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The World-Eater's Eyrie pillar not moving.

Guest Ra


I have been unable to turn/activate the center pillar, I used all possible combinations, before pulling the lever. Yet, it does not respond or turn. Am I missing anything?

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If you're talking about the Main quest, here's an excerpt from the wiki with puzzle answers:

Skuldafn Temple

The first puzzle in Skuldafn is to open two doorways. The puzzle consists of three pillars, each separated by a wall, and a switch between the pillars and the doorways. Each pillar has three pictographs: Eagle, Snake, and Whale. On the walls beside the two outside pillars are matching pictographs for those pillars. The west pillar is a Whale and the east is Snake. Set the outer pillars so that the pictographs face each other (e.g., Snake faces Snake). Above each doorway are more pictographs. Above the east doorway is an Eagle. This way leads to a treasure chest but little else. Above the west doorway is a snake, which leads to the destination. Face the pictograph on the central pillar that matches the desired door to face north, toward the doors. Pull the lever to open door. (In simpler terms: While standing at the switch, seeing Snake—Eagle—Whale will open the "Eagle" door and Snake—Snake—Whale will open the "Snake" door.)

The second puzzle is Whale—Snake—Eagle (upper level left, middle lower level, upper level right). Whirlwind Sprint can be used from the platform to bypass the puzzle.

You will eventually reach a puzzle door guarded by a leveled Draugr or Dragon Priest carrying the Diamond Claw needed to open it. The combination to the door is, from top to bottom, Fox—Moth—Dragon; the Diamond Claw shows this in your inventory. Don't forget to get the Storm Call Word of Power from the Word Wall.

And here are some fixes if the consoles don't turn or rotate...

A common bug is that the rings on the dragon claw doors may not rotate, or the door may not open after the correct combination is set. Possible fixes are:

    [*]Save and then immediately load that save.

    [*]Load either the auto-save from the entrance, or a save from before you entered.

    [*]Exit the location, save, and load that save.

    [*]"Reset" the door by selecting the right combination and try the claw, then turn each ring once and try the claw again. Do this until the correct combination re-appears and try again.

    [*]Posted Image Clear the hard drive cache.

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Thanks Traaginen. It is definitely something wrong with my game or system. I tried those sequences, but the center pillar will not move at all. I wonder if it is due to me having the Dawnguard going along with the Thieves Guild and the Main Quest going that is throwing off the game. I hope not, because I am a level 56 and can't go back before the Dawnguard Vampire transformation due to my lack of saved games.
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Traaginen thank you very much. Soon as I came in from work I followed your suggestion. I re-cleared my cache again (just in case) and then walked out and back in, the center pillar was able to move. I was admittedly a bit annoyed because I had apparently figured out the puzzles quite quickly yesterday, but due to the 'immovable' pillar I wasted a lot of time and energy. I had figured that it was something that I was missing. Now, on to the next issue... ;-)

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When you're standing at the lever with your back to the gates, You have to have the symbols FACING the fixed plates, not facing you. So to open the left door you should see bird bird bird for example. This stumped me for like Half an hour

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