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Two Characters? (ps3)

Guest kory


Ok so yesterday I tried to create a second character on my skyrim profiles (ps3) and when I started playing this second character I saved it to a new file and then started playing, now when I came off and tried to play my first character I didn't see any history or data of that file, now keep in mind I did have a new file saved for my new character so I don't think autosave reliability is an option. So I was wondering if it may have been lost or located in a file I could not access through my Skyrim becase of Bethesda's poor saving system. I really wouldn't mind having to start over but I really would choose to have my old character back. Thank you.

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On default, Skyrim creates its own three autosave files. Assuming you create a new file for every character, those manually created files will never be touched by autosave. Now, problems do arise when people delete their original, manually created file and use the autosaves exclusively. There are three static autosave files that are overwritten regardless of what character you're using. If you were using those it is possible your original save was overwritten.

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