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Armor and Weapon Skills


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Armor Skills


Light Armor

Active Abilities

[*]Annulment – unlocks rank 21

[*]instant – self – 60 magicka – no cooldown

[*]absorbs 50% damage from spell attacks, up to a maximum of 36 damage

Passive Abilities

[*]Evocation – unlocks rank 3

[*]passive – self

[*]reduce magicka cost of spells by 3% per piece of light armor equipped

[*]Recovery – unlocks rank 10

[*]passive – self

[*]increase magicka regeneration by 4% per piece of light armor equipped

[*]Spell Warding – unlocks rank 16

[*]passive – self

[*]increase spell resistance by 10 per piece of light armor equipped

[*]Prodigy – unlocks rank 36

[*]passive – self

[*]with a light armor set (5+ pieces)

[*]10% chance for spells to cause critical damage

[*]Concentration – unlocks rank 50

[*]passive – self

[*]increase spell damage by 1% per piece of light armor equipped

Medium Armor

Active Abilities

[*]Evasion – unlocks rank 21

[*]instant – self – 60 stamina – no cooldown

[*]gain 30% dodge chance for 20s

Passive Abilities

[*]Improved Sneak – unlocks rank 3

[*]passive – self

[*]decrease the area where you can be detected by 5% per piece equipped

[*]decrease time to become hidden by 5% per piece equipped

[*]Wind Walker – unlocks rank 10

[*]passive – self

[*]increase stamina regeneration by 4% per piece of medium armor equipped

[*]Athletics – unlocks rank 16

[*]passive – self

[*]increase sprint move speed by 3% per piece equipped

[*]Dexterity – unlocks rank 37

[*]passive – self

[*]With a full set of medium armor (5+ pieces)

[*]reduce the duration of incoming snares by 25%

[*]Acrobatics – unlocks rank 50

[*]passive – self

[*]decrease the stamina cost of roll dodge by 4% per piece of medium armor equipped

Heavy Armor

Active Abilities

[*]Immovable – unlocks rank 21

[*]instant – self – 60 stamina – no cooldown

[*]reduce all damage taken by 20% for 8s

[*]immune to knockback and disabling effects for the duration

Passive Abilities

[*]Bracing – unlocks rank 3

[*]passive – self

[*]reduce cost of bracing by 3% per piece of heavy armor equipped

[*]Juggernaut – unlocks rank 10

[*]passive – self

[*]increase power with melee attacks by 1% per piece of heavy armor equipped

[*]Rapid Mending – unlocks rank 16

[*]passive – self

[*]increase healing received by 1% per piece of heavy armor equipped

[*]Resolve – unlocks rank 40

[*]passive – self

[*]with a heavy armor set (5+ pieces)

[*]reduce all damage taken by 4%

[*]Constitution – unlocks rank 50

[*]passive – self

[*]increase health regeneration by 3% per piece of heavy armor equipped

Weapon Skills


Two Handed

Active Abilities

[*]Cleave – unlocks rank 1

[*]instant – 7m range – 40 stamina – no cooldown

[*]deals 6 physical damage to all enemies in front of you

[*]inflicts bleed for 10 physical damage over 10s

[*]Critical Charge – unlocks rank 5

[*]instant – 19m range – 48 stamina – no cooldown

[*]charge to target and attack, dealing 8 physical damage

[*]always deals critical damage

[*]Uppercut – unlocks rank 20

[*]1s cast – 7m range – 72 stamina – no cooldown

[*]21 physical damage to enemy

[*]stun for 3.5s

[*]knock enemy back 4m

[*]Reverse Slash – unlocks rank 30

[*]instant – 5m range – 36 – no cooldown

[*]deals 5 physical damage

[*]damage increased based on target’s missing health

[*]Momentum – unlocks rank 40

[*]instant – self – 56 stamina – no cooldown

[*]increase weapon damage by 10% for 20s

[*]increase weapon damage by an additional 2% every 2s

Passive Abilities

[*]Heavy Weapons – unlocks rank 9

[*]passive – self

[*]2 Handed weapons grant the following bonuses

[*]- Axe: 10% chance to bleed for 5physical damage over 10s

[*]- Mace: your attacks ignore 80 armor

[*]- Sword: 5% additional damage

[*]Balance – unlocks rank 15

[*]passive – self

[*]while you have a 2 hand weapon equipped...

[*]reduce the cost of 2h feat abilities by 20%

[*]Sweeping Strikes – unlocks rank 25

[*]passive – self

[*]while you have a 2 hand weapon equipped...

[*]light attacks with 2h weapons deal 25% splash damage to 1 nearby enemy

[*]Arcane Fighter – unlocks rank 35

[*]passive – self

[*]while you have a 2h weapon equipped...

[*]increase chance of procing status effects (burning, chill, etc) by 100%

[*]Battle Rush – unlocks rank 49

[*]passive – self

[*]while you have a 2 hand weapon equipped...

