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Min/Max Combos (Very Early Theorycrafting)


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I was thinking about the 2 PvP Assault skills (840 stamina), as i dont know how much other staminaskills will cost at lvl 50.And that leaves u with 303 stamina for weaponswaps, dodge, etc

Yeah those 2 where total off.

I'm currently not able to log in cause I idiot updated my client but I remember that others skills from classes and weapons weren't nearly as expensive as 800 points.

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Yeah those 2 where total off.

I'm currently not able to log in cause I idiot updated my client but I remember that others skills from classes and weapons weren't nearly as expensive as 800 points.

Irons, you wouldn't happen to know or be able to get to know what the base stamina regeneration amount per minute (or per second) of a character at lvl 50 is in combat (without any modifiers)?I mostly ask because I want to know if it is possible to keep Immovable active constantly which I believe would cost a character 420 stamina every 8 seconds. Even if it meant not using any blocks, dodges, heavy attacks, etc.If you know or could find out and pass the info along at any point in the future I would appreciate it immensely and you'd save me hours of "um'ing" and "ah'ing" while being indecisive about whether I should attempt to include it in my potential builds!! :)

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P.S. If it is not listed anywhere in the beta as a given figure per minute or second - may be time how long it takes to regen an empty bar and divide your total stamina by the time while still staying in some form of combat? Anyway, this is all assuming you get a chance to play beta at some point soon, of course, or can remember from previous sessions (I'm assuming you've played beta :P ). Thanks in advance again either way. :)

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Irons, you wouldn't happen to know or be able to get to know what the base stamina regeneration amount per minute (or per second) of a character at lvl 50 is in combat (without any modifiers)?I mostly ask because I want to know if it is possible to keep Immovable active constantly which I believe would cost a character 420 stamina every 8 seconds. Even if it meant not using any blocks, dodges, heavy attacks, etc.If you know or could find out and pass the info along at any point in the future I would appreciate it immensely and you'd save me hours of "um'ing" and "ah'ing" while being indecisive about whether I should attempt to include it in my potential builds!! :)

The combat reg of all ressources is 3% per sec

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What about out of combat? It looks closer to 25% per second. How long does it take to get out of combat if the opponent's not killed? If they're killed it's immediate, correct?

I don't know how much it is out of combat never checked it. I just know that it's 3% in combat because a dev mentioned it ones and in the beta leaks we have see it also was 3%.As far as I know if the opponent is dead and you don't have a dot on than it's immediate.And if not I guess you have to take no dmg for a couple of seconds (not get attacked).
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I don't know how much it is out of combat never checked it. I just know that it's 3% in combat because a dev mentioned it ones and in the beta leaks we have see it also was 3%.As far as I know if the opponent is dead and you don't have a dot on than it's immediate.And if not I guess you have to take no dmg for a couple of seconds (not get attacked).


That's what I expected. In WoW it's 5s without combat in order to be "out" of combat to stealth, eat/drink, etc. It works well @5s, I hope it's not much longer in ESO and definitely not shorter.


Do you know how potions work in ESO? - what % of health the better ones tend to heal for, and how often you can use them?

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I seriously just figured out the most game breaking thing ever. Everyone else is SCREWED. I'm going to get emperor over and over until people start copying me (which'll be easy, since I'll be live-streaming).


I don't want to share it though, so I'm going to pretend this never happened... GAHAJANABABAAHAHAHAA! Best. Moment. Ever. :)


*Now forget about this post, before it bothers you too much! MUAHAHAHAA!!*


Seriously though, PM me if you are interested and you won't disclose it. (If I haven't talked to you, I probably won't tell you the real thing I would tell someone I know wouldn't tell anyone...like David.)

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Seriously though, PM me if you are interested and you won't disclose it. (If I haven't talked to you, I probably won't tell you the real thing I would tell someone I know wouldn't tell anyone...like David.)


