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Stat discussuon


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This thread is about what stats you wanna have on your gear for your build.



This first post will contain all the info we have on stats and gear and will be edited ones we get new informations.




While leveling you will gain Stat Points which you can spend on either Health,Magicka or Stamina.

You will have a total of 49 points to spend and you aren't able to spend more than 30 on one of these.


At level 1 your Health/Magicka/Stamina is at 100 points each.

At level 50 your Health/Magicka/Stamina is at around 1000 points each.


Your base in combat regeneration is 3%





You have 7 Armor slots and 3 Accessory slots.








You can entchant all Armor types (Heavy, Medium, Light) with the same entchanments but there seems to be a limitation of how you can entchantment your gloves. (like we have seen in other ES games).


Available Entchaments are:



Health/Magicka/Stamina: flat stat

Health/Magicka/Stamina  reg: flat stat

Armor: flat stat

Ressistances: flat stat

Power: %based bonus


improved blocking: cost less and increases the amount of dmg blocked

dodge: dodging cost less

sprint: you run faster and sprinting costs less stamina

stealth: increases stealth range





Life Leech: dmg + health gain

Heartening: gives you a shield

Enrages: increases power

Fire/Ice/Lightning: dmg procs






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As the beta events keep occurring we're going to need whoever has access to keep an eye out for ways to fill this list out with more detail, but its definitely a pretty good start.I'll be interested to see people's perspectives on Power vs Crit. Power we know increases damage as well as healing by a reliable rate, but then again given the passives we've seen in some class trees, we also know Crit not only gives you a chance to do more damage by critical hits but most likely also gives you an increased chance to get a critical heal. I foresee quite a few arguments as to how to balance Crit vs Power and which gives the better damage output and heal output.I also wonder if, like most MMOs, a critical hit means a hit that does 2x the damage of what a normal hit would... (without crit damage multipliers of course) And whether we have a base crit chance of 0%, 1% or if base crit chance is determined by something.

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As the beta events keep occurring we're going to need whoever has access to keep an eye out for ways to fill this list out with more detail, but its definitely a pretty good start.I'll be interested to see people's perspectives on Power vs Crit. Power we know increases damage as well as healing by a reliable rate, but then again given the passives we've seen in some class trees, we also know Crit not only gives you a chance to do more damage by critical hits but most likely also gives you an increased chance to get a critical heal. I foresee quite a few arguments as to how to balance Crit vs Power and which gives the better damage output and heal output.I also wonder if, like most MMOs, a critical hit means a hit that does 2x the damage of what a normal hit would... (without crit damage multipliers of course) And whether we have a base crit chance of 0%, 1% or if base crit chance is determined by something.

Ones we know you much power/crit a char can have and what influence those have it's easy to calculate what's the optimum.What I would like to know is the crit dmg, what means 1% more power for you dmg/healing and whta bonus to you gain from stealth attacks.
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HP: 20

Mag: 0

Stam: 29



Head: Glass: Magick Resist

Chest: Curiass of the savior's hide???

Pauldrons: Glass: Sprint

Legs: Glass: Dodge

Boots: Glass: Dodge

Glove 1: Glass: Power

Glove 2: Glass: Crit


Amulet: Resist Magicka

Ring: Resist Magicka

Ring: Rsist Magicka


Dagger: Mehrunes Razor :D


             Fire/ ice/ lightning dagger


Shield: Improved Blocking


2nd setup


Lightning Axe


Resist Magicka Shield 




Plan: Run up, pivot around enemy with a buncha quick stabs, dodge out of combat, dodge back in. Shield charge like a mofo. Stun, slash, slash, slash *sneak*




Dodge out, sprint away, hide. 


If this works like Skyrim at all, I plan to be a big pain in the ass in combat. And if I can get my defenses high enough to withstand blows on my shield, I'll forgo more health for much more stamina. If it works like Skyrim I really enjoyed playing a glass tank. Yes that's right. Super beefy defense with low HP. And all that extra stam for running around and doing a lot of power attacks with a dagger.

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This thread is about what stats you wanna have on your gear for your build.



Available Entchaments are:



Health/Magicka/Stamina: flat stat

Health/Magicka/Stamina  reg: flat stat

Armor: flat stat

Ressistances: flat stat

Power: %based bonus


improved blocking: cost less and increases the amount of dmg blocked

dodge: dodging cost less

sprint: you run faster and sprinting costs less stamina

stealth: increases stealth range





Life Leech: dmg + health gain

Heartening: gives you a shield

Enrages: increases power

Fire/Ice/Lightning: dmg procs







Does a shield from s&b count as Armor or as Weapon?Will there be 2h enchantment, which will be better than 1h enchantments? Or will the procrate on ur offhand be way smaler?

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I would be interested in creating a HP reg build for my DK.

Lets say you have max HP:1500 at lvl 50.

Then u get

[*]21% HA

[*]7% Orc

[*]5-30% Elder Dragon passiv  (10%) every 5%=2,25HP/s

[*]38% total

With 10% from ur passiv, u'll end up with 4.14% HP/s = 62,1 HP/s

If u slot full HP/s enchants in ur 7 piece armor, u have a 132,1 HP/s build. ~12s for full HP

Restoring Aura from a Healer would give you another 27 HP/s for 6s

Incase u dont go full hp and stay at 1000HP at lvl 50, you will end up with (41,4+70) 111,4 HP/s. ~9s for full HP

Maybe those flat HP stones are worth looking into, but i doubt it, as 70 HP/s is massiv compared the amount u get from ur %-based regen.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest grotebozebeer

What i wonder is, if my thoughts are correct about: Magika on DK using fire aoe, wil that damage scale with magika or stamina or both? what do you guys think? i think magika wil increase elemental, and stamina only physical.

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are there no haste/attack speed enchants?

There are indeed some. However, these are only available as traits on weapons and have been massively reduced since last beta. The most recent beta had +6% weapon attack speed as max craftable trait on a one-handed weapon (and I believe this is 12% on two-hander).

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