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ESO Update

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As you enjoy your weekend, don’t forget to check out this week’s highlights from ElderScrollsOnline.com!

Longtime fans of TES will remember the Ogrim from Morrowind. These Daedra return in ESO, and the embed above give you a first look at their return. To learn more how ZeniMax Online Studios brought this memorable monster back to life, read the feature here.

Additional highlights this week include:

  • [*]A new
Grahtwood waterfall wallpaper. [*]Content Designer Ed Stark introduces this week’s Developer Question of the Week. [*]Community Highlights in the latest edition of The Tamriel Chronicle. [*]Fan-submitted questions — including essential details on sweet rolls and fishysticks — get answers in the the newest Ask Us Anything. [*]Details on the next wave of beta invites.

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