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Min/Max Combos (Very Early Theorycrafting)


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Won't you miss the social part of it?  Cyrodiil must be a total zergfest when most of the players doesn't even have a keyboard. I know how important communication was in WWW in GW2. I'm guessing it will be at least as important in ESO. I'm a bit worried that they will make the PvE facerolling easy because of the lack of communication between console players. If they do take console players into consideration, I fear it might end up even more casual than WoW is nowadays :S

It would be quite easy to dump down the difficulty for console players while keeping it a challenge on pc.
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Musclemagic's Character Choice... (Depending on what faction I join)


Breton Templar in Light Armor with Destro and Resto Staves.


Fire Staff – Damage and Kite

  • [*]



Sun Fire


Piercing Javelin


Destructive Touch


Force Shock



Resto Staff – Heal and Take Damage

  • [*]





Cleansing Ritual


Rune Focus


Healing Ritual





Khajiit NB in Medium Armor with DW (Dagger OH) and Bow.


Bow – Opener and against Melee – Kite with Cripple/Scatter Shot

  • [*]





Summon Shade


Scatter Shot



*Eye of Fear


DW – Against Casters – Max Damage

  • [*]





Summon Shade


Teleport Strike


Twin Slashes

*Death Stroke




Argonian Templar in Heavy Armor with Shield and Resto Staff.


Shield – When there's stamina.

  • [*]

Restoring Aura


Defensive Posture




Shield Charge


Low Slash



Resto Staff – When there's Magicka

  • [*]





Sun Fire


Soul Siphon


Rushed Ceremony



My next choices would be Altmer Sorcerer in Light with Resto/Destro focused on summoning; Dunmer DK in Heavy with DW and Shield; Argonian Templar in Light, pure heals and support; and I could go on, but I won't.


Please tell me which class out of the three I posted sounds best to you, and why. :) It would really help me out!

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Okay first of all do you plan to use those builds for PvE or PvP?


Your first build has a lot of knockbacks and you might wanna change one of them. Because keep in mind there aren't any cooldowns so 1 knockback skill is as effective as having 3 of them.


Your second builds uses often the same skills which you might also wanna reconsider.

For example strife and cripple would be enough to just have it on the bow. Than the Summon Shade is not really that great of a skill I would swap it with Shadow cloack that way you could go invisibility than sneak and use a powerful attack while standing in front of your opponent. Another thing is you might wanna switch to 2Handed for PvP because of the higher burst plus then you could use momentum.

Assassine Blade would be also nice to have in your build to finnish your opponents. Plus I'm missing haste.


I don't know how you planned on using the third one so I kind really say anything to that one.




Out of the 3 the first seems to be the most solid one but I would choose the second one with a few changes.

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Okay first of all do you plan to use those builds for PvE or PvP?


Your first build has a lot of knockbacks and you might wanna change one of them. Because keep in mind there aren't any cooldowns so 1 knockback skill is as effective as having 3 of them.


Your second builds uses often the same skills which you might also wanna reconsider.

For example strife and cripple would be enough to just have it on the bow. Than the Summon Shade is not really that great of a skill I would swap it with Shadow cloack that way you could go invisibility than sneak and use a powerful attack while standing in front of your opponent. Another thing is you might wanna switch to 2Handed for PvP because of the higher burst plus then you could use momentum.

Assassine Blade would be also nice to have in your build to finnish your opponents. Plus I'm missing haste.


I don't know how you planned on using the third one so I kind really say anything to that one.




Out of the 3 the first seems to be the most solid one but I would choose the second one with a few changes.


This is more focused, what do you think? (Still will probably go with my first choice, but maybe would use something like this.)


Khajiit NB in Medium Armor with DW (Dagger OH) and Bow.


Fire Destro Staff – Against Melee – Kite with Cripple/Destructive Touch.








Soul Siphon


Destructive Touch

*Eye of Fear


Entropy & Soul Siphon


DW – Against Casters – Max Physical Damage


Teleport Strike


Twin Slashes


Assassin's Blade


Hidden Blade


Summon Shade

*Death Stroke

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For a nightblade I would use something like this:Bow: snipe, scatter shot, shadow cloak, strife, cripple;DW: teleport strike, assassine blade, haste, shadow cloak, veiled strike;Bow:The playstyle would be hit and run.Opener would be snipe but you would use shadow cloak to use snipe with in fights to. Scatter shot + cripple would make sure that you can stay at distance as long as you want plus the disorient in combination with the passiv ruffian increases your dmg. Strife would help you to stay alife.DW:Teleport strike is your cap closer + a stun, veiled strike is another stun. Shadow cloak can be used to get some distance again or to set up a heavy hit. Haste boostes your attack speed and with it your DPS. Assassine Blade is your finnisher.

