills when you leveled that individual skill to level 4

3) You don't get the skill at CHARACTER level 50, you get the skill at SKILL LINE rank.


For example, the templar ability Sun Shield from the Aedric Spear line is opened up when you leveled up the Aedric Spear line to rank 50. At that point you can spend a skill point to unlock it. If you have active skills from the Aedric Spear line on your hot-bar you will level the Aedric Spear line. If you place your Sun Shield I on your hot bar it will level up. Once your Sun Shield reach rank IV you get the option to morph it.


It is the same for weapon, armor and racial skill lines. 


You level weapon skill lines by wielding the weapon.

You level armor skill lines by wearing armor of that type.


very good

is there a place or list where I can see all the ranks we get class skills?

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did you expand my spoilers?

i covered quite a few in there....




removed the big spoiler as it might be more confusing than anything. 

important thing is david have the information so he can add it to the db.


as for your question:


ultimate at class skill line rank 12

actives at class skill line rank 1, 4, 24, 34 and 50

passives at class skill line rank 8, 19, 29 and 39



this might or might not be accurate for all classes and class skill line, but it was accurate for at least some class skill lines in the videos i've seen so far.


the above might or might not also change before release.

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here might be some useful stuff. mostly from the various leaked videos from the september build.TRADE SKILLSTrack the progress of your character's trade skills.Eventually You will no be able to gain inspiration in a tradeskill without losing it in another. Manage the potential gainsand losses of inspiration in this interface.* This crafting skill is currently set to level up.When you gain inspiration, this skill will increase* This crafting skill is currently set to leveldown. When you gain inspiration, this skillwill decrease, allowing you to train otherskills higher.* This crafting skill is currently frozen. Whenyou gain inspiration, this skill will neitherincrease nor decrease.- Weaponsmith- Armorsmith- Enchanter- Alchemist- Provisioner 


Okay, that bit about crafting was news to me. Thanks for the info.

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I have a question someone might be able to answer, its about the sorcerer - "bound armour skill"  It indicates on the other comprehensive skill page that it gives +150 armour initially and + 560 armour at level 50.  I dont really expect anyone to know exactly but maybe someone in beta knows how comparable this buff is to is to heavy armour stats?  I was hoping to use it to make a tanking sorc.  Let me know what you think or if you have any heavy armour stats?



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I have a question someone might be able to answer, its about the sorcerer - "bound armour skill"  It indicates on the other comprehensive skill page that it gives +150 armour initially and + 560 armour at level 50.  I dont really expect anyone to know exactly but maybe someone in beta knows how comparable this buff is to is to heavy armour stats?  I was hoping to use it to make a tanking sorc.  Let me know what you think or if you have any heavy armour stats?




560 armor is about how much armor full Light armor will give you. With 560 armor + Light I think it'll be about = to heavy. This is just speculation.


Any reason for going Light instead of Heavy Armor + Bound Armor? With Dark Exchange, regen doesn't matter much, so you'll have 21% more effective MP due to spells being 21% cheaper..but compared to what? As a tank you'll need to measure how often you can keep up your mitigation abilities compared to keeping them up with light armor on and see which one grants you the most mitigation..so it's not really just about how much mitigation the armor itself gives.

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560 armor is about how much armor full Light armor will give you. With 560 armor + Light I think it'll be about = to heavy. This is just speculation.


Any reason for going Light instead of Heavy Armor + Bound Armor? With Dark Exchange, regen doesn't matter much, so you'll have 21% more effective MP due to spells being 21% cheaper..but compared to what? As a tank you'll need to measure how often you can keep up your mitigation abilities compared to keeping them up with light armor on and see which one grants you the most mitigation..so it's not really just about how much mitigation the armor itself gives.

Man, thanks so much for the insight, I knew I would get a killer answer from you mate, much appreciated! 


I was thinking initially looking for the magica regen of light armour, but your right, dark exchange changes that a bit... 


One last question.. do you or anyone else know if the Daedric Summon Winged Twilight still taunts? and also any clarification on if changing your weapon that you summon skill is loaded with kills the summoned creature?


So lets say as an example i have summon winged twilight with a resto staff load out, and i summon it and then switch to sword & board does that kill the summoned creature?

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Yeah, mage tanks are going to be a bitch in PVP. In PVE they won't be that special because with S&S taunt you need a pretty big amount of Stamina, so Dark Exchange won't be a huge bonus for PVE tanking.


PVP tanking..something like this, just really hard to kill:


Altmer - Sorc - Heavy Armor - Lifesteal Resto & Power Destro

Resto - Hard to kill.

Blessing of Protection

Steadfast Ward

Lightning Form

Bound Armor

Dark Exchange

Negate Magic*

Destro - Kills you fast.


