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New Developmental Skin


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I've been bored the last few nights and did a quick mash-up of a site-wide skin like the one that is on the home page. There are A LOT of things I would change if this was ever actually adopted, but I think you can at least tell whether or not it's a decent or terrible idea by using it in its current form.


There are a lot of positives and negatives to using it, and I won't bore you with most of them that you wouldn't notice. I think the main thing is that navigation would be consistent across the entire site, which honestly, is one of the most important things a website needs to have. Of course, the point is moot if it's so ugly people just instantly shut off their laptops when they see it.


You can try it out by going to the bottom-right of the page, select "Change Theme," and then click "Developmental."

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I just switched to it myself. I actually think it looks better than the old design. It looks more cozy. If there's anything I come across that bothers me, I'll be sure to tell you.



UPDATE: I like this theme a lot. It does give a much more consistant and clean look. I can also imagine it working well for smaller screens.

Edited by squishyman
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I would substantially change the styling on the categories on the forum/gallery/blog indexes to get rid of the large, blue-overlayed graphic and replace it with simple things ala the normal home page. Moved to the community forum for more feedback.


At best it's a long-shot I'll do this due to workload, but eh.

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seems too zoomed out... i have big empty spaces at the side of my screen :o the top bar not moving is nice though, if you could just had "View Active Content" to that? would be great :P

Well if you hover over the top nav bar, the other part of it appears, which contains the "View New Content" button. :P

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I believe that Developmental looks better than the current one. 


P.S. If you need assistance with css or anything like that I may be able to give some assistance due to the fact that I have made skins for most types of forum software. :P


Really? It doesn't seem like there are that many skinners out there these days. Have any examples of your work floating around?

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