This made me chuckle. After all, until ESO is released I'm nothing more than the desperate owner of what essentially boils down to a gossip site. But hey, I am proud that people still have some remaining faith in a guy running around with an alpaca avatar. That just screams maturity and discretion. ;)

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This made me chuckle. After all, until ESO is released I'm nothing more than the desperate owner of what essentially boils down to a gossip site. But hey, I am proud that people still have some remaining faith in a guy running around with an alpaca avatar. That just screams maturity and discretion. ;)


Distance makes the heart grow stronger... <3

For real though, I see the work you do to keep this website running and it does exude maturity. :) Good job on everything, we haven't talked in a while but everything appears to be going well. :P

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Another few random questions to anyone out here who knows the answers:

1. Anyone know the mitigation caps (in percentage) on each armour type?

2. Can you enchant any armour type with any enchantment? For example, can you enchant heavy armour with a "+ X magicka" enchantment?

3. Has anyone seen how many stats or enchantments you can have on one item? E.g. the most I've seen is two which were on a shield and were "+10% block mitigation" and "-11% reduced block cost" on the same item.

4. What types of enchantments have you seen? Are there any "+ X% stamina regeneration in combat" enchantments for example?

Cheers. :)

This made me chuckle. After all, until ESO is released I'm nothing more than the desperate owner of what essentially boils down to a gossip site. But hey, I am proud that people still have some remaining faith in a guy running around with an alpaca avatar. That just screams maturity and discretion. ;)

This is the best ESO site out there, yes in all of the internets, without a question! Keep up the fantastic work, man, and don't undervalue the great site you're running and fantastic bunch of people that you've managed to get together here for all these awesome discussions and up-to-date ESO information summaries. I've appreciated the site and the info it has given me tremendously. :)
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Another few random questions to anyone out here who knows the answers:1. Anyone know the mitigation caps (in percentage) on each armour type?2. Can you enchant any armour type with any enchantment? For example, can you enchant heavy armour with a "+ X magicka" enchantment?3. Has anyone seen how many stats or enchantments you can have on one item? E.g. the most I've seen is two which were on a shield and were "+10% block mitigation" and "-11% reduced block cost" on the same item.4. What types of enchantments have you seen? Are there any "+ X% stamina regeneration in combat" enchantments for example?Cheers. :)This is the best ESO site out there, yes in all of the internets, without a question! Keep up the fantastic work, man, and don't undervalue the great site you're running and fantastic bunch of people that you've managed to get together here for all these awesome discussions and up-to-date ESO information summaries. I've appreciated the site and the info it has given me tremendously. :)


1) I doubt anyone knows the cap yet, but it's going to be a soft-cap for sure. (So, you get to like 500 and then after that every point is only worth .5 until 750 then .2...etc [just making up examples though])

2) I think as far as +magicka/stam/resistances type thing it can be on any, but I think specific items can have specific stats (kind of like in Diablo games where like..only certain pieces can have +attack speed on them, only boots/belts/unique bracers can have run speed, etc.

3) I've only seen 1 enchant per item, so maybe shield enchants are special- where it's considered one enchant with two factors in it.. ? Just an idea, I've got no clue.

4) I don't think there'll be any % increase resource, regeneration or otherwise, enchants... but I'm probably wrong, and if not they'll be added in the future.

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Alright you guys... I am the worst secret keeper ever. Here's the build I wanted to keep to myself...  Read the whole post before discounting it:


As much as I'd like to play an arena or dueling class, because that's my favorite gameplay, this game'll be all about group PVP. This build will reach emperor status for sure, nothing else comes close to this build's versatility while still being strong in each focus besides single-target dps. (Tank, Heal, AOE DPS, and Survival... it's about as perfect at each of those as you can get.)


