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What do you think this place needs?


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More members. But I guess you knew that already...

Well, yeah. I don't really know what to do about it because traffic to the site has been better lately, actually. The facebook integration has got a few accounts, but that hasn't stopped registrations from slowing down.People register when they see interesting, quality discussions about whatever they're interested in. We have forum game threads. There's a bit of a disconnect.
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A new game besides Skyrim, because as awesome as it is, it's getting a little old. Although that doesn't mean we can't just do 2, but I mean proper emphases on a game.

You have Blops 2, right? Maybe you could start a thread seeing who has it already and we could have some community events with it.


That's the only new game right now that has a Skyrim-sized following.

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You have Blops 2, right? Maybe you could start a thread seeing who has it already and we could have some community events with it.


That's the only new game right now that has a Skyrim-sized following.

Yeah, sure. But I'm slightly afraid that there are very little on PS3 besides you and me... But I'll make the list anyway. :P

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That's the only new game right now that has a Skyrim-sized following.

I always saw ACIII as the "Skyrim" of 2012.



I think we need to hold events in games. Right now, I feel like the average internet user comes in, asks a question, gets the answer, and leaves. Events could get us some more long term members. Once again, I feel like ACIII, Dark Souls, Fat Princess, and Dust 514 would be good games to cover. Dragon Age III is coming out next year, and it will have multiplayer. We MUST cover that at all costs.

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ACIII is not a game that requires anything close to the in-depth guides and what-not that Skyrim does, though. It's really a game you just play linearly. There's also no multiplayer so I don't really know what we could offer for it other than forum threads discussing the plot.


Dragon Age III would be a good game as long as it's not a steaming pile of shit like DA2. But really, if you have a lot of knowledge about ANY game people should be writing guides on it. We're a gaming site, and super in-depth coverage of specific games isn't really the aim. I doubt we'll be as involved any game as much as we were in Skyrim ever again. Well, maybe the next TES game.

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ACIII is not a game that requires anything close to the in-depth guides and what-not that Skyrim does, though. It's really a game you just play linearly. There's also no multiplayer so I don't really know what we could offer for it other than forum threads discussing the plot.



There was multiplayer in Brotherhood and Revelations, and the game has multiplayer trophies/achievements, so I'm pretty sure there's multiplayer.


When I said ACIII, I also wasn't suggesting guides, but more along the lines of clan events.



DAIII looks very promising. They claim the map is going to be 3 times the size of Ferelden, and is going to include Orlais. From what I heard, the combat is going to involve a LOT more strategy, and you will be able to customize your followers again. Your followers will probably include a Grey Warden and a Seeker. The multiplayer is apparently going to be arena style gladiator duels. That seems a bit hard to screw up, so let's hope they don't!

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Yer it died down fast ;) games like that shouldn't have multiplayer :) its always weak and uninteresting. Brink was exactly the same.But we've gone off topic :(We need a leader David ;) someone to go right were going to do this this and this! We're all sheep you see!BAHHH

I agree. I've tried to surpress the sheep in me, but can do so no longer. We need someone who organizes events. I would do it, if I wasn't so unreliable. I can't help it, I can barely plan an hour ahead.
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