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Skyrim’s Greatness in New PS Spot

Brodo Swaggins

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PlayStation’s new TV spot, Greatness Awaits, focuses on all that you can achieve while playing video games. The spot includes dozens of references to games in the PlayStation catalog, including The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Near the end of the video, you should be able to spot Dragonborn and Alduin, and if you have eagle vision, you may also be able to spot some skeletons and draugrs from the game. To interact with the trailer, visit the official PlayStation YouTube Channel.

In other Skyrim news, here’s a pair of links worth checking out:

  • [*]
The Onion — Legendary (he’s a level 252 Dark Elf) Dagmar Brightbane recounts his adventures in a new interview featured at the infamous humor site. [*]Shortlist — TESt your knowledge with the UK site’s Ultimate Skyrim Quiz.

Got fun Skyrim news to share? Email us at bethblog@bethsoft.com.

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