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Min/Max Combos (Very Early Theorycrafting)


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For anyone just starting to read this, new information was being released as I was posting through the next few pages, so the newer posts have better predictions for solid builds and I'd start with those if I were you! :)




Here is my guess to the speculative top tiered classes, based on what I've seen. (Most of the betas I've played, I've been correct on my predictive endgame theorycrafting.) I really wish I could see some examples of Racial skills, but I'm just writing this for fun.



Wood Elf>Redguard>Argonian -- Nightblade Assassin with Bow and Medium Armor.

Wood Elf/Redguard/Argonian will be the "sneak" type race for their alliances. Pair this with a Bow for Snipe out of the sneak, and Medium armor for maximum mobility (less expensive rolls, and bow gives you giant speed boost out of rolls). Nightblade Assassin for Marked Target and "finishing" ultimate. Guessing this will be a very fun setup if you like 'ranger' type characters.


MAGIC:  EDIT: for fire dps, looks like Dark Elf racials are the biznz. ;)

High Elf>Dark Elf>Breton -- Ardent Flame DK with a Fire type Destruction staff and light armor.

Those being the magic focused races of their alliances. Pair them with a Destruction staff doing Fire damage and Ardent Flame DK's +Fire damage passives for maximum magic DPS. I speculate this will be the highest DPS setup in the game. Typical fire mage, not as much utility (blink and lightning shield) as going lightning destruction staff and lightning mage..and they will probably have higher burst potential as long as their Ultimate is active. Breton would probably be best for a utility lightning mage.



Orc or Nord. Aedric Spear Templar for the +Power and the charge. Will synergize nicely with the increase in weapon power on a 2H build (scaling with Momentum, too). The +% damage on abilities scales well with the high damage per hit, on any ability with cooldowns like everything we've seen so far.  Having two charges is the buttsex. And, using Heavy Armor will work better as the berserker class. 25% reduction to snare effects in light armor isn't worth it, and nothing else looks that promising either.



Khajiit, Orc, or Nord. Draconic Power DK, heavy armor, sword/board. Look at all that life regen... Maybe even an Argonian would work well for this. Look at all your passive defense/resistances... +12% +3%x5 armor items in heals taken... I've thought about this one more than any other one because I plan on tanking. I think that as far as an actual group goes, this will be the best tanks. As far as soloing as a tank..it depends on how low our damage is. We can always take off the slotted ability that sacrifices 8% damage for resistance/armor and finagle things around a bit, so I think it'll be fine for soloing as well. When I've min/max calculated all the numbers that are on the boards so far, this came out with the highest positive scores of any other class. But, I mean..if they can chug potions, or get their resitances to a closer ratio to these, that number would close rapidly because our damage is a bit shitty...



Khajiit, Orc, or Redguard. Use a dagger for 5% crit and a mace in offhand for armor piercing, other players should have higher armor ratings than avg npc's because of potions/etc, so it should add bonuses more often than 1/2 the time. 1/2 the time would makeit = swords, but it will almost definitely be more than 1/2..and if it's on lower armored players, chances are that your melee weapon will already be hitting like a fuckton hammer anyway. Okay, well anyways, use a dagger in mainhand and a mace in offhand (since you can't use another dagger in offhand.) Moving on, you will probably want to be a Shadow Nightblade for this class because they're the best at chasing (50% move speed for 10 seconds IIRC while chasing someone..as well as a slow.) Since DW doesn't give much chase options, this is almost required.. or a Dark Mage to stun and chase..but anyway, I don't plan on playing Dual Wield EVER so I'll let you figure this out on your own. I'd go Heavy Armor, even though the obvious answer is Medium armor for this class. (I JUST said you'd need to be good at chasing, right?? Well, you need to be even better at melee distance fighting, which heavy armor looks to excell at.)


Healing: Edit: to boost early game, Argonian get +15% XP in resto spells and heals affect them more! Bottaboom!

This one feels pretty obvious, as a Restoring Light Templar for the dispels and AOE protections, rolling with a restoration staff and a shield with light armor.... But, I'm thinking that a Siphoning Nightblade using a restoration staff could be pretty awesome. They wouldn't get as magicka drained.



I'm thinking a Frost Destruction staff on a Siphoning Nightblade will be the very best overall class in the game. Huge utility, passive damage, and self-heals while never running out of mana. I'd plop this shit on a Khajiit and call it a good day to everyone else in cyrodiil, cause you raping everyone in sight. Okay, but seriously, I think this is what I'll end up playing if this works out AT ALL later in Beta. Right now I'm having too much fun playing a tank, because that's what I always play.


