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The Dark Brotherhood: Nazir's Contracts


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Following the main Dark Brotherhood quests, there's an optional series of secondary assassination contracts given to you by Nazir and the Night Mother.

The Night Mother has an unlimited amount of contracts. Fortunately, these are generated by Skyrim's radiant quest system; the NPC you are sent to kill is always generated when the quest begins. You don't have to worry about killing anyone important, so use these quests to brush up on your sneak skills.

Nazir is a different story. He has a limited number of quests, all of which involve unique characters. These targets are fixed, so if you're told to assassinate an NPC you've grown fond of... Well, that's too bad. Since you're about to permanently assassinate characters that have roles outside of Nazir's quests, you should make sure you complete everything that each target offers before accepting the contract.

Just what are these character-specific tasks, you ask? That's what the upcoming list is all about! I will provide a description of each target and the purpose they serve in the game. With this guide, you can be sure you won't be missing out on any content.


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Once working alongside her husband, the pair separated and Beiteild now runs a rival mine. She works very hard to ensure that she makes more profit than her ex-husband. She constantly threatens to fire her miners unless they work harder; oddly enough this gives them even less enthusiasm.


If you have any iron ore, whether acquired beforehand or from the mine, Beitild will pay you for it.


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A beggar who has descended into madness. His sister has been missing for a year. Although he maintains hope that she will return, everyone believes her to be dead.


Narfi is the main NPC in the quest 'The Straw that Broke.' It's quite short and can be completed in a few minutes. As you may have guessed, it involves confirming the fate of the missing sister.

Ennodius Papius

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He lives in a camp near Anga's Mill. While he was once the owner, he quit and spiraled into paranoia and insanity.


Just Nazir's quest. Ennodius doesn't even spawn until you accept the contract.


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He has a reputation of being the worst bard in all of Tamriel. So many people wanted him dead tat the Brotherhood had to have a drawing to see which contract would be honored.


You can ask Lurbuk to perform, and he will sing a song he wrote himself. It is perhaps one of the most beautiful pieces ever written.


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Hern is a vampire living at Half-Moon Mill with his wife, Hert. Judging by the bloody meat and rags in a shack at the mill, Hern and Hert have been killing a lot of humans and animals to feed on.


Like Ennodius, he doesn't spawn until this quest. However, if you attack him outright, his wife will join him. His wife buys firewood and overall doesn't need to be killed, so if you don't want to kill anyone unless necessary, snipe Hern with a bow while leaving Hert alive.


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Deekus is a scavenger living by himself. That's his entire back-story. Exciting, I know.


He lives in a camp with a bunch of loot. This respawns even if he's dead, so feel free to fulfill this contract without any wear on your conscience.


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A Khajiit mage travelling with Ri-saad, a trader, and several other Khajiit.


Ri-saad is an extremely useful merchant; one of the only ones to regularly sell Moon Sugar. However, Ma'randru-jo doesn't sell anything. It would be a good idea to snipe him, though, as the other Khajiit (including Ri-saad) will become hostile if they see you kill him.


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Although he owns The Drunken Huntsman with his brother, he prefers tending to his meat stall in Whiterun's town square. He's an easy character to like, making his assassination a sad moment indeed.


As stated before, he owns a meat stall in Whiterun's town square. He's also a possible target in the Companions quest Hired Muscle. However, since this is a radiant quest, another target will simply be chosen if Anoriath is dead on the off chance he was selected/


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Agnis is an old woman who tends to Fort Greymoor. She doesn't care who currently runs the fort, and goes as far as considering herself part of the structure.


You can speak to her, and she talks about her life. Besides this, she doesn't do anything else. Unlike Ennodius and Hern, however, she exists even before the quest is given out.

Maluril Ferano

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A mage living with bandits in Mzinchaleft. However, unlike the bandits, he is not hostile.


His journal reveals his back-story, but he otherwise serves no purpose.


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The housecarl and adviser of Jarl Siddgeir in Falkreath.


He, along with Nenya, can sell you a plot of land if you have Hearthfire. If you kill him, Nenya and the Jarl will dislike you, making it impossible to buy a house in Falkreath. Therefore, if you have Hearthfire, it is advisable to only kill him after you buy the land.


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She is found inside the ship Red Wave, stationed in the docks outside of Solitude.


No purpose other than Nazir's contract. She is unique in the fact that she will know you are an assassin when you speak to her. This will turn her hostile.

And that's all the contracts Nazir offers. Know the role your target plays in the world, complete their purpose before taking the contract... And then fulfill their final destiny. Thanks reading!

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Edited and approved it. Interesting read, I'll probably use this guide when I finish up all these little things I've yet to do in Skyrim.


I was just wondering, though, what possessed you to write up this guide? Seems kind of unexpected between the article you were planning and your stories. I'm certainly not complaining, though.

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I was just wondering, though, what possessed you to write up this guide? Seems kind of unexpected between the article you were planning and your stories. I'm certainly not complaining, though.

Well, on my current assassin character, I was worried about who I would have to assassinate in the Dark Brotherhood questline. Therefore, I researched every target to figure out what they were involved in to make sure I didn't miss out on any content. I figured I'd save time for others by compiling my results into one page.


EDIT: I was playing Pandemic 2 in another window. It's almost unsettling how well its music fits this guide.

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