Templar – Heavy Armor – Bow/Resto – Orc

Bow- DPS and Kite

Solar Flare – M – Spammable AOE DPS

Sun Fire – M – Dmg + Slow/DOT

Scatter Shot – S – Dmg + KB + Disorient

Snipe – S – Nuke

Rapid Maneuver – S – AOE Speed Boost

*Berserker Rage – U – Dmg boost and tank


Resto Staff- Tank and Heal

Sun Shield – M – Self Absorption Shield + AOE Dmg

Immovable – S – Tank and Anti-CC

Rune Focus – M – Tank and Anti-Interrupt

Blessing of Protection – M – AOE Res/Armor Buff + Heal

Regeneration – M – Heal + HOT

*Barrier – U – AOE Absorption Shield


Solar Flare spamming is all you need for groups, Sun Fire/Scatter Shot combo is amazing kiting, Snipe is the most distant attack and it's strong-easy kills without being part of the fray for picking off single targets, you're also highly agile due to bow's speed+orc's sprint racial+using rapid maneuver to help your whole group move faster until combat is engaged.


So, with your first setup you are able to keep your distance in group fights really easily (since you're so far away, sniping or volleying) and then in solo fights no melee will be able to get close enough to you to do anything to you.


Once you're in the fray, since it's inevitable, not only will you have heavy armor so you can take more hits—but you have a lot of tanking abilities for yourself as well as helping abilities for the rest of your team mates making you really beneficial to have around on top of being really really good selfish play at the same time.


Also, this build is able to level everything up at once that you'll want passives in, without wasting skill points in other Active abilities just to get experience in the passives. So, being able to focus on getting the passives will speed up how fast this build is optimized and it'll be able to gain emperor status super fast.


Not only does it cover every tree you want passives in, but it levels up evenly throughout those trees (making all of leveling go quicker): spread out between templar trees, 2x each weapon tree, 1x each pvp tree, 1x mage guild, 1x heavy armor, 1x Racial---Racial Ult, but while leveling up you'll want to use Dawnbreaker from Fighter's Guild to get your fighter's guild passives unlocked.


I'm extremely happy with this build. It is pretty much the very best in every single aspect of the game except for actually killing casters in a dps battle, but since this is a group-battle fight, the casters will be targeting the melee users in front rather than targeting you anyway.. and if they are targeting you, then your melee users will squish them and you'll be fine in your resto-bar tanking their piss.


I also love the idea that while tanking/healing I won't be CC-able at all really, through either immovable (which also acts as a stam-sink while healing) or rune focus... Genius fish tacos.

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That's what I expected. In WoW it's 5s without combat in order to be "out" of combat to stealth, eat/drink, etc. It works well @5s, I hope it's not much longer in ESO and definitely not shorter. Do you know how potions work in ESO? - what % of health the better ones tend to heal for, and how often you can use them?

I have only seen potions which heal you for fix amount of points. 1 healed you for 435 points and another one healed for x points over time.The cooldown on potions was 30secs.And there was a quick slot menu in a circle form where you could put that staff.
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I also love the idea that while tanking/healing I won't be CC-able at all really, through either immovable (which also acts as a stam-sink while healing) or rune focus... Genius fish tacos.

Well, sounds good but I was almost certain that the description of Rune Focus reads as "gain immunity to interrupt effects" which would, in my opinion and comprehension of this description, mean that skills that "interrupt" specifically such as Hidden Blade and basic moves that interrupt (bashing with your shield) would be the only ones you would be immune to, but that hard CC skills likes stuns would still affect you while you were in the aoe of Rune Focus.Just like how interrupts will still affect you if you have Immovable active and not Rune Focus as well despite not being able to be stunned.Unless you plan to have both skills active at the same time of course :P

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I also think it may be quite a shame to waste the healing potential of Rune Focus by not combining it with a Templar heal and by only using resto skills instead. You cannot gain the great +100% heals from the passive of healing while in the aoe of Rune Focus. Though I guess you need people to remain in the aoe to heal them with that added bonus which can be tricky when everyone is kiting and running around.Anyway, seems like a strong build though. Be a real pain trying to take you out when you're heal/tanking.