I know there's a twenty thousand more options or whatever, and I didn't go into what exact 5 skills I'd couple with my ultimates and why for each "class"..if you can even call them classes...but whatever, I'm horny. Time to go cry and eat myself to sleep.

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Moved to the ESO discussion forum.


For this stage in development, this seems to be a pretty logical list (all known and assumed things considered). I'm not sure if you saw the Ebonheart Racial Skills thread, but there are some tentative examples of beta skills there.

 I hadn't seen it, although one of my buddies texted it to me earlier I didn't look at it. Interesting.. I like what I see, looks like the races will matter greatly (as I expected from Elder Scrolls). :) Muy bueno! I can't wait to see the rest and find some dope combo.

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As much as I'd like a Resto Staff/Mace dual wielding Daedric Summoner with medium armor spec to work out, the synergy's just not there. =(


I'd like to hear what build(s) everyone else is thinking about playing though as well!


PS- I'm looking for a Husband (aka ring partner) on PS4. Not sure what alliance or spec I'll be until close to end of beta..but if anyone's going to be on PS4 then hit me up and we'll play sometime even if we're different factions! :)

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Nightblade Tank, Heavy Armory, Sword and Board: Drain Power, Blur, Puncture, Defensive Posture, Siphoning Strike


Can't remember if it is 5 skills plus and ultimate or 4 plus and ultimate, but the ultimate would be Soul Shred


I think it's 5 + Ult.


I think that you need to choose between the three talent branches, so you can only have Siphoning Strike from Siphoning or Blur from Assassination.


With Siphoning Strike and Defensive posture on you're really limiting your damage output, so I'd put a different talent on than either of those while soloing..or it'd just be too slow! :(


I'm going to try to come up with an exact list of active skills for Solo and Group PvP and PvE. Will post it when I'm finished!


I know it's all going to change a lot before launch but I'm having fun! =D

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I'll stick with one of two potential mains I've got floating around in my head, because I'm still not sure on the other besides 'Redguard Templar'.


Going to go for a nord nightblade with a resto staff and a mix of light and medium armors. Some people like to sneak behind enemy lines and kill a bunch of healers. I'll be sneaking behind enemy lines and healing a bunch of killers.


As far as what I'll be sticking in my skill slots, I have absolutely no idea. I just know I want a sneaky heals/support.


I'll definitely be checking back to this thread to see what more you come up with.  ^_^

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Max Damage:


Dark Elf, Ardent Flame DK with a Fire Destruction Staff in light armor--


Race-- +3% Mag and Stam, 7% increase in fire damage, 40 fire resistance.

Armor-- +5% spell damage, + 10% crit chance, +20% mag regen, -15% mag spell cost, 50 spell resistance.

Fire Destro Staff--  -80 enemy spell resistance, -50 enemy spell resistance, 10% faster heavy attacks, 15% increase chance to burn target, restore magicka when you kill an enemy.

Class-- Increases damage from burning effect by 200%, fire damage snares enemy 40% for 3s, increase duration of burning effects and several Ardent Flame abilities by 2 seconds, increase damage of fire AOE by 12%.



Weakness to Elements-- target takes 20% extra fire damage for 15s.

Searing Strike-- burn target for 25 fire damage over 8s. (Dot)

Impulse-- deals 5 magic damage and 100% chance to apply burning effect. (Dot)

Fiery Breath-- Deals 4 fire damage in a cone in front of you and ignites enemies for 9 fire damage over 6 seconds. (Main AOE)

Lave Whip-- Deals 14 damage and causes off balance to immobile or stunned enemies. (Nuke)

ULT-Dragon Knight Standard-- Enemies take 6 fire damage per second and enemies receive 50% less healing for 12 seconds.


I'd only use this in PVE, where someone with taunt abilities can get aggro off of you successfuly. You don't have much survivability; if you get locked down you're pretty much uckfayed.


Start with Weakness to Elements and Searing Strike, use these two whenever possible unless you can one hit your target with Lava Whip. This damage is huge as it is, but if you bring everything together look at the damage output just from Searing Strike: 25/8 (+2 seconds) =  31/10. Double this because it's a burning effect. 61/10. Add 7% for racial, 5% for armor, and you get 68 damage over 10 seconds on a target with -130 fire resistance that's moving at 40% speed. They are also taking 20% additional fire damage. Not including critical chances, it went from 3 dps to 8 dps for a whopping 82 total damage from one ability.