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What do you guys think about going with 2-hander as secondary weapon for PvE as a stamina purist tank? As opposed to going with bow, I mean.

I have a feeling that you won't have much use of the bow while tanking (as long as I have another ability for pulling) while switching to 2-hander might be a nice for the extra DPS whenever the situation allows for it.


Being able to sneak-attack when solo seems nice but the 2-hander finisher Reverse Slash seems sweet as well. I'd get a lot more AoE this way I think.

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I've recently changed what I want to do with my characters. x.x Been trying to fix up some skill lines but I feel like I'm derping it up and don't know what might be effective.


I want to try a tanky heals/support Templar for PvP. I presume this build would focus on health and magicka with a bit of stamina to stay effective with blocks. I'm also thinking sword and board... maybe resto staff for offhand? Or sword and board in both, just a different skillset for each, seeing as Templar heals ought to work fine. Heavy armor for sure, but likely enchanted for some magicka fun stuffs.


Basically, I want to be able to take hits. That might take a bite out tons of heals to shove at everyone, but I'll stay in the fight longer.


Right now I've only got a very loose idea for maybe the first skillset to use:


Breton Templar


Heavy Armor - Sword and Board


Focused Charge

Rushed Ceremony
Healing Ritual
Restoring Aura
Ultimate: Dragonskin
I figured the charge would be useful for mobility to get into the thick of a fight so I can spam the support. Wasn't sure what to put as my fifth but thought a magicka vs stamina based ability would be better, so I'm iffy about backlash- I thought it could be a good idea because I'll end up being targeted because I'm a healer, and it'd be a nice bit of damage, but hurmmm. I dunno.
Stuck on what I should focus on with the second skillset.
Other than that, I'm totally yoinking one of the dual-wielding/bow nightblade builds I see here for my Redguard. :D ...that I decided to make a DPS instead of heals.
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What do you guys think about going with 2-hander as secondary weapon for PvE as a stamina purist tank? As opposed to going with bow, I mean.

I have a feeling that you won't have much use of the bow while tanking (as long as I have another ability for pulling) while switching to 2-hander might be a nice for the extra DPS whenever the situation allows for it.


Being able to sneak-attack when solo seems nice but the 2-hander finisher Reverse Slash seems sweet as well. I'd get a lot more AoE this way I think.[/

What do you guys think about going with 2-hander as secondary weapon for PvE as a stamina purist tank? As opposed to going with bow, I mean.

I have a feeling that you won't have much use of the bow while tanking (as long as I have another ability for pulling) while switching to 2-hander might be a nice for the extra DPS whenever the situation allows for it.


Being able to sneak-attack when solo seems nice but the 2-hander finisher Reverse Slash seems sweet as well. I'd get a lot more AoE this way I think.

I won't use any range weapon at all for my DK in PvE and PvP. The reason for it is quite simple almost all of my abilities are close range ones. And with gab closers like critical charge, fiery reach, shield charge I simply stay close to my opponents.

Personally I think the 2handed is a great alternative weapon for tank.

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Hey guys, this is a random point but when talking about Magicka and maximising magicka regen I had quite an idea for anyone wanting to play Templar but need to get this confirmed as even possible:Here it is for quick and possibly extremely reliable magicka regen:Using passive: Restoring Spirit  (gain 4% magicka when activating an ability) in conjunction with spamming the Active skill: Entropy (which has no cost and instant cast with its own magicka return) could lead to really fast regeneration of your magicka.In a matter of seconds you could go from potentially no magicka back up to 2000 magicka (for example if your total magicka is that high which is likely if using a build that has armour stats and level points mostly thrown into magicka).The only things that I could see preventing this are:1. An inability to recast Entropy on the same target though I imagine all this would do is refresh the DoT duration and Magicka return HoT duration and nothing more so would be likely allowed


2. The skill description of Restoring Spirit fails to mention that "abilities" does not mean any ability but just the ones in the "Dawn's Wrath" skill lineJust food for thought and would like to know what you guys think of this being a possibility. And yes, I do realise you would be sacrificing a skill slot for entropy for the sake of mostly a ridiculous magicka return but I think for some builds this would be worth slotting if it does what I think it could in conjunction with that passive. So what do you all think? Could it work? Is it incorrect/impossible for certain?P.S. Loving this thread - heaps of awesome ideas to constantly read through!

