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As you ready for the weekend, spend your last working hours checking out some favorite links across the web.

We start with YouTube creator timtimfed’s impressive live-action, side-scrolling

. Love the Possession references :P

If Corvo played video games, it would be: 1) odd and 2) most definitely with this Dishonored-themed controller from Devin Smith. See more at EndofLineDesigns.com.

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Speaking of Dishonored, we’re just over a week away from the release of The Knife of Dunwall. To kill time (or non-lethally wait), read these articles…

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Facebook – Today we’ve posted the achievement/trophy images for The Knife of Dunwall. [*]Shacknews - Knife of Dunwall Creative Director Ricardo Bare reveals how playing as a new character (Daud) means new gameplay elements for the player. [*]Polygon – Learn how Dishonored’s game’s Art Director, Sebastien Mitton, changed the game’s art style from its original concept — set in feudal Japan.

MMOving to The Elder Scrolls Online, new highlights on the game’s official site include:

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Developer Question of the Week - Producer Andrew Frederiksen asks about crafting [*]The Tamriel Chronicle – Learn about the latest community features from sites like The Tamriel Foundry, Elder Scrolls Off the Record, The Shadowed Mare, and many more! [*]Conflict in Cyrodiil – Learn how you can help your alliance control The Imperial City.

And as a parting shot for this roundup, we share the greatest LEGO-made Pip-Boy 3000 ever — spotted at DVICE.com.

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Lego Maniac!

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