Now ULT if you can, because if you think the number 82 is a big number.. try 114 over 14 seconds. That's another 8dps ticking.

Now Impulse to add yet another DOT from Burning..then Lava Whip and Fire-Staff attack until you need to refresh your dots.


I know Ult won't be up whenever you need it, but even without it -- if you compare these numbers to ANY other build in the game it is CRAZY high. Even if the 200% burning effect doesn't apply to Searing Strike even though it says "burns target", it's still ridiculously high. There is NO other build in the game that has synergy like this one that all applies to direct damage output.





More posts to come.

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PS--- The beauty of a Staff user is that Staff skills use Magicka, while weapon/shield skills all use Stamina. Since Class skills all use Magicka as well, you can go 100% into Magicka and avoid Stamina. This keeps your distribution a lot more localized, and while you might say that this could be a bad thing.. think about it: Your "regen" is based on a percent of your total, not a fixed number! So this means the more you have, the more you get back faster. I know what you're thinking now (I'm so psychic!) You're thinking that 5% of 400 and 5% of 100 (300 stats in magicka) is the same as 5% of 250 and 5% of 250 (300 stats distributed evenly between magicka and stamina) put together! Well you're right. But unless you distribute your points on the EXACT ratio that you're going to use them in End-Game, then you're going to have a lot of wasted points out there, aren't you? Points that could be dedicated to health. Okay, so it's only better if ________... but whatever, I gave you something to think about!!! ^.^


Here's some more to think on!


Attack range being so fleeting in PvP.... You get one hit in at a time no matter what melee you are in PvP. The one hit you get in from a 2H will be a lot more damage than from a 1H, if it wasn't then PVE would be extremely screwed in favor of S//B and DW. So for PvP melee you'll want a 2h (better pvp skillset than DW anyway) and for pve you'll probably want DW--those auto-attacks will add up to more than the 2H, because otherwise PVP would be too leaned to the 2H.. This is just how every game mmorpg I've played has worked, so I have to guess this is how it will be in ESO. There's not much way around it.

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Pure Tank Spec: I'd use this one for group PvE and PvP if being hard to kill is your thing. Not a solo build though, because your self heals aren't enough.

Race: Argonian for this build! Class: This was a tough choice!! Draconic Power DK came out on top though, and you'll see why. Using a 1h melee weapon, a shield, and heavy armor, as you probably figured.



Racial-- 7% increased healing received is just plane huge, and if you stand in water during a fight you become insanely hard to kill with this build. Magic Resistance would be better if a class had magic resistance and "takes 7% less magic damage" or something. Even if this build does stack health regen pretty well..that'd be more for soloing, and you'd still need potions probably.. but this isn't a good solo build anyway!! (Alchemists/potion makers will probably all want to be a Siphoning Nightblade for the +20% potion perk though anyway!) Having a healer with you more often than not means that 7% increased healing received..jizz balls..

1h/shield-- Block 15% additional damage from projectiles and ranged attacks, increase armor by 50, and Defensive Posture when slotted increases armor and spell resistances by 80.

Draconic Power-- 80 spell resistance, increase health regen by 5% per dragon ability on hotbar, increase healing received by 12% while affected by dragon ability, block an additional 10% damage.

Heavy armor-- Reduce all damage 4%, increase health regeneration by 15%, increase healing received by 5%, reduce cost of bracing by 15%.



Defensive Posture-- 80 armor and 80 magic resistance when toggled. Way awesomesauce.

Reflective Scale-- reflect all projectiles for 4s, if most single-target spells are considered projectiles...this is absolutely amazing for PvE and especially amazing for PvP (if you see an archer charging up Snipe on you, or ANY cast time spell because they're usually good spells that are worth reflecting back onto them!) If you aren't good at timing this in time of need then use Spiked Armor for 30% damage resistance for 17 seconds instead. It's a lot more lenient.

Dragon Blood-- Heal for 25% of missing health and increase health regeneration by 28% for 20s. Keeping this on at all times will increase healing received by 12%.

Low Slash-- Snares target by 60% and reduces target's damage by 20% for 10s. Fucking SWEET!


#Ultimate Dragon Leap-- deals 34 physical damage to target (huge damage for when you see a target low enough to finish off.. Sweet azz!) This is going to be such a badass looking move, you should just take it for the style. Style aside, mobility is godly as a tank. You need to be able to protect your people by controling the mobs of badness for them. Not only does this bring you to your enemy(ies) but it also knocks back nearby enemies to your target, clearing the area if they are on one of your buddies. This is nice for PvP and PvE.