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Hey guys, this is a random point but when talking about Magicka and maximising magicka regen I had quite an idea for anyone wanting to play Templar but need to get this confirmed as even possible:Here it is for quick and possibly extremely reliable magicka regen:Using passive: Restoring Spirit  (gain 4% magicka when activating an ability) in conjunction with spamming the Active skill: Entropy (which has no cost and instant cast with its own magicka return) could lead to really fast regeneration of your magicka.In a matter of seconds you could go from potentially no magicka back up to 2000 magicka (for example if your total magicka is that high which is likely if using a build that has armour stats and level points mostly thrown into magicka).The only things that I could see preventing this are:1. An inability to recast Entropy on the same target though I imagine all this would do is refresh the DoT duration and Magicka return HoT duration and nothing more so would be likely allowed


2. The skill description of Restoring Spirit fails to mention that "abilities" does not mean any ability but just the ones in the "Dawn's Wrath" skill lineJust food for thought and would like to know what you guys think of this being a possibility. And yes, I do realise you would be sacrificing a skill slot for entropy for the sake of mostly a ridiculous magicka return but I think for some builds this would be worth slotting if it does what I think it could in conjunction with that passive. So what do you all think? Could it work? Is it incorrect/impossible for certain?P.S. Loving this thread - heaps of awesome ideas to constantly read through!

We don't know but it seems a bit OP.

But if it's working you could maybe use this combo to keep Sun Shield up which means you wouldn't take any dmg at all.

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Hey guys, this is a random point but when talking about Magicka and maximising magicka regen I had quite an idea for anyone wanting to play Templar but need to get this confirmed as even possible:Here it is for quick and possibly extremely reliable magicka regen:Using passive: Restoring Spirit  (gain 4% magicka when activating an ability) in conjunction with spamming the Active skill: Entropy (which has no cost and instant cast with its own magicka return) could lead to really fast regeneration of your magicka.In a matter of seconds you could go from potentially no magicka back up to 2000 magicka (for example if your total magicka is that high which is likely if using a build that has armour stats and level points mostly thrown into magicka).The only things that I could see preventing this are:1. An inability to recast Entropy on the same target though I imagine all this would do is refresh the DoT duration and Magicka return HoT duration and nothing more so would be likely allowed


2. The skill description of Restoring Spirit fails to mention that "abilities" does not mean any ability but just the ones in the "Dawn's Wrath" skill lineJust food for thought and would like to know what you guys think of this being a possibility. And yes, I do realise you would be sacrificing a skill slot for entropy for the sake of mostly a ridiculous magicka return but I think for some builds this would be worth slotting if it does what I think it could in conjunction with that passive. So what do you all think? Could it work? Is it incorrect/impossible for certain?P.S. Loving this thread - heaps of awesome ideas to constantly read through!


This passive's one of the reasons (along with backlash and eclipse) that Templar really shines for me. I never thought about Entropy spamming with it, but I'm sure it will be blacklisted in no time if someone starts entropy spamming for this purpose. Either way though, this passive is amazing! 4% * X compared to like 10% total from most passives? Even if you only cast 5 spells to go from 100%-0% that's an extra 20% (meaning you can cast another 1/5 cost spell.)


Super thinking! I like it! I was looking at some of the lower cost Templar spells already, but I wonder if some of the even lower cost world-magic or perhaps lycan/vamp spells (big leap of faith) would be low enough for something to be spammable but still useful.


If Entropy does work and it doesn't get blacklisted, then it really would be the ultimate magicka-regen ability, haha!

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Going back to pure magicka. Everything seems to synergize really nicely in both of these compositions. Can someone give me specific reasoning as to why one wouldn't work?


Templar –

Fire Staff –

  • [*]

Eclipse – Target targets self


Piercing Javelin – Knockback + Damage


Sun Fire – Slow + Damage


Entropy – Magicka + Damage


Soul Trap – Soul + Damage

*Nova – Big Damage and DR.


