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Maria Aliprando

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I found this interview by reading the posts on the guild forums here: http://theshadowsofaldmeri.guildlaunch.com
My commentary on- http://www.tesoelite.com/2013/08/eso-interview-with-maria-aliprando/ (Good watch--or just read what I wrote for a summary! :)!)
"...we want to make sure that players have the same access on the game and not have to worry about subscriptions for their consoles as well as subscription for the game."
This is the best news of the interview! The sub will be $15 total for PSN/ESO instead of $15+PSN costs??  Muy bueno!!
It kind of sucks that there's a 300 player cap atm on guilds, I have a feeling this one will be much larger than that. It will be cool to weed out the non-elite though and then all enter the same Cyrodiil server as a group and stomp the yard. I don't think there'll be much competition on PS4.
I like that 24 players is the biggest "raid" group (we can have multiple groups, obv, and with PSN voice-chat it should work out beautifully), that seems to be a really solid number that is actually doable.
I'm glad addons are so supported. I'm wondering what addons will come out for the PS4....I really hope a damage/healing numbers addon comes out, like a scrolling combat text rather than a dps meter. They do say that you could through LUA scripting, but I almost doubt that will ever be implemented on console.
Costumes are cool but I'm glad they won't be allowed in PVP. This is just like "Neverwinter" except it should be better (IMO) since it's only one slot it seems...rather than having to get a whole matching outfit, XD.
Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood content due after launch?? AWESOME. I'm stoked! 
Becoming the emperor--I NEED to get this achievement one day! This is my current life goal!!! Well..besides school..I guess, haha!
I love that you keep the Emperor skill tree once you get it one time--so, for example, if we get the top 5 members of our guild to get the "emperor" title just one time we will all have a fu----am I allowed to curse in these forums??--- incredible team because we'll have such an edge over all the other groups!
I'm glad that grabbing keeps and stuff isn't as big of a deal, things like catapults and crap bore me and I feel it shouldn't be in an MMO that revolve all around your skills..
ps- Maria Aliprando = omg..YEZZyeeeYA!!
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This is the best news of the interview! The sub will be $15 total for PSN/ESO instead of $15+PSN costs??  Muy bueno!!


If the PS4 (and possibly 360) players get it included with PSN/Live... Eh, sort of annoying as a PC player if the base cost isn't less.


If PSN wasn't required for online and you could just get it specifically for ESO and use all of the other bonuses, it would be a great deal. The fact that it's required regardless, though, still turns the PS4 off for me. Probably won't buy.

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If the PS4 (and possibly 360) players get it included with PSN/Live... Eh, sort of annoying as a PC player if the base cost isn't less.


If PSN wasn't required for online and you could just get it specifically for ESO and use all of the other bonuses, it would be a great deal. The fact that it's required regardless, though, still turns the PS4 off for me. Probably won't buy.


I'm not really read-up on it, but my understanding is that you'll still be able to play most games and such, just not play the PSN games and use the voice-chat/share functions?

Does anyone know what you can still do without PSN? If so can you please post it here or send me a link to somewhere so I can read it?


It's really great though for people who are playing on PS4/XB, I mean since it's hosted by bethesda and not on PS/XB servers it makes sense that most the money would go to the server host... I'm sure they'll work it out to where they each get a %, but I think the tricky part is how the consumer pays for it--is it included in PSN and then PS pays Bethesda if the players are playing ESO a lot? Like, it's a really tricky model..because if people pay like 15$ for a PSN+ESO account..idk, it's just super weird! I'm sure they'll figure it out though. :)

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