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Werewolf vs Vampire

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    [*]Frost Resistance (Current vamp lvl x25%, with Dawnguard it's 10% + current vamp lvl x10%) [*]Life drain destruction spell (stronger with each vamp lvl) [*]Stronger illusion spells (Current vamp lvl x25%) [*]Night vision (unlocked at stage 3) [*]Once a day zombie spell (stronger with each vamp lvl) [*]Once a day illusion spell (unlocked at stage 2) [*]Once a day invisibility spell (unlocked at stage 4) [*]100% disease resistance [*]100% poison resistance (passes cap, it's actually about 85%) [*]Harder to detect while sneaking (Current vamp lvl x25%) [*]Vampire Lord form (with Dawnguard)


    [*]Weakness to fire (Current vamp lvl x25%, with Dawnguard it's 10% + current vamp lvl x10%) [*]No regeneration in sunlight [*]Penalty to health, stamina, magicka while in sunlight (stronger with each vamp lvl) [*]NPCs attack you on sight at stage 4 (not with Dawnguard)




    [*]Your health increases by 50 and stamina increases by 100 (with Dawnguard, health increases by 150 and stamina by 200). [*]Stamina regeneration increases from 5% of your total stamina per second to 20%. [*]Carrying capacity increases by 2000 points. [*]Ability to use shout-like howls:
      [*]Howl of Terror: enemies flee in fear for 60 seconds and nearby wolves come to your aid. [*]Totem of Brotherhood: summons two red pack members to aid you in combat for a limited time. [*]Totem of The Hunt: reveals nearby prey, similar to a Detect Life spell. [*]Totem of Fear: grants a higher-level fear shout.

    [*]Base unarmed damage increases to 20 points and reach to 150 points (most races have a base unarmed damage of 4 and a reach of 96). [*]"Werewolf Claws" constant effect, a Fortify Unarmed Damage effect that increases with your level (and gives you Resist Damage if Dawnguard is installed)—see table. [*]Health regeneration decreases by 100 pts. [*]First time you transform, you are cured of all diseases.


    [*]No resting bonuses. [*]Only 3rd person camera view. [*]Feeding is the only way to regenerate health. [*]Guards attack on sight. [*]Low armor rating compared to high-level armor.

Transform when you most need the advantages listed above.

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  On 3/18/2013 at 2:45 AM, Guest said:

Uhhh is that when facing 3 foes at a time or when parading through a bandit camp?



  On 3/18/2013 at 2:46 AM, VAMPRISS said:

David did i read u right, carrying capacity is "2000"  ? How does that work ? U can't pick up any extra while in Wolf form. Right ?

Yeah, you can't pick anything up, so it's useless in the normal sense. It's basically just so you are no longer encumbered if you were originally. Your usual armor is also removed when in beast form, so without the 2000 increase you could otherwise become encumbered if your armor had carrying bonuses.

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TY David  AND Jake (lol)  So i could use this 2 my advantage in respect 2 grab more loot.... Load up to 2000 - run out side - drop it - go back in 4 objective ( & more loot )  than pick up spoils on a fast travel Back 4 the rest? hmmm . Wait i can't Fast travel in Wollf form ....right ??

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Guest Guest

Sorry, that post doesn't make any sense now that I look at it.I'm still trying to find the best times to go beast mode. It seems you want to go in a place with a lot of humans to keep yourself healed, but a bandit hive could probably be handled just as easily man powered.

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  On 3/18/2013 at 3:18 AM, VAMPRISS said:

Wait i can't Fast travel in Wollf form ....right ??

Nope, sorry. If you have Dawnguard, trying to access the Skills/Magic/Items/Map screen will just bring up the werewolf perk tree. If you don't, it does nothing.
  On 3/18/2013 at 3:21 AM, Guest said:

Sorry, that post doesn't make any sense now that I look at it.I'm still trying to find the best times to go beast mode. It seems you want to go in a place with a lot of humans to keep yourself healed, but a bandit hive could probably be handled just as easily man powered.

Yeah, I don't think werewolves are that good. Go vampire if you want to actually take advantage of powers. Go werewolf otherwise for its disease resistance.
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Guest Guest

I look at this and am reminded of the civil war choice, all the choices look pretty stupid. (werewolf) purely for enjoyment and when you want some guards armor, (vampire) perhaps if you were interested in the 1/6 of the game it amplifies (illusion magic among others), (human) *snores*

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  On 3/18/2013 at 3:21 AM, Guest said:

Sorry, that post doesn't make any sense now that I look at it.I'm still trying to find the best times to go beast mode. It seems you want to go in a place with a lot of humans to keep yourself healed, but a bandit hive could probably be handled just as easily man powered.


You also want to remember that if some citizen sees you transform, you instantly get a 1000 gold bounty, and any crimes you commit from that point on while in Beast form contribute to your bounty. Of course, if you are not seen, neither of those things happen.


Bandits seeing you wouldn't be a problem.


Being a Werewolf is really only good during lower levels. At higher levels, you're going to be able to dish out just as much (if not more) damage, and your armor rating will definitely be higher as a normal being. At high levels with leveled enemies, you will die really fast as a Werewolf.

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1. Your health, magicka, and stamina do not regenerate during day enless you are in a cave or building.

2. you die quickly to fire - especially if its a fire dragon-

3.people will say side comments.

4. if downloaded dawngaurd will not like you and hunt you.

5. Certain characters in holds will find out your a vampire and hunt you.



1.you can fly -vampire lord-






1. you won't get to rest properly

2. as soon as you turn into a werewolf you will get attacked by everyone 

3. People will say you smell like a wolf -side comments-



1. You are really strong and can kill people easily

2. You have shield- sisters and shield-brothers

3. Perks are better

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