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Battlemage (I think) perks




I need to know what perks to go for, I'm currently thinking,


Heavy Armor

One Handed (right hand sword)



Apprentice conjuration (just enough for soul trap)

Destruction (left hand)

Enchanting (whole constellation except the right side)



Any recommendations on skills and perks would be greatly appreciated.

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My thoughts...

    [*]Enchanting - always fill up the middle path of this, regardless of what your build is. I personally would ignore the right/left paths. [*]Smithing - All the Heavy Armor perks + Arcane smithing. [*]Archery - Depends how much you're going to be using this. When I think "battlemage" I think magic as a ranged weapon. [*]One Handed - All of the armsman perks. Pretty much everything else can be ignored. [*]Alchemy - All alchemists + Physician + Benefactor + Poisoner. This allows you to make potions with the maximum possible prices. I'm pretty sure purity actually reduces potion prices because it removes effects, so if your alchemy objective is cash (as it probably should be) you should ignore it. [*]Conjuration - what you wrote is probably a good plan for you. I personally love Conjuration, though. Twin Souls + Permanent Animated NPC's = your own personal army. [*]Destruction - You'll want dual casting + impact. Not having Impact makes destruction pretty much worthless IMO; none of the "augmented" style perks are really any good. Enchant armor for 0 magicka cost and it's all moot. [*]Lycanthropy - Caveat: I've never used it. With that said, I can't imagine it being any good. Conjuration would be better, just my opinion.

Since there are a lot of perks there, you're probably going to have to pick and choose a bit between them depending on what you're going to be using a lot.

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So, I should archer at long range, dual wield destruction at mid-range, and dual wield one handed at close range? I can't imagine you being able to say conjuration is better than lycanthropy when you've only tried conjuration. A personal army does sound...epic. Next character then! Augmented SOUNDS pretty awesome.

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So, I should archer at long range, dual wield destruction at mid-range, and dual wield one handed at close range? 


It's really whatever you want to do. Destruction/Archery is good for long range, destruction is fine for mid-range, and at close range I'd use a sword in one hand with destruction/restoration in the other.


I can't imagine you being able to say conjuration is better than lycanthropy when you've only tried conjuration. A personal army does sound...epic. Next character then! Augmented SOUNDS pretty awesome.


If you dead thrall NPCs like Orchendor (alone one of the strongest NPCs in the game), there's not much out there that's going to be able to compete with you; plus you can even have TWO thralls. Conjuration is easily one of the strongest skills/perks in the game. Even though I don't have Dawnguard (and thus can't try Lycanthropy perks), they're really pretty "meh" just looking at the stats. Not worth it IMO unless you want to role-play as a Werewolf.


Augmented sounds awesome, but chances are you'll want to use more than one type of spell depending on the situation. If you enchant armor to get an unlimited mana pool, investing a ton of perks to increase the damage of just one type of magic isn't really worth it.

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