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Can't find Argis the Bulwark!

Guest Lois


Hi, I had Argis the Bulwark as a follower for quite a whole and then decided to marry him. As soon as the marriage was finished he walked out of the temple and now I can't find him anywhere! I use a followers mod which allows me to have 5 followers and use a shout to make them appear if they disappear but Argis doesn't come? He's my best follower and I wanna find him! Any ideas? I've already looked in Vlindrel Hall in Markarth! Thanks

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Guest Stinkerbelle

Yup. This just happened to me too. I told him I needed to part ways so i can complete the quest to find Seranas mother and the Elder Scroll (she won't let you bring a follower)

And now he's MIA with Dragon Armor, and about 50 soul gems.

I've looked everywhere!!!

I'm playing on PS3... what can I do to find him?? I want my damn armor and soul gems back.

I've checked my house (which is the same as his in Markarth) we are married. And even the Dawnguard fort where we parted ways.

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Guest Stinkerbelle

OH. and I also Time hoped by 24 hrs once or twice at the markarth house to see if he would show. Nope!!!

Went on another mission with Setana, came back, that fool is still GONE!

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Guest Llily Smith

I lost both Lydia and my husband. I have Lydia stay at the house in dawnstar and I ask my other housecarl/ husband to stay there but than I switch to the Lakeview manor and both of them disappeared. 😭

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Guest Francis

I married Argis and set him up in Vindrel Hall, I parted ways to do a side quest and when I got home he was gone, I've waited for days, fast traveled away and back he's still not home......I think he's seeing someone else

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