You'll notice that there's only 5 active abilities here! Well, for PvE you'll need a Taunt to be a real tank, allowing your partners to wreck shit for you. Puncture reduces target's armor by 100 for 12s and taunts the target for 5s. But, for PvP a taunt won't matter.. Shield Charge-- charge to the target and attack, stuns target for 2 seconds! Being able to charge to your oponent, disable them for 2 seconds time which then allows you to get off a Low Slash to slow his ass down and reduce his damage... You just saved the day, mate!



Goodnight for now!  *Weiner sucking face*

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Well, I just spent two hours writing a bunch of PvP epicness that I hadn't realized before...but then I hit backspace while I wasn't in the type box and I lost what I wrote..


Maybe I'll rewrite it out later.  DISSSAPPOINTEDDD!!!


I've been there. The system actually saves your work periodically (it should say "Last Saved ---" or something near the bottom corner. If you're lucky and haven't done much, most of it should still be there if you can find it and click it to restore the last saved portion. Some sort of browser addition like Lazarus (though the last time I tried it the dev ruined it) is probably the best measure against losing anything.


Good work on these posts so far - don't get too frustrated and stop! They're good reads.

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I've been there. The system actually saves your work periodically (it should say "Last Saved ---" or something near the bottom corner. If you're lucky and haven't done much, most of it should still be there if you can find it and click it to restore the last saved portion. Some sort of browser addition like Lazarus (though the last time I tried it the dev ruined it) is probably the best measure against losing anything.


Good work on these posts so far - don't get too frustrated and stop! They're good reads.

I can't find the Last Save button now, but I'll remember that if there's a next time. Cheers mate, you are a good admin.

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Based on how hard it was for me to deside what to play, I think they're doing a really good job on balancing. As the game stands now, this is what I'll be playing. It probably won't change, either.


Medium Armor. 2H Mace. Assassination Nightblade.


The passives all work quite well together to give me good mobility and damage. I chose mace for -80 enemy armor because I think I'll have more trouble against other melee classes than I will against casters.


I'll keep Momentum and Haste activated.

Use Critical Charge and Teleport Strike to close distances.

Uppercut to stun target once I reach them with Critical Charge, or after Teleport Strike's stun finishes. (If Mark Target works against Armor and not just Magic Resistance then I'd use that and use a sword instead of a mace. That would be amazing to use on a medium armor wearer, who doesn't have as much armor and doesn't have as much magic resistances.)

!Death Stroke ultimate for finishing move.


I know it's not the best, but I like 2h's and I like mobility. The best class for PvP will definitely be a Restoration Staff Dark Mage in Light Armor.


Let me know what you guys are tentatively going to play! I'm done posting for a bit, but I'll be reading. Once there are new leaks I'll do a few other setups that stand out to me.

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My god you talk as if you've been playing the game for a year, but i guess more power to you for utilizing resources. I haven't even decided what I'm going to play yet but I'm probably going to be a mage and go for maximum damage which means I'll probably end up being a glass cannon.


If more than one character is allowed I'll probably make a tank of some sort.

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Let me know what you guys are tentatively going to play! I'm done posting for a bit, but I'll be reading. Once there are new leaks I'll do a few other setups that stand out to me.


Assuming I'm going to be more or less locked in to the Aldmeri Dominion so I can easily co-op with my friends, I'll probably use an Altmer Mage as my first character; that's about as far as I've thought ahead. This thread has definitely jump-started some deeper thinking for me, but at the same time I don't want to lock-in on something when we really don't have any assurance that any of these skills/bonuses are going to make it to retail.


The Dunmer set-up you mentioned does look exceptionally tempting for PvP. Frankly, I'm shocked that they seem to have such powerful racial bonuses - 40 flame resistance and 7% damage increase? With the emphasis they're seemingly putting on fire-based spells (even the Dragon Knight class relies on it), that has OP potential. It's on my nerf-watch for release (if the leaks are even accurate and not temp stats).

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For anyone using a Destruction Staff, plan on using a Restoration Staff as well. Anyone using a melee weapon, plan on using a bow as well.


If you plan on using a magic weapon and a melee weapon you will SEVERELY gimp yourself because your health will be much lower due to improper stat allocations.