Weakness to Elements

Lightning Splash

Mages Fury

Dark Exchange


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560 armor is about how much armor full Light armor will give you. With 560 armor + Light I think it'll be about = to heavy. This is just speculation.


Any reason for going Light instead of Heavy Armor + Bound Armor? With Dark Exchange, regen doesn't matter much, so you'll have 21% more effective MP due to spells being 21% cheaper..but compared to what? As a tank you'll need to measure how often you can keep up your mitigation abilities compared to keeping them up with light armor on and see which one grants you the most mitigation..so it's not really just about how much mitigation the armor itself gives.

For a non-dragon knight most [PvE] tank and mitigation abilities are fueled by stamina anyway. There might be one or two tankish class abilities (that cost Magicka) but for a sorcery using bound armor i would probably just dress up in heavy armor, one hand and shield and slot 4 abilities from one hand and shield, heavy armor (and possible wear one piece of medium armor to use the evade active skill and/or one piece of light armor for the spellresist active skill). Except for bound armor the rest will only cost stamina...


By level 50 you will have over 1000 stamina without placing a single point into it (compared to maybe 1500 if you place every single attribute point into an attribute). The difference is not that huge tbh.... 

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For a non-dragon knight most [PvE] tank and mitigation abilities are fueled by stamina anyway. There might be one or two tankish class abilities (that cost Magicka) but for a sorcery using bound armor i would probably just dress up in heavy armor, one hand and shield and slot 4 abilities from one hand and shield, heavy armor (and possible wear one piece of medium armor to use the evade active skill and/or one piece of light armor for the spellresist active skill). Except for bound armor the rest will only cost stamina...


By level 50 you will have over 1000 stamina without placing a single point into it (compared to maybe 1500 if you place every single attribute point into an attribute). The difference is not that huge tbh.... 

Where do you know that you will have over 1000 stamina at lvl 50? In the videos I have seen every piece of light armor (regardless of lvl or rarity) will give the wearer magicka, medium armor willprovide stamina, and heavy armor will provide health, with an armor stat as well (of course) where for instance a lvl 10 heavy armor belt gives more armor than, a medium armor lvl 10 belt which gives more than a light armor equavalent. This is the stats that the specific armor gives and has nothing to do with passives in armor skill trees or attribute points.Therefore a person who wants to be dealing massives amounts of spell dmg will have to have a large magicka pool, and can acquire such from wearing light armor, and putting attribute points in magicka. If a person would then wear heavy armor instead of light armor they will not have access to a big pool of magicka compared to wearing only light armor for instance. Therefore you will have to make a choice as a caster. If you want lots of magicka to do lots of dmg then you might want to consider light armor instead of heavy armor.


Naturally with spells like Dark Exchanhe you can get past this problem but that spell will most likely be more effecient if you have lots of stamina, so you might also have to consider some medium armor in your armor build. Remember that each choice of armor (as well choice of skill abilities and attribute point allocation) has positives as well as negatives sides to it. I am sure that I will see a lot of sorcs in heavy armor in the game, that will have more health than light armor wearing sorcs, but the light armor wearing ones will have much more magicka and not so much health (looking past attribute points for a second). You can't have your cake and eat it too :) And I will se you guys in ESO when it launches! 

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Naturally with spells like Dark Exchanhe you can get past this problem but that spell will most likely be more effecient if you have lots of stamina, so you might also have to consider some medium armor in your armor build. 

You can't have your cake and eat it too :) And I will se you guys in ESO when it launches! 

OK,I better max out on Stamina to, lets say 1500, so i can lose ~354 Stamina/s instead of losing 230 Stamina/s when I leave my Stamina completly unlvlt. Way to go!I realy hope I will see u in ESO, but not on my team!

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OK,I better max out on Stamina to, lets say 1500, so i can lose ~354 Stamina/s instead of losing 230 Stamina/s when I leave my Stamina completly unlvlt. Way to go!I realy hope I will see u in ESO, but not on my team!

where are you getting those numbers from???Seriously I want to know, besides I didn't come up with an actual build for you to make assumptions as to what you should wear and put attribute points into. I simply wanted to explain that light armor is better for spell casting (with more magicka associated with the armor pieces) and heavy armor better for survivabilty (with higher armor and health associated with the armor pieces).If I'm wrong then why would a caster wear anything other than heavy armor in ESO (if you don't look at passives and attribute points for a minute, although they definately play a part in character building)???

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Where do you know that you will have over 1000 stamina at lvl 50? 


You start out with 100 in each attribute.

Each level you gain 20 in each attribute.

By level 50 you will have, at least, 1080 in each attribute.


You also gain 1 attribute point each level that you can place in an attribute of your choose. 