[*]killing an enemy increases stamina regeneration by 50% for 6s

One Hand and Shield

Active Abilities

[*]Puncture – unlocks rank 1

[*]instant – 5m range – 40 stamina – no cooldown

[*]deals 12 physical damage

[*]reduce target’s armor by 100 for 12s

[*]taunt target for 5s

[*]Low Slash – unlocks rank 5

[*]instant – 5m range – 48 stamina – no cooldown

[*]deals 8 physical damage

[*]snares target 60% for 10s

[*]reduce target’s damage by 20% for 10s

[*]Defensive Posture – unlocks rank 20

[*]instant – self – 36 stamina – no cooldown

[*]while slotted, increase armor and spell resistance by 80 and decrease damage by 8%

[*]Shield Charge – unlocks rank 30

[*]instant – 15m range – 48 stamina – no cooldown

[*]charge to target and attack, dealing 4 physical damage

[*]stun target for 2s

[*]Power Bash – unlocks rank 40

[*]1.2s cast – 7m range – 48 stamina – no cooldown

[*]deals 4 physical damage to enemy

[*]disorient target for 12s

Passive Abilities

[*]Sword and Board – unlocks rank 9

[*]passive – self

[*]while you have a one hand weapon and shield equipped

[*]increase damage by 5%

[*]increase armor by 50

[*]Deadly Bash – unlocks rank 15

[*]passive – self

[*]while you have a one hand weapon and shield equipped

[*]bash deals 100% additional damage

[*]costs 20% less stamina

[*]Fortress – unlocks rank 25

[*]passive – self

[*]while you have a one hand weapon and shield equipped

[*]reduce cost of blocking 25%

[*]Deflect Bolts – unlocks rank 35

[*]Deflect Bolts – unlocks rank 35

[*]while you have a one hand weapon and shield equipped

[*]block 15% additional damage from projectiles and ranged attacks

[*]Battlefield Mobility – unlocks rank 49

[*]passive – self

[*]while you have a one hand weapon and shield equipped

[*]movement speed while blocking increased by 50%

Dual Wield

Active Abilities

[*]Twin Slashes – unlocks rank 1

[*]instant – 5m range – 20 stamina – no cooldown

[*]two hits for 2 physical damage

[*]bleed target for 15 physical damage over 6s

[*]Flurry – unlocks rank 5

[*]1.3s channel – 7m range – 60 stamina – no cooldown

[*]six hit attack for (3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 11) damage

[*]Whirlwind – unlocks rank 20

[*]instant – 6m radius – 40 stamina – no cooldown

[*]deals 5 physical damage to all enemies around you

[*]damage increased vs low health enemies

[*]Sparks – unlocks rank 30

[*]instant – 7m range – 52 stamina – no cooldown

[*]blind target for 4s

[*]Hidden Blade – unlocks rank 40

[*]instant – 20m range – 36 stamina – no cooldown

[*]throw a dagger that deals 4 physical damage and interrupts the target

[*]snares 50% for 6s

Passive Abilities

[*]Death Stroke – unlocks rank 9

[*]while dual wielding

[*]increase damage 20% vs targets under 25% health

[*]Dual Wield Expert – unlocks rank 15

[*]passive – self

[*]increases off-hand weapon damage by 25%

[*]you can wield a mace, axe, or sword in your off-hand

[*]Controlled Fury – unlocks rank 25

[*]passive – self

[*]reduces the cost of dual wield feat abilities by 20%

[*]Ruffian – unlocks rank 35

[*]passive – self

[*]while dual wielding

[*]deal 15% more damage when attacking disabled targets (stunned, immobilized, disoriented, silenced)

