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The Bromlokiir - Welcome to ES!


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As the administrator of ElderSouls.com, I'd like to welcome you to our site! As one of the first guilds to be listed in our database, it's important to me that you feel that you have everything necessary to run a successful guild here. For this reason, If you have ever have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to PM me any time - I'll try to respond to you as soon as possible.


Additional Note

I'd also like to mention that the guild page layout can be adjusted. I've noticed that the majority of guilds created have been using the "Description" block for their advert. This isn't ideal as images and unblocked lines can break the boundaries of the directory; there also won't be an accurate description of your guild where it's usually pulled up.


Anyways, I've already had multiple PMs asking how this advert set-up can be adjusted to take up the full available width of the page. Just in case you were wondering how this can be accomplished, here is a brief explanation.

    [*]Click "Edit Page" next to the "GroupCP" button. [*]Scroll to the bottom and select "Add Row" [*]Select "Full Width" (or any other that suits you) [*]Drag and drop the "Text Block" block into this new row. [*]Paste your advert into the text block.

Rows can be re-ordered by clicking and dragging the 2x4 dot icons on the left-hand side, or removed by hitting "X" on the right. Hope this helped!


Again, welcome to ES. I look forward to working with all of you.  :)

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Thanks David! I see that stuff has already changed on my guild page, that's great! But how do I get these two image right under each other? Everything that I do doesn't work.

If you're talking about your first image in the advertisement, it had some spaces between formatting tags (probably a result of formatting differences between here and somewhere else). I removed those, but I see that there's also just naturally more transparent space on the right side than the left. You'd have to crop that out to center it more.

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