Resto Staff –

  • [*]

Backlash – Damages for 130% damage taken


Regeneration – Heal + HoT


Cleansing Ritual – Dispel + HoT


Rune Focus – Tank, Anti-CC.


Healing Ritual - Nuke Heal

*Highborn – Magicka Regen


NB –

Frost Destro Staff –

  • [*]

Mark Target – Remove Resistances


Cripple – Slow and DoT


Strife – DoT and HoT


Entropy – DoT and Magicka


Soul Trap – DoT and Soul

*Death Stroke - Nuke


Resto Staff –

  • [*]

Force Siphon – Health on Hit


Haste – Faster Hits


Siphoning Strike – Stam/Mag regen on hit


Regeneration – Heal + HoT


Blessing of Protection – Tanky

*Highborn – Magicka Regen

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I dont like ur last build. Rest is fine thou :)

The first weaponset is clearly made for kiting and then u chose a 5m Ulti? Especially with Mark Target slottet, u dont want to get hit...The secound weaponset seems to be made for surviving. But u have to get a lot of skills off, b4 it starts to work like u want it to. Force Siphon on target->Haste->Siphoning Strike->Autohit... And I don't know if Blessing of Protection heals and buffs the caster aswell, as this is ur only direct heal.

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I dont like ur last build. Rest is fine thou :)

The first weaponset is clearly made for kiting and then u chose a 5m Ulti? Especially with Mark Target slottet, u dont want to get hit...The secound weaponset seems to be made for surviving. But u have to get a lot of skills off, b4 it starts to work like u want it to. Force Siphon on target->Haste->Siphoning Strike->Autohit... And I don't know if Blessing of Protection heals and buffs the caster aswell, as this is ur only direct heal.


Ah, thanks, I didn't even think about the 5m on Death Stroke because I originally had it in my Resto-Staff build. I'd probably use consuming darkness there instead to help my survival, that would especially be effective while the DoTs are up.


Hopefully with Haste/auto attack paired with Force Siphon/Strike it'll keep me high enough in both health and magicka where I can afford to keep BoP up and I won't need additional heals (I'll try to keep Strife up as well for another HoT though, of course.)


If it doesn't self-target then that'd be a huge problem, definitely. Let's hope it does! If not I'd probably try to turn this into a Heavy Armor build with Dual Wield and Resto... or something...


There's so many problems with this 2nd build though, I mean seriously.. Firstly, the first build doesn't even have the ability to keep a target away besides from the slow on heavy attacks from Frost Staff and from Cripple.. The second build doesn't have any way to get to the target to hit them once I have my on-hit's and haste applied.


I was thinking I'd use Frost Staff NB against melee, so using Mark Target wouldn't be a big deal, it would just be to kill them as fast as possible.. but there's not enough control for it to work in PVP. Then, using the resto build against a caster wouldn't work because like I said--no way to stick to the target.


Both seem to be fine.


However in your first build you use Soul Siphon, what kind of skill is that?

Ah, I meant Soul Trap*

DOT + Fills a soul shard for ressing- I plan on ressing a ton as a Templar @ 25% res speed (50% from resto-light passive and 50% from pvp "Support" passive) 




I really am loving my first build. It's the build that I initially planned on using and have been tweaking it for the last few months to get it right.


Anyone see any problems or ways to improve the Templar/Staves build (#1)? Thanks for everyone's input so far.

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It's interesting to hear that the lead designer for ESO likes a pure-magicka build the most. He uses a sorcerer for the purpose of being able to Dark Exchange and turn the extra Stamina into Health/Magicka. He says (paraphrased), "It allows you to cast a massive number of spells." He said he likes using a Frost Staff and a Resto Staff.


This is heartening, because it confirms a lot of my suspicions. At the same time though, it makes me question how good it works without Dark Exchange. Like Iron said a few days ago, he wants to include at least one ability that uses Stamina so that it doesn't go to waste. I assumed that if I avoid stamina armor enchantments, and while distributing my points, that I would just have enough to make enough heavy attacks, sprint, and dodge roll and that it wouldn't be a waste of resources... This makes me begin to think otherwise.


Due to this information:

Even though that Templar/Staves build is probably the best 1v1 build possible with the exception of vamp/lycan abilitied... I think I will try to make a Melee/Resto build in Heavy Armor that's 1:1 stam/magicka instead.


During team fights (almost all fights in Cyrodiil) the person who's in Light Armor's going to be getting targeted first. This poses a huge problem, because the more you die the less chance you have of becoming Emperor... I'm really leaning toward Heavy Armor now because of this.

