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ESO ‘Ask us Anything’ – Variety Pack 8

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Posted ImageThe newest ‘Ask Us Anything‘ for The Elder Scrolls Online is now online. Visit the official site to get answers about weapons, inventory items, PvP, and more.

Here’s a sampling…

Will there be items or spells players can obtain that will cast an appearance illusion over them, making, say, a Breton look like an Argonian or a frost troll for a limited amount of time?

Yes. We have a disguise mechanic in the game, which allows you to equip an item that changes your appearance. This can be used for costuming purposes or, for instance, to infiltrate the camp of an enemy. There are also spells that change your appearance for a limited amount of time—these can change your appearance in more drastic ways than disguises can.

Read ‘Ask Us Anything’ – Variety Pack #8

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"VRs do improve your character’s power by granting stats and the ability to equip better gear, though the increases are smaller than the ones you’ll gain through normal leveling."All I have to say to this is: "Oh wow". This practically means lvl 50s will differ in raw stats and not just a stat difference due to gear. So in other words, to be as powerful as possible in PvP, I now need to make sure to do all the content including all three factions' content to make certain I am as "geared" as possible to be a at my character's greatest potential.In some ways I don't mind this because it will be a good excuse to cover all the content, but it means a hefty grind if you plan on a number of alts (thankfully I don't). After all, to be considered to have a great character build it will be expected by the more serious pvp players and guilds that you gain maximum VR for the stat increase.I think I may like this as it will reward dedicated playing of all the content and not just racing to lvl 50 in the least possible time and being at the same level as people playing the game for months/years (assuming you've also crafted the same level gear). However, being the type of person who doesn't like to pvp until they feel they're character is "at its best", this does mean it will probably be a long while before I pvp given that the content is said to take anywhere between 120 (with buffs and boosts) to 180 hours for each faction which means an average of 450 hours (not including other stuff like crafting) before I'm "pvp-prepared".I do also wonder, if VR changes base stats, will PvP rank (or "alliance" rank) increase base stats too?

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In the past Elder Scroll games I was a pack rat (picking up everything in the world) crafter,  I owned a few homes with as many chests, bookcases (full of lore) and backpacks as possible.  I put all my over flow  items in the barrels near the crafting stations around the different towns.


My question please is "Will I have enough backpack space (including multi mounts) to carry  a full set of all three armor types, one of each weapon type, a few different role playing items, 50 potions for pvp, and still have room to pickup all the herbs I see as I explore Tamriel ?"


thank you for your reply in advance

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In the past Elder Scroll games I was a pack rat (picking up everything in the world) crafter,  I owned a few homes with as many chests, bookcases (full of lore) and backpacks as possible.  I put all my over flow  items in the barrels near the crafting stations around the different towns.


My question please is "Will I have enough backpack space (including multi mounts) to carry  a full set of all three armor types, one of each weapon type, a few different role playing items, 50 potions for pvp, and still have room to pickup all the herbs I see as I explore Tamriel ?"


thank you for your reply in advance


For the record, you have to ask the questions on the official ESO site.


This is just speculation on my part, but I expect the inventory space to be more limited than in the single player TES games.

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