This point will add 10 to the attribute of your choosing.

By level 50 you will get 490 points to distribute from this.



where are you getting those numbers from???Seriously I want to know, besides I didn't come up with an actual build for you to make assumptions as to what you should wear and put attribute points into. I simply wanted to explain that light armor is better for spell casting (with more magicka associated with the armor pieces) and heavy armor better for survivabilty (with higher armor and health associated with the armor pieces).If I'm wrong then why would a caster wear anything other than heavy armor in ESO (if you don't look at passives and attribute points for a minute, although they definately play a part in character building)???


Simple math? :)

There is also leaked videos that showcase your attribute ratings at level 50.


Light armor is good for all builds that are fueled mainly by magicka abilities (which is ALL class abilities, not just long range "casters").


For example, you can build a perfectly viable backstabber by wearing medium armor and dual wielding. Spending stamina to sneak around. Sneak attack from behind. Channel Flurry while he is stunned from the sneak attack. Twin slashes for DD and a DoT. Trigger Evasion from medium armor to make you really hard to hit. Hidden blade if he tries to run. Spark if you need to get away. Your start class does not really matter for this build. You can be a templar, sorcerer or dragon knight. Doesn't matter. This particular build is only fueled by weapon and armor skills anyway.


But you can ALSO build a perfectly viable backstabber (more of an illusionist assassin really) by rolling a night blade wearing light armor and wield whatever weapon you like. Spending Magicka to become invisible with Shadow Cloak (rather than using sneak). Mark target and trigger haste. Open up with veiled strike (rather than sneak attack). Follow up with a power attack to exploit the off balance (to knock him down). New Shadow Cloak to open up for a new cheap shot opening. This build depend abilities that are only fueled by magicka.


Light armor and a focus on magicka is generally better for restoration staff healers and destruction staff long range users (better races for this would be altmer, breton, dunmer).

Medium armor and a focus on stamina is generally better for archers and dual wield users (better races for thsi would be redguards, khajiit, bosmer).

Heavy armor and a focus on health is generally better for One hand and Shield tanks and two handed melee range aoe builds (better races for this would be nord, argonian, orsimer).





You can also build builds that mix both class abilities AND weapon/armor abilities (or plan to utilize a lot of stamina for block, sprint, sneak, dodge...) so you take advantage of and double dip into both resources. That will is probably the most successful recipe for success if you ask me.

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For a non-dragon knight most [PvE] tank and mitigation abilities are fueled by stamina anyway. There might be one or two tankish class abilities (that cost Magicka) but for a sorcery using bound armor i would probably just dress up in heavy armor, one hand and shield and slot 4 abilities from one hand and shield, heavy armor (and possible wear one piece of medium armor to use the evade active skill and/or one piece of light armor for the spellresist active skill). Except for bound armor the rest will only cost stamina...


By level 50 you will have over 1000 stamina without placing a single point into it (compared to maybe 1500 if you place every single attribute point into an attribute). The difference is not that huge tbh.... 


It's my opinion that any build using 100% ST or 100% MP won't do very well unless you are using an ability that turns one stat into another stat, such as dark exchange or restoring aura.

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It's my opinion that any build using 100% ST or 100% MP won't do very well unless you are using an ability that turns one stat into another stat, such as dark exchange or restoring aura.

Yes, it would be better to have at least one spammable ability that is fueled by magicka (but at least early on that ability will be different depending on what class you pick). I was mostly just trying to prove a point that not only "casters" depend on magicka.... ;) 


Resources drop pretty quick in ESO

...but they also regenerate rather quick.


Besides stamina, magicka and health there is a fourth resource. Time.


I am not sure spending 20% of your active hot bar slots on abilities that only convert from one resource to another at a 1:1 ratio is the solution. You lose a lot of time. Time you are not doing DPS, healing, CC or whatnot.

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Besides stamina, magicka and health there is a fourth resource. Time.


I am not sure spending 20% of your active hot bar slots on abilities that only convert from one resource to another at a 1:1 ratio is the solution. You lose a lot of time. Time you are not doing DPS, healing, CC or whatnot.

If the skill animations are well animated, a Dark Exchange sorc ain't going to last long in PvP. Even if he stops channeling it after 2s. Half the Stamina gone=Less stamina for evades, cc breaks

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Does anyone know if it's still true that you can spend only 30 points max on Health/Stamina/Magicka?



If so it would make my decission easier,

because than I would go with

Health: 19

Stamina: 30

Magicka: 0

for my DK Tank/Bruiser


Good question.. If it is true and I go Temp Heals, I'd go 30MP : 20HP. Or, I'd go NB melee with 30MP : 20ST.


Pure breads for the win. :P

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