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Another few random questions to anyone out here who knows the answers:1. Anyone know the mitigation caps (in percentage) on each armour type?2. Can you enchant any armour type with any enchantment? For example, can you enchant heavy armour with a "+ X magicka" enchantment?3. Has anyone seen how many stats or enchantments you can have on one item? E.g. the most I've seen is two which were on a shield and were "+10% block mitigation" and "-11% reduced block cost" on the same item.4. What types of enchantments have you seen? Are there any "+ X% stamina regeneration in combat" enchantments for example?

Okay I have to do that out of my memory so don't kill me if I'm wrong :-).Every Item can only have 1 enchant if you entchant it again you remove the other entchant.But your gear has stats it self some items had 2 stats and 1 entchant on them, plus we know thta highend gear can have extra stats from set boni.You have 7 armor pieces and 3 accessory slots.On an amulett was a increase of power.Every armor can be entchantet with every stat.Entchantments:Life Steel: deals 10 magic dmg and heals you for 8.Shield(I guess): Increases dmg blockec and reduces stamina cost for blockI will continue ones I remember more stuff
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Alright you guys... I am the worst secret keeper ever. Here's the build I wanted to keep to myself... Read the whole post before discounting it:As much as I'd like to play an arena or dueling class, because that's my favorite gameplay, this game'll be all about group PVP. This build will reach emperor status for sure, nothing else comes close to this build's versatility while still being strong in each focus besides single-target dps. (Tank, Heal, AOE DPS, and Survival... it's about as perfect at each of those as you can get.) Templar – Heavy Armor – Bow/Resto – OrcBow- DPS and KiteSolar Flare – M – Spammable AOE DPSSun Fire – M – Dmg + Slow/DOTScatter Shot – S – Dmg + KB + DisorientSnipe – S – NukeRapid Maneuver – S – AOE Speed Boost*Berserker Rage – U – Dmg boost and tankResto Staff- Tank and HealSun Shield – M – Self Absorption Shield + AOE DmgImmovable – S – Tank and Anti-CCRune Focus – M – Tank and Anti-InterruptBlessing of Protection – M – AOE Res/Armor Buff + HealRegeneration – M – Heal + HOT*Barrier – U – AOE Absorption ShieldSolar Flare spamming is all you need for groups, Sun Fire/Scatter Shot combo is amazing kiting, Snipe is the most distant attack and it's strong-easy kills without being part of the fray for picking off single targets, you're also highly agile due to bow's speed+orc's sprint racial+using rapid maneuver to help your whole group move faster until combat is engaged.So, with your first setup you are able to keep your distance in group fights really easily (since you're so far away, sniping or volleying) and then in solo fights no melee will be able to get close enough to you to do anything to you.Once you're in the fray, since it's inevitable, not only will you have heavy armor so you can take more hits—but you have a lot of tanking abilities for yourself as well as helping abilities for the rest of your team mates making you really beneficial to have around on top of being really really good selfish play at the same time.Also, this build is able to level everything up at once that you'll want passives in, without wasting skill points in other Active abilities just to get experience in the passives. So, being able to focus on getting the passives will speed up how fast this build is optimized and it'll be able to gain emperor status super fast.Not only does it cover every tree you want passives in, but it levels up evenly throughout those trees (making all of leveling go quicker): spread out between templar trees, 2x each weapon tree, 1x each pvp tree, 1x mage guild, 1x heavy armor, 1x Racial---Racial Ult, but while leveling up you'll want to use Dawnbreaker from Fighter's Guild to get your fighter's guild passives unlocked.I'm extremely happy with this build. It is pretty much the very best in every single aspect of the game except for actually killing casters in a dps battle, but since this is a group-battle fight, the casters will be targeting the melee users in front rather than targeting you anyway.. and if they are targeting you, then your melee users will squish them and you'll be fine in your resto-bar tanking their piss.I also love the idea that while tanking/healing I won't be CC-able at all really, through either immovable (which also acts as a stam-sink while healing) or rune focus... Genius fish tacos.

