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What do you guys think?

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Ok, so many people have seen leaked footage, screenshots, small clips, gameplay, and everything of the sort. Now what I want to know is: what do you Guys think? Take everything you've seen about this game and put it into a Rating from 1 - 10. ( 1 = horrible - 10 = AMAZING! ) write why you think this game looks awesome or why it looks bad.. Feel free to write anything. All opinions welcome. AldmeriX

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Right now I'm sitting at 8 or so? Perhaps I'm being too generous, but there you have it.


The one thing that hasn't exactly wowed me has been the combat. I haven't seen any leaked footage where the player was taking the combat seriously*, but what I have seen doesn't fill me with hope. That said, combat is the least important element of the Elder Scrolls experience to me, so it doesn't bother me.


Otherwise, I've liked what I see. I like the way the characters look, I like the way NPC interaction goes, I like the environments we've seen so far. I want to get in there, get to know the people, and explore. I guess I'm pretty hyped!



* Come to think of it, they don't take any of it seriously! They run around erratically so you have a hard time taking in the environment. They LMB-spam their way through fights. They click through all the dialogue. At least this last person took time to actually play with character generation.

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It's a 6.  I want so bad to have a TES Online, and a TES MMORPG would be great too if they at least kept the action combat.  I know it is more actiony than most western MMOs, but the way they implemented the collision detection and soft lock system is lazy.  There are plenty of MMOs with aiming, collision detection, and tons of destructables out there.


The fact that they weren't even going to implement a first-person perspective means to me that they didn't expect to put much heart into this.  The quests sure look like a western MMO that was released in 2005.


I've been in plenty of betas and watched countless leaked videos from alpha MMOs to know what to expect.  The graphics will change dramatically for the better before release, most of the skills will change too.  The "feel" of the game won't change however, and this one "feels" like a pile of poo.

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I like what i'm seeing.. i would give it an 8. the first leaked footage looked like it was trying to put the game down.. but who knows.. I for now am with David, I won't say anything negative about it until i see the final product. for all we know it could be amazing!

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It's a 6.  I want so bad to have a TES Online, and a TES MMORPG would be great too if they at least kept the action combat.  I know it is more actiony than most western MMOs, but the way they implemented the collision detection and soft lock system is lazy.  There are plenty of MMOs with aiming, collision detection, and tons of destructables out there.

I think we feel the same way about the combat, with the difference being how important combat is to each of us. =P That said, the action-y MMOs you're looking for largely rely on heavy instancing. This generally doesn't bother me, but in an Elder Scrolls game I'd like to have public dungeons, too.


I'm also troubled by all the last minute changes they started making when the fans cried out. I mean, I think they're good changes, but it seems like they were originally trying to develop DAoC 2 instead of ESO.

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So maybe i'm more impressed than u "hard Core" gamers. I'm going w/ a solid 9...... I love 2 go on a Quest  & get side tracked by someting on the way. I LOVE the fact that i am not LOCKED in 2 what i started out 2 do. That feels  more  life like 2 me. I like the way the people around u r going on w/ thier lives  & u can listen in. A guard passes by in conversation & yr map is updated . WHAT u CHOOSE 2 do w/ that info. is up 2 u . You'r not BOXED  in .  The combat is not THAT Hard  core, But i believe because of that more age groups r able 2 play. The graphics r great, the story lines 2, if u take the time 2 get 2 know the people & places. Over all (besides some of the PAINFUL gliches) I Absoultly Luv the game. Plus when u start 2 get bord, just Add on 1 of the 3 add on's.

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If you consider that all the leaked videos were made by idiots who don't seem to want to play the game as designed, and basically want the game to look as bad as possible, I'd say ESO has done a great job so far.


I was at E3 and I can tell you personally, it is a great game.  This is from a person who has played Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Meridian 59, UO, AC, EQ, DAoC, WoW, LotR, Vangauard, Star Trek Online, Star Wars(both games), and many many other MMOs.


From a MMO player, I can tell you ESO is exciting and adventurous, which does not decribe MMOs in general, IMHO.


From an TES player, I will say it does not have a TES start, as far as an open world.  It has kind of an MMO start where you have to jump through a few hoops at the beginning, but then it opens to a vast and explorable world. Almost every other aspect of the game is 100% TES.  Questing, exploring, the graphics, the combat, the general feel of the game is all TES. 


This is not a WoW clone in any way. 


It is still in early beta, but as far as what I have seen so far, this game will do very very well.

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