[*]Twin Blade and Blunt – unlocks rank 49

[*]passive – self

[*]dual wielding weapons grant the following bonuses per weapon equipped

[*]Axe: 5% chance to bleed for 5 physical damage over 10s

[*]Mace: deal up to 5% bonus damage to heavily armored enemies

[*]Sword: deal 2.5% additional damage

[*]Dagger: increase critical strike by 5%


Active Abilities

[*]Weighted Shot - unlocks rank 1

[*]instant - 28m range - 28 stamina - no cooldown

[*]deals 4 physical damage to enemy

[*]interrupt target's casting, stunning them for 3s and putting them off balance

[*]Volley - unlocks rank 5

[*]instant - 7 to 28m range - 60 stamina - no cooldown

[*]repeatedly fire arrows at target location for 1.5s

[*]deal 3 physical damage every 0.5s to enemies in area

[*]immobalized enemies in area for 1.5s

[*]Scatter Shot - unlocks rank 20

[*]instant - 10m range - 40 stamina - no cooldown

[*]deals 8 physical damage to target enemy

[*]knock enemy back 4m and disorient them for 5s

[*]Arrow Spray - unlocks rank 30

[*]instant - 12m radius - 76 stamina - no cooldown

[*]deals 13 physical damage to enemy

[*]snare target 50% for 5s

[*]Snipe - unlocks rank 40

[*]3s cast - 20 to 40m range - 72 stamina - no cooldown

[*]deals 17 physical damage to enemy

Passive Abilities

[*]Hawk Eye - unlocks rank 9

[*]passive - self

[*]increase damage of your bow attacks by 15% when striking vulnerable targets

[*]Hasty Retreat - unlocks rank 15

[*]passive - self

[*]while you have a bow equipped

[*]increase move speed 70% for 2s after activating roll dodge

[*]Accuracy - unlocks rank 25

[*]passive - self

[*]while you have a bow equipped

[*]increase critical strike by 5%

[*]Long Shots - unlocks rank 35

[*]passive - self

[*]while you have a bow equipped

[*]gain up to 15% bonus damage vs distant targets

[*]Ranger - unlocks rank 49

[*]passive - self

[*]while you have a bow equipped

[*]reduces the movement speed penalty while channeling bow abilities by 35%

Destruction Staff

Active Abilities

[*]Destructive Touch – unlocks rank 1

[*]instant – 7m range – 60 magicka – no cooldown

[*]- deals 4 magic damage to target enemy

[*]- fire touch causes knockback

[*]- frost touch causes deep freeze

[*]- shock touch causes disorient

[*]Force Shock – unlocks rank 5

[*]instant – 28m range – 60 magicka – no cooldown

[*]- deals 6 magic damage and interrupts casting enemies

[*]- enemies you interrupt are stunned for 3s and ser off balance

[*]Wall of Elements – unlocks rank 20

[*]instant – self – 60 magicka – no cooldown

[*]- create an elemental wall that deals 6 magic damage every 1s to enemies inside

[*]- wall lasts for 2.5s

[*]Impulse – unlocks rank 30

[*]instant – 8m radius – 40 magicka – no cooldown

[*]- deals 5 magic damage to nearby enemies

[*]- 100% chance to apply concussion, chilled, burning, based upon element used

[*]Weakness to Elements – unlocks rank 40

[*]instant – 28m range – 40 magicka – no cooldown

[*]- target takes 20% extra damage from fire, shock, and cold for 15s

Passive Abilities

[*]Tri Focus – unlocks rank 9

[*]passive – self

[*]destruction staff heavy attacks have the following effects

[*]- Frost: snare enemy 40% for 3.5s

[*]- Shock: deals 10% splash damage to 2 nearby foes

[*]- Fire: reduce enemy spell resistance by 80 for 6s

[*]Penetrating Magic – unlocks rank 15

[*]passive – self

[*]- your destruction spells bypass 50 resistance

[*]Elemental Force – unlocks rank 25

[*]passive – self

[*]While you have a destruction staff equipped

[*]- increase chance to apply fire, shock and cold status effects by 15%

[*]Ancient Knowledge – unlocks rank 35

[*]passive – self

[*]While you have a destruction staff equipped

[*]- your heavy attacks charge 10% faster

[*]Destruction Expert – unlocks rank 49

[*]passive – self

[*]While you have a destruction staff equipped

[*]- restore 40 magicka when killing an enemy with a destruction spell

Restoration Staff

Active Abilities

[*]Regeneration – unlocks rank 1

[*]instance – 15m radius – 40 magicka – no cooldown

[*]- heal nearby ally for 5

[*]- heal for an additional 20 over 20s

[*]Grand Healing – unlocks rank 5

[*]instance – 28m range – 60 magicka – no cooldown

[*]- heal all allies in target area for 6 every 1s for 3s

[*]Force Siphon – unlocks rank 20

[*]1.5s cast – 28m range – 36 magicka – no cooldown for 20s

[*]- your allies gain 2% health when attacking target

[*]- you gain 50% additional health when attacking target

[*]Entropy – unlocks rank 30

[*]instant – 28m range – no cost – no cooldown

[*]- deals 14 magic damage over 12s

[*]- recover 6 magicka every few seconds

[*]Guardian Circle – unlocks rank 40

[*]instance – 28m range – 40 magicka – no cooldown

[*]- place a circle at target location for 12s

[*]- increase allies armor and spell resist by 150 while in the circle

[*]- deal 3 magic damage to undead in the circle

[*]- allies in the circle may activate the synergy ability rejuvenate to restore health

Passive Abilities

[*]Essence Drain – unlocks rank 9

[*]passive – self

[*]while you have a restoration staff equipped

[*]- last hit of heavy attack heals a nearby ally for 30% of damage done

[*]Restoration Expert – unlocks rank 15

[*]passive – self

[*]while you have a restoration staff equipped

[*]- increase healing on targets under 30% health by 15%

[*]Cycle of Life – unlocks rank 25

[*]passive – self

[*]- gain 1% damage for every 10% health you have

[*]Absorb – unlocks rank 35

[*]passive – self

[*]while you have a restoration staff equipped

[*]- blocking spells restores 6 magicka

[*]Restoration Master – unlocks rank 49

[*]passive – self

[*]while you have a restoration staff equipped

[*]- increase all healing done by 5%


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