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DK – Heavy Armor, Sword/Shield + Resto Staff, High Elf

Sword/Board –

  • [*]

Shield Charge (Gap close, Damage, Stun)


Lava Whip (Damage and Off-Balance after a Charge)


Low Slash (Damage, Weaken, and Slow)


Immovable (Tank and Anti-CC)


Obsidian Shield (Group damage shield)


*Dragon Leap (Gap close when out of Stamina + Big Damage)


Resto Staff –

  • [*]

Force Siphon (Target heals direct Attackers)


Dragon Blood (Self-heal then HoT)


Regeneration (Small heal + HoT)


Entropy (DoT + Magicka regen)


Circle of Protection (When Fighting a Werewolf/Vampire) -OR- Soul Trap (DoT + Soul Gem, stock up in PVE and then use Circle of Prot in PVP.)


*Eye of Fear (Mostly for the CC)


Plan: Open with Resto Staff to get Force Siphon up. Switch to Resto to heal up and reapply Force Siphon&Entropy&Circle of Protection when necessary.


The only problem I really have with this is that I can't self-heal as well as I'd like to be able to. It's fine for group fights but I like being very very self-reliant. I could make a less selfish 2ndary bar by using things like Molten Weapons and Support-PVP spells, but my goal is to become Emperor as fast as possible, so I can't afford to play for others quite yet. XD



Any suggestions/critiques? I'm sure it's not perfect, so please point out everything you see wrong so that we can all benefit. :)

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ps- I know that if my goal is to get Emperor ASAP, I should roll something that has +15% XP on something that I'm using. BUT-- I think Aldmeri Dominion is going to win the most battles, and I think tanks will have the best shot at becoming Emperors, so put two and two together... being a tank in AD is a good idea, even if you sacrifice +15% XP in one tree.

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DK – Heavy Armor, Sword/Shield + Resto Staff, High Elf

Sword/Board –


Shield Charge (Gap close, Damage, Stun)


Lava Whip (Damage and Off-Balance after a Charge)


Low Slash (Damage, Weaken, and Slow)


Immovable (Tank and Anti-CC)


Obsidian Shield (Group damage shield)


*Dragon Leap (Gap close when out of Stamina + Big Damage)


Resto Staff –


Force Siphon (Target heals direct Attackers)


Dragon Blood (Self-heal then HoT)


Regeneration (Small heal + HoT)


Entropy (DoT + Magicka regen)


Circle of Protection (When Fighting a Werewolf/Vampire) -OR- Soul Trap (DoT + Soul Gem, stock up in PVE and then use Circle of Prot in PVP.)


*Eye of Fear (Mostly for the CC)


Plan: Open with Resto Staff to get Force Siphon up. Switch to Resto to heal up and reapply Force Siphon&Entropy&Circle of Protection when necessary.


The only problem I really have with this is that I can't self-heal as well as I'd like to be able to. It's fine for group fights but I like being very very self-reliant. I could make a less selfish 2ndary bar by using things like Molten Weapons and Support-PVP spells, but my goal is to become Emperor as fast as possible, so I can't afford to play for others quite yet. XD



Any suggestions/critiques? I'm sure it's not perfect, so please point out everything you see wrong so that we can all benefit. :)


1: If you want another self heal use inhale. It heals for every opponent around you plus it's an AoE dmg skill as well.

2: you don't really need any slows for a DK because every time you deal fire dmg you slow your target.

3: If you want to be Emperer you need lot's of AoE something your build lacks.

4: Battle Standard is a must have ultimate for a DK in PvP.

5: You should consider using Fiery Reach, because with it you can pull players down from keep walls.

6: Skills against beast won't help you in the beginning because their number in PvP will be to small

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For me it comes down to how many magicka skills i can use with full hp/stam and full heavy armor. and vice versa for full magicka/hp and light armor.Keep in mind:Unskilled stamina was at around 1k at lvl 50. NOT much.And HA doesnt provide any regen at all.

1k stamina is not much???If you take a closer look at the video you will see that they guy hadHP: 1823Mg: 1205St: 1143He might didn't spent points on stamina but he had stamina points on his gear.I know that there was somewhere a skill which costs over 700 stamina but I guess that was a wrong number because there are skills which cost around 100 points which are way stronger than that one.
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