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Lakeview manor IS GONE!!!

Guest Guest


So heres the thing. I am about to border the ship with the emperor and to kill maro and stuff, and i went to my house, lakeview manor, and IT IS GONE. BY SITHIS, I HAD ALL OF MY STUFF IN THERE!! Now all there is is a few logs and not even a drafting table! Wth just happened? What do i do?

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Guest cinco-pata5

I found the solution for this, if you re-installed the game,  select data files, and check all the checkmarks.  Reload the game and presto everything is back.

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All my progress is gone! I went to the steward i bought the land off, and she said i could by it for five grand. And people i have killed just respawned! Whatthe fuck.... Please help.

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Guest stephen

Not alot u can do. Like jake said if u uninstalled it then it resets all ur progress. Its such a FUCKING GLITCHY add on. My mannequin with miraaks equiptment on it started to walk about the house. I was shitting myself when I walked in and then it turned out it was the stupid mannequin lol

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Happened to me too. The dlc was on my boyfriend's drive. He took it out and I thought I could play it still. He put it back in and my house doesn't exist. My children, husband, bard and horse are all gone. All my stuff. 200+ hours of work and stuff accumulated, gone.


A dark day in Tamriel indeed.

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Guest The_Listener

What the hell? On my current char I am at level 25 and all of a sudden my whole house is gone!!! I went to Falkreath to talk to the steward and she gave me the option to buy the land again!! I was thorough with this char and literally spent 4 days going from quest to quest with all caves/dungeons in between ON FOOT and the last time I dropped all my loot off was back at level 17. ITS ALL GONE!!!!

Anybody know why this happened?

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Guest CharlBV

Yeah... Same thing happened to me. I started to play Skyrim today after having something like a month break came back and my manor was gone... The content hasn't been uninstalled or anything like that it's just decided to disappear anyone figured out a way to fix this?

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Guest Aspirin

Mine disappeared too. I purchased healthcare a few months ago had two houses built with a whole bunch of stuff in the Lakeview one. Then for Christmas I g of the other two expansions and after I installed them my house disappeared. Steward is gone child is gone found my wife at her old shop in riverwood. Learned my lesson I'll just use one of the original city houses to keep my stuff in from now on.

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Guest Aspirin

Mine disappeared too. I purchased healthcare a few months ago had two houses built with a whole bunch of stuff in the Lakeview one. Then for Christmas I g of the other two expansions and after I installed them my house disappeared. Steward is gone child is gone found my wife at her old shop in riverwood. Learned my lesson I'll just use one of the original city houses to keep my stuff in from now on.


Hearthfire, hearthfire, HEARTHFIRE! (Not healthcare) Sorry for yelling but my auto correct pissed me off.

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Guest Sam Millington

i had jsut purchased the property for lakeview manor, i begin the first bits of constuction and all that, turn around and there is nothing, not a single thing built, jsut empty land, i though i wasnt looking in the right area (hadnt built that home b4) and i even used the TLC command to search around in case it glitched into the ground, not even that, i can purchase and build whatever i want but still nothing appears, anyone heard of this?

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I don't know what's going on either, I had it, i remember being happy to have finally been able to buy the land because everything was really glitchy with tekkla and having to do random quests/bounties, i finally got the house.. hadn't been there in forever, then i decided i wanted to go to all my houses and make sure i had ordered everything i could, couldn't find lakeview, went to talk to Jarl and there is NO mention of it, same with the steward, no mention of buying land or anything.. sooo annoyed

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Guest pbmax

I had a buggy Dragonborn game, so I unchecked all the mods, including hearthfire (I was on Solstheim so you don't need the houses, right?)
Finished Dragonborn and was suspicious when I received a note from the yarl of Falkreath about buying land...


All my houses estates are gone

All the stuff in them is gone.

Frost the horse was still at the site where I left him, but my kids were gone and everything.


trying player.moveto [id] for the dragon masks I had resulted in an error, and traveling back to Labrynthian didn't help locate the wooden mask.
All the loot and unique items are gone.


Fortunately I had ONE save left to restart from, and all I need to do is complete the Dragonborn DLC again, and all the rest of the Solstheim quests.

but not tonight.


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My entire manor disappeared and so did my kids, dog, daedric armor, Lydia, and like 7 daedric artifacts. This all took me days to do and now it is all gone

Does anyone know why this is happening?

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Guest Jacob

Same thing happened to me. I fixed it though. I have two discs, skyrim and skyrim legendary edition. If I play on the normal skyrim disc my house is deleted. Thankfully if I go back on the legendary edition disc, it returns

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I've been doing a shitload of work on my Lakeview home lately - and i mean a SHITLOAD people - so if it ever disappears on me... well, so help me god, HEADS ARE GONNA ROLL!


Therefore I choose to not believe any of you. You're all delusional. You're all not saving your game or uninstalling/installing or something, whatever. You're doing something wrong in any case! A house just doesn't grow legs and walk away!!!! 


In any case, even if it were true, which i still strongly doubt, can't you just go back to a save point before the GIANT house disappeared and see if it disappears again? 



Healthcare... yeah, funny  :woot:

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