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ESO ‘Ask Us Anything’

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Lucky you. The 7th ESO “Ask Us Anything” Variety Pack is up at ElderScrollsOnline.com. Questions cover PvP, achievements, guilds, and more. Here’s a sampling…

Can you explain the guild stores a bit more? Do I have to be a member of a guild to buy from it or is it a public store in which a guild of crafters and merchants offer their products? Will I be able to set my own prices or would this be regulated by the guild leaders? – By John Connor

You will need to be a member of a guild to use its guild store; right now, there isn’t a public storefront for them. If you have permission (configurable by the guild leader) to sell items on the guild store, you’ll be able to set your own prices.

Visit ElderScrollsOnline.com to see more questions the ESO team was sent back in time to answer.

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Just submitted the following question:


How powerful will Siege Weapons be in the battle for Cyrodiil? Are they basically required in order for your faction to do well in a battle? Could your faction win through their characters alone if they choose not to use the siege weapons or any other vehicle/usable type objects? The reason I ask is because I've never liked games with controlled objects that you can't dictate the stats of. I find that these take away from customization/tactics by an incredible amount. I'd much rather roll with a group of other players that synergize really well so we can kill any other group of players. Trying to get a tactical advantage through boring ol' siege stuff is "busy work" to me... What do you have to say about this?

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