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Vote for the 2012 November Member of the Month!


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It's time again for the ES Member of the Month! Winners will receive a place on our list of all-time MotM's as well as a free month of Premium Membership.

Send me a PM with your vote containing the name of the member you're voting for in the title. Example - "MotM: Traaginen" (but don't vote for me as I'm ineligible; see below.

Failing to follow either of these... Rather simple... rules will result in your vote being voided.

    [*]You may not vote for yourself. [*]Each member is eligible to win once per year. After having won, they're not eligible until the voting starts over the next year in January.

2012 Member of the Month Winners
Here are the previous months winners (who are currently ineligible).

    [*]Traaginen - January [*]Huygens - February [*]Jamie – March [*]Anarchy - April [*]Tcee - May [*]TRR Daniel - June [*]Deathirst - July [*]Labush - August [*]Squishyman - September [*]Blexun - October

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