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Here's what you missed from Quakecon's Gameplay Presentation

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We were able to watch one of the devs play through the game as a Templar Archer.  Here's what you missed:


1. 5 minutes of pointless commentary


2. Character customization (Physical)


3. Talk on exploration


4. Talk on books and lore


5. Morph abilities (This is news to me and is actually very promising)


6. Some sneaky archer open world combat


7. Talk on the "Looking for group" tool and use of the tool itself


8. Look on what happens once your group is formed


9. Brief mention of skyshards


10. 15 minutes of a dungeon with instanced loot.



If any of the things above really would've pleased you to see, I'm sure the video will be on YouTube within the next hour, so do not fret.

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Thanks for posting this summary! I didn't get to watch it myself.



1. 5 minutes of pointless commentary


Annnd this is why. Though I will give them props for limiting it to 5 minutes; most of their official stuff is always fluff minus one or two decent sound bytes.


Oh, another thing you missed was this retarded thing in the chat section, where people actually thought they could attain a beta key by typing in "!betakey", and literally everyone in chat was just spamming "!betakey, duurpp herp!"


That is hilarious but doesn't surprise me at all.  :laugh:

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I was only half-paying attention (hard to fully watch the video while at work), but I wasn't exactly wowed by the combat. As has been said often, it still seems a bit floaty. That said, everything else (the things that I actually care about)  is looking pretty damn good, so I'm still on the ESO train.


And I was pleasantly surprised by stealth! It looks a lot more fun than I expected.

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Personally, I love the way the game is going.  I'm more of a mechanics kind of person, so I could care less how my guy looks as he's fighting; if there're great abilities, I'm happy.  Finding out about these morph abilities just made my day.


I did notice some of the melee combat was... odd.  During one swipe, the Templar's arm literally flew off for a quarter second, which was weird, but you wouldn't believe how many people have said "Wow, this game sucks; guess I'm playing Skyrim" simply because they're upset about the animations.  I understand it's important, but really?  Dismissing the entire game because the animations aren't perfect while the game is in closed beta?  Come on.  


Besides, I know the healing animations are going to be kick ass, so I'm not concerned. :)


Sorry, I'm venting lol.  Had many debates with ignorant people in many comment threads today.

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No need to wait for youtube, this went online minutes after the gameplay part finished.


If anyone's still interested in watching it they can see it here: http://www.twitch.tv/bethesda/b/439743009


Skip to 40 minutes to get to the gameplay. Before that is blank (old cinematics) and then after that you eventually get into talks with a little bit of Q&A that don't give any additional details worth mentioning. I would totally mention things if they were worth it, lol. The gameplay part with commentary is pretty freaking sweet though, I'm more stoked than ever!

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