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PvE and factions


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I don't want to be critical but i am dissappointed with the racial passives. I agree that certain races should have characteristics that make them more suited to a specific playstyle, but from what i can tell the racial passives are too biased to a certain playstlye in that i can predict that when we start playing next year that: 90% of High Elfs will be sorcerers, 90% of Khajits will be nightblade and 90% of Orcs will be tanky/melee.


In previous games i've played i've enjoyed not knowing to some extent what the next guy was going to be. It made questing and pvping interesting. If Zenimax thought it important to keep the passives, then why not make the additional passives exclusive to a class?


Maybe i am being silly. I just wanted there to be more balance between races, so that that people could choose a race on lore and looks, not just OP racials.

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I don't want to be critical but i am dissappointed with the racial passives. I agree that certain races should have characteristics that make them more suited to a specific playstyle, but from what i can tell the racial passives are too biased to a certain playstlye in that i can predict that when we start playing next year that: 90% of High Elfs will be sorcerers, 90% of Khajits will be nightblade and 90% of Orcs will be tanky/melee.


In previous games i've played i've enjoyed not knowing to some extent what the next guy was going to be. It made questing and pvping interesting. If Zenimax thought it important to keep the passives, then why not make the additional passives exclusive to a class?


Maybe i am being silly. I just wanted there to be more balance between races, so that that people could choose a race on lore and looks, not just OP racials.


I believe there will be a lot of casual players will be picking the race based on looks. Here on this forum most players seems to be min-maxers, but I think we are a minority.

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  • 3 weeks later...

also remember that all it takes to become a healer (for example) is to dress up in light armor, stay back, wield a restoration staff and use all 5 skills from the restoration staff on your hot bar. you don't have to be a templar for that.


being a templar simply opens up more healing options. like wielding a two handed sword and dealing dps while using your 12m pbaoe templar heals and templar buffs. having more options is never a bad thing so really dedicated healers will probably pick templars (and restoration staff passives stack with templar actives so a really dedicated templar will probably wield a restoration staff)


Also, most of your attribute pools come from the points you automatically get when you level up (*not* the extra attribute points that you are free to distribute each time you level up). So even if your focus is stamina or health you can still be a good healer (but you might have a magicka pool that is 66% the size of someone that placed all his points into magicka).


I don't think Aldmeri Dominion will lack healers. A vast majority of all Altmer will sink attribute points into magicka to become casters and they will all be very viable healers by just picking up a restoration staff - no matter what their original class selection is.... however, I think that aldmeri dominion will seriously lack tanks. Most people that really like to play a tank will pick Orsimer in the dagger fall covernant or either Argonian or Nord in the Ebonheart Pact. So if you want to be a tank and not having to worry about so much competition then I think Almeri Dominion is the faction to be in. Sinking attributes into health. Possible picking dragon knight as class. Wielding sword n' board. You will be very popular in that faction =)

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  • 2 months later...

Sadly, it seems like AD might have a serious lack of tanks AND healers:


According to a survey by TamrielFoundy, less than 10% of AD players want to play Dragon Knight and less than 20% Templar. This is why I'll roll a Khajit Dragon Knight - easy grouping :D.



I have planned from the start to play a High Elf Templar. :smile:

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