Okay you really have to tell me where you are getting this skill.Rapid Maneuve
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Ah okay, thanks for filling me in on the enchants, that's good to know.I think he is getting Rapid Maneuvre from the PvP skill line. Costs 840 stamina; +20% Aoe run speed boost for 20s; Immune to snares and roots; breaks when attack is made.Too expensive in regard to stamina in my opinion. Would rather use stamina on 2 uses of Immovable for the same cost. After all immunity drops moment you attack anyway... Though at least it also helps the team.

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Another few random questions to anyone out here who knows the answers:1. Anyone know the mitigation caps (in percentage) on each armour type?2. Can you enchant any armour type with any enchantment? For example, can you enchant heavy armour with a "+ X magicka" enchantment?3. Has anyone seen how many stats or enchantments you can have on one item? E.g. the most I've seen is two which were on a shield and were "+10% block mitigation" and "-11% reduced block cost" on the same item.4. What types of enchantments have you seen? Are there any "+ X% stamina regeneration in combat" enchantments for example?Cheers. :)

1. No

2. Yes, enchants are specific to item slot, not type. For example: +xx damage can be on jewelry and gloves.

3. I have seen only one, and i can't really imagine possibility to have 2, unless on some unique/legendary/artifact items, but i doubt it. Enchants you have seen on the shield is one enchant giving 2 bonuses.

4. Enchants are not to diverse. There are hp/stam/magica ofc, resists, elemental damage, sneak(sneak radius+sneak cost), blocking(block cost + mitigation), defensive roll cost, sprint(reduced cost and increased speed), phys damage(mentioned above), combat stamina(health, magika) regeneration(flat numbers around 10 at lvl 50). Also there are some proc weapon enchants, i can remember only the one that has chance to boost your power. But set bonuses are really diverse and will be core part of any build.

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Cheers Raar for that information especially the list of types of enchantments! I was quite interested to know about the existence of combat stamina/health/magicka regeneration as I've been wondering if that was possible for a while now. Seems if flat 10 is the amount for that then it might be a better option than enchantments that simply add more of a stat, at least more useful the build/s I intend to have. Yeah I guess the block one I saw must have been one enchantment with two effects on blocking rather than two separate enchantments. Thanks for the clarity and info!It will definitely be interesting to see what kind of set bonuses are revealed in the future...Another random thing - with the pvp leaked video with Japanese commentary - did anyone properly see what the max health was on that guy? I could see he had gear with health on it and had spent 39 level points into health but  I couldn't figure out whether it was in the 1200's or 1800's due to poor resolution? Well, at least that was my guess at what the first digit for his max health was. If it was 1800's then regen of the stat you put more points into is going to be fairly significant. 

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It will definitely be interesting to see what kind of set bonuses are revealed in the future...Another random thing - with the pvp leaked video with Japanese commentary - did anyone properly see what the max health was on that guy? I could see he had gear with health on it and had spent 39 level points into health but  I couldn't figure out whether it was in the 1200's or 1800's due to poor resolution? Well, at least that was my guess at what the first digit for his max health was. If it was 1800's then regen of the stat you put more points into is going to be fairly significant.

Not 1200 for sure.


As for sets, i have seen some interesting ones. I remember: while blocking, gain 100 armor rating; summoning spells have 50% longer duration; no speed penalty while sneaking; 10% more crit chance for magic attacks, while sneaking; 10% to fill a soulgem; cost of werewolf transform reduced by 33%; 5% to reflect ranged attack while blocking; xx increased crit damage while sneaking(or mb invisible); gain xx magika after receiving xx damage. From what i've seen, item amount needed to complete a set goes from 3 to 7, having 0-1 additional bonuses for partially complete set, which seem to use enchant pool bonuses.

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