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Civilization V: Brave New World - $12


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Item: Civilization V: Brave New World

Price: $11.99

So a day after Amazon posted a deal that had BNW at aprice of $15, Newegg decides to go out and sell it for $12. I wouldn't feel too bad even if you went for the Amazon, though, as they're both great prices since this is so new.

They also have the Gods and Kings expansion for $9.

Below is the old Amazon post. Their deal is still active as well.


This is part of Amazon's Late Summer Sale. Anyways, this is a fairly massive expansion for Civ 5 and it normally retails at $30. I bought it for $21 or so on sale a bit after its release, and I can attest to the fact that it has extreme impact on the gameplay of Civ. It almost feels like an entirely different game, but in a good way.

System: PC

Retailer: Newegg

Deal Link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=32-205-069

Click here to view the deal

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