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What's your Pre-Battle Mantra?


What is your Mantra?  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. As you line up with your friends and friendlies, you assess the enemy amassed in front of you and before the charge you yell your emboldening choice words. What is your pre-battle mantra? What do you yell out into the mic or type before you engage?

    • Let's PwN these Noobs!
    • Don't forget to follow target, idiots, not like last time...
    • Remember hit the healers first!
    • Fk this Let's run
    • Bio break!
    • For glory immortal! For the Nine!
    • Hold steady, let's wait for some more so we outnumber them... I mean so its fair >.>
    • How do you stealth again?
    • Buff everyone, eat up, follow dps assist and follow orders. Let's do this like professionals.
    • This day we fight. For FRODO!

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In previous MMOs, I generally found myself in some sort of semi-leadership / moderator role in groups of various sizes. My big task before such a fight wasn't to muster up some magnificent speech or battle cry. Nope, my efforts were spent begging those who were straggling to actually show up and trying to prevent those that were there from getting frustrated and leaving.


Oh, and the pre-battle stress-flamming between group members... Can't forget that.


On the rare instance things were going well I reminded people to have certain things in their inventory and what-not, so I chose the second-from-last option.

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For who know the game Dust514 ( the MMO FPS of Eve online ) i was a ground commander for a coorporation in the Planetery conquest after editing the role and the strategy to adopt i always use a kind of ' kill all this fucking scrubs!!! ' just to make a big laugh and relax other in the beginning of battle i actually think its the best option and never forget a game is for fun even in competition :)

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back in the day that was my leading cry ;) that or "hey, that guy over there said he slept with your mother? KILL HIM"

Hahaha, yeah that reminds me of what I used to do sometimes in Battlefield 3, I'd yell "For Frodo!" into my mic for the whole team to hear just as we started the match. It used to drive some people nuts. :PWhen I played Lord of the Rings Online, I had this great raid leader in PvP who used to boot people if they failed to follow the raid assist's target. He'd only give them one chance. We used to use emblems above people's characters in the raid to make it easier for people to follow them across the map as well. He would usually have a sun symbol above his head and I cannot ever play that game without remembering "Follow the fking sun!" whenever I step out into the PvP zone...

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I went for "Fk this Let's run" for teh lulz. I feel like that's what all the noobs would seem to want to do. (And yes, numerous times I remember this from RuneScape, people not piling etc :P)


Seriously though, probably the professionals option, although I doubt I would ever be in a position of leadership for my orders to count. ;)

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