I'll explain: Every class uses Magicka for spells and Stamina for dodge rolls, bracing, sprinting, etc. But, the amount of Stamina used for Dodge rolls/Bracing/Sprinting is minimal compared to the amount you'll use for your abilities. It's IMPOSSIBLE to optimize your character for casting if you've got a ton of Stamina for when you're melee, and vice versa you can't optimize your character to melee if you've previously optimized your character for casting. If you have allocated enough stats to be efficient at all in both at the same time, you WILL be getting one shotted like a little bitch all day long.


Edit: Unless you plan on only using something for the passives! In which case having 1h/shield passives are good for adding 5% total damage, 50 armor, etc etc. Dual Wield is good for finishing people and gaining passives through weapon types slotted. 2H passives make you apply burning/chilled/shocked effect 100% of the time from your destruction staffs. Etc.! This actually adds a whole lot more depth than I even thought at first.


Plus, if you're using a melee weapon it's nearly impossible to get off a sneak attack (unless you're playing as Shadow.) So, you'll really want to have a bow in order to use Snipe from a distance while you're still stealthed anyway!


Choosing to just use one weapon will severely gimp you as well, even if your armor and stats are optimal for it. There is always a time when switching to the shield would be better than dual weilding, or using a bow to increase your mobility to get away instead of using your 2H and dying.. Switching from that Destro Staff to a Resto Staff will save your ass while you're running---no matter how much +Damage you have to destruction from your gear's enchantments.


I was dillying with a Storm Calling/Bow using Mage-- Surge for passive increased weapon power, bolt escape (stun and teleport = epic), weighted shot against casters, scatter shot against melees, and snipe. Just an extremely defensive build that builds up Ult, gains a tactical advantage, and then sneaks/snipes/owns people with electrified arrows....


Well... that was cool beans and all but what other weapon could I pair this with? None. Bolt Escape is the only really nice Storm Caller ability for PvP and it's useless if I was going to be melee, and I am not able to go Resto or Destro staff because all the stats I'd have in Stamina for my Bow skills would be a complete waste.


This is the ONE&ONLY Class/Weapon combo where I think you're better off not using any other weapons or it'd actually weaken your character. (btw, you'd use Medium armor for that build, if anyone fancies it.) :P


Edit: Of course, if you want to just go a bit more offensive then taking something else to replace things on your bar would be good. You don't need an interrupt and a knockback while you're pve'ing either so this would just be PvP since Snipe would be more effective there anyway.


Just more for you guys to think about! I have no life right now if you didn't notice.

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Okay, it's now confirmed that when you swap weapons you also swap to a new skill bar! This is amazeballs!! We have access to 10 ability slots + Ult now rather than just 5+Ult.


With this in mind, I made a Siphoning build:


Restoration Staff, Dagger/Shield, Light Armor, Siphoning, RACE.



Cripple-- Steal your targets movement speed and deal damage over time.

Strife-- Deal damage then heal for % of damage done over time.

Entropy-- DOT and restores your Magicka over time.

Force Siphon-- Allies gain 2% health when attacking, you gain 50% additional health when attacking (3%.)

Regeneration-- Heal nearby ally for 5, heal for an additional 20/20s.



Agony-- (1.5s cast) Stun enemy for 16s and deal DOT. (Stun breaks from other damage.)

Shield Charge-- Charge target and stun for 2s (this stun would allow you to cast agony)

Power Bash-- Disorient Target for 12s

Low Slash-- Snare target 60% and reduce target's damage by 20% for 10s.

Siphoning Strike-- Restore Magicka/Stam from basic weapon attacks.


*Soul Shred-- Damage/Stun nearby enemies, allies can activate it to do a lifestealing attack.



With Force Siphon active on the target, a dagger will heal you faster than any other weapon. With Regeneration and Strife healing you passively at the same time you will be self-healing a lot of damage. At the same time your Entropy will be gaining you Magicka, Cripple will give you run speed and slow the target, and all the while the target will be taking heavy hits from all your DOT ticks.


You will be fairly hard to damage when you have your Dagger/Shield out, and if multiple targets come then you can Power Bash one and Agony the other, rendering two targets useless while you kill the third. Low Slash and Cripple keeps them in range (and doing less damage), but if they escape then you can always Shield Charge to get on them again, this is required in PvP (a way to catch the filthy runners!) Siphoning Strike toggled to increase your Magicka/Stamina gained per hit along with your Health being healed per hit = Awesome.


It would be hard to beat someone who is designed to kill you quickly, especially a melee dps (dual wield assassin with medium armor would be the hardest to win against I think). But I think you should be able to kite them well enough that they will end up being the dead ones! And like I said, if they end up needing to retreat after not being able to catch you.. Shield Charge their ass.


