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A catch-up on the life of Scout (getpkerslapd)


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So I doubt anyone has noticed in particular my extreme inactivity in the last month or so, but I don't want to be the clan member who kind of fades in and out and no one remembers me... so here is the scoop on my life, why I am so inactive, and when I should start being active againThe girlfriend moved out of her home with her parents and I moved out of my old apartment because they wanted to raise the rent too much (I am no longer on a lease) for her to move in, we renter out a hotel for about a month while we started apartment hunting for our own placeI went to new mexico and left her with the hotel for a couple of weeks while I was gone.Came back and started my first week of training with Dish Network away from homeCame home to work out of my office for a week of hands on trainingWe found an apartment during that first week and got lights and water turned onCame back to Dallas for another week away from home trainingI am now in my 3rd week of Dish training, after this week I got a week in austin for the national guard then I come home to my apartment for good.My work schedule every week is at least 50 hours, usually closer to 60+ (and my office got a cost of living raise so I got a $1.75 raise... yeehaw)We plan on paying our next month of rent and our electric/water bill (and the deposits for the electric/water) before we intend on getting internet at our apartment.So within the next month you can expect my activity to increase a lot as I will be able to play at home, but I also work a full time+overtime job so I wont be as active as I would like.Anyway thats the story of my last 2 or so months, hoping to be able to get in game and post on forums on a semi frequently basis soon. For now however, I will have internet and be active most days between 6 and 10:15pm up until friday

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