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Borderlands 2 Classes DLC and Industry Updates


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Borderlands 2 DLC

The Mechromancer was not the final Borderlands 2 class as it turns out. Gearbox has announced that they plan to release more classes for Borderlands 2 as DLC. However, they haven't revealed much about what the classes are going to be. One possibility is a "summoner" type character who controls raptors. (Source: Smosh Games)

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An artistic take on Borderlands 2 classes.

38 Studios Auction

The state of Rhode Island recently had an auction to sell of 38 Studios, developers of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. 95% of their stuff has been sold. What's left is mostly company furniture and the Kingdoms of Amalur IP. I wish the former employees the best of luck at Epic Games, and salute Epic for taking them in. Maybe Epic will buy the IP? Only time will tell, though I think Bioware could do it justas well. (Source: Game Informer)

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Good times and good memories.

ESRB and Digital Content

The ESRB is now going to get involved in digital games. The rating can be slapped onto a digitally distributed game at no extra charge. Not only does it give the traditional ratings of CE, E, E10+, T, M, and AO, but it also will have extra labels telling what sort of interaction will be added. For example, whether your location can be shared while playing the game online. Pretty handy, eh? (Source: Game Informer)

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The ESRB always has your back, yo. Think of the children!

PS3 Software Update

Yesterday, the PS3 received a long-awaited software update. This update adds the ability for the PlayStation Vita's trophies to appear on PS3. It also has remoced the Folding@Home application. Not sure what that is? It was an application on the PS3 that allowed it to connect to Stanford University and use its computing power to analyze information for finding a cure to various diseases, namely Alzheimer's. Apparently, the scientists at Stanford have all the information they need and are now trying to draw conclusions from it. I wish them the best of luck to them in finding a cure for Alzheimer's, and hope our PlayStation 3's were put to good use!

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