Honestly, 2v1..3v1..4v1.. If they balance this build to be decent in 1v1 then it'll definitely be THE BEST BUILD IN THE GAME for fighting multiple targets. You can incapacitate two targets at a time and then put your DOTs that heal you up on anyone that's left. Suck their run speeds and kite them to death. Beat healers out by never running out of Magicka, this is a very efficient build that uses low amounts of Stam on a need-only bases for the 4 stamina consuming abilities with your Dagger/Shield out.


And check this out, because you will be able to utilize your magicka and stamina VERY well... You get a shitload of attributes to slot into Health. That 3% heal per dagger attack is going to heal for a ton. And, just to top it off, potions are 20% more effective because you're a Siphoner. I personally LOVE that passive so much that it's the main reason I'll play a Siphon class.


Another thing is that this build probably won't be used by many people-- It's kind of elusive. So if you like being unique and shit, you probably won't use this because I came up with it, but this is a very appealing and interesting option!! Like I said before, if Siphoning or Summoning turns out to be any good, that will probably be my main...and this build could just do it!

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Morphing abilities changes things SO dramatically! These builds I'm posting look like good starting points (in my opinion anyway) but when things start morphing..oh man.. I cannot WAIT to come up with the build I'm going to play once all the late Beta content is released!!!!


8 more months of drooling.......... *drool drool drool*......


Did anyone else pause the vid while he was showing a couple of the morphed abilities?!!! It changes the game SO much it's ridiculous(ly awesome!!!!)


Much love to Zenimax and Bethesda Softworks.. for real.

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Okay, it's now confirmed that when you swap weapons you also swap to a new skill bar! This is amazeballs!!


Annnd with that news, here comes the gaming mouse with programmable controls.


Your new build sounds very enticing. I hope to make some videos early, so that survivability certainly sounds great. Hopefully I'll manage to watch the newer videos later so I can see what morphing entails, it looks interesting but has caught me a bit off-guard.

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Annnd with that news, here comes the gaming mouse with programmable controls.


Your new build sounds very enticing. I hope to make some videos early, so that survivability certainly sounds great. Hopefully I'll manage to watch the newer videos later so I can see what morphing entails, it looks interesting but has caught me a bit off-guard.

Yeah man, I'm going to be U-streaming from day 1 of open beta on PS4! I love how easy it'll be to upload video clips of badassery as well to my facebook page.


I think in the beginning it's going to set you up pretty close to how you want your character to be.. and then the morphs will mostly be like, "Do more damage VS utlity." "Single target vs Multi target." etc.. So, all the shit I post really might pay off for some people.


You'll still only have the 6 abilities at any one time. Q looks like Mounting, E looks like weapon swapping (and swapping to your new bar in the process), R looks like potion. 1-6 are the abilities.. which yeah, would be way nicer if you could use 6 buttons on your right hand for that instead of dealing with them all with keyboard. Honestly, if I play it on PC, I'm just going to plug in an Xbox controller anyway! I'll lose some control, but unless I'm PvPing at the time I care more about comfort.


I'm thinking more and more about that Dunmer Firestaff Ardent Flamer: The potential for damage is too nuts, but I don't know what I'd couple it with. I guess the obvious choice is a Resto staff..but predictable things bore me.


A 2H build in Medium armor is what I'd really ENJOY playing the most.....the synergy with anything else doesn't appear to be there though. I mean yes, this stuff is minor compared to what weapon/armor enchants will do to our character (probably) but it still counts! I don't want to get a bunch of Medium armor that increases my Bow damage and have my 2H be the backdrop...I love me some mad 2H berserker power! B-POWER!!!


Looking at the passives is more important than looking at the actives. In case anyone else is trying to figure out what looks like it'll synergize well.. Look at the passives a lot more than the actives. The actives will all morph in the direction you want. Not enough utility on a direct damage spell? Adding some on your next morph is probably possible. :)

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This is the first build I'll test in beta...Bitches can steal my shit if you want!



Restoration Staff

Frost Destruction Staff

Light Armor



Resto Staff:

Regeneration - Heal + HOT

Siphoning Strike - Gain Magicka/Stam when you hit target

Force Siphon - Gain Health when you hit target

Entropy - DOT + Magicka over time.

Strife - DOT + Health over time.


Frost Staff:

Cripple - Leech Enemy Speed

Annulment - Protection Against Casters

Wall of Elements - Protection Against Melee

Weakness to Elements - Offensive Debuff

Impulse - Damager


*Soul Shred - Damage, Stun, and potential Life Steal.

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