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Mechanics questions.



I've used the search function and looked through the first couple of pages, so hopefully I didn't just skip right over answers that were already there, if I have, sorry about that, I want to finish this post before I forget.1. When enchanting gear with magic resist, how does it stack on itself and on top of the Breton Blood?Is it additive such that 25% Breton Blood+10% magic resist on a ring=35%?Is it multiplicative such that 25% Breton Blood+10% magic resist on a ring=27.5%?If it is additive, then I can reach the cap just by enchanting a few stuff, if it's not then I gotta squeeze the hell out of it.2. Does magic resist affect a dragon's fire/ice breath shout? Or do I need raw fire and ice resist?3. Is it worth taking 5/5 ranks of the initial tier heavy or light armor perk? I am a light armor stealthy character, but I'd like to toughen him up a bit, some enemies still hurt me quite a lot and I'd like some physical damage resist.I'm using ancient shrouded armor, upgraded to legendary. I don't know my armor rating, I need to check it.4. If the perks are not worth it, is it worth putting fortify light armor on enchants?I'm asking this to try to figure out what enchants I want to put on my armor, so far I want to keep two sets of armor. One for non-stealth melee combat, one for stealth.I was going to do this.Set 1- No Stealth, melee combatHead-Restoration(emergency healing); ArcheryChest-No clue, health regen I guess? ; RestorationHands- 40%one-handed; ArcheryFeet- 40%one handed; ArcheryNeck- 40%one handed; Magic Resist(Shield of Solitude)Finger-40% one handed; Magic Resist(Shield of Solitude)Shield- Magic ResistSet 2-Stealth combatHead-Archery; Fort illusionChest-Illusion; ?Hands-One Handed; SneakFeet-Muffle; One-handedNeck-Archery; one-handedFinger-Illusion; SneakThat was very roughly thought out, I just quickly slapped it together, if I'm going overkill on something or if I should have more of something else, please tell me.These are only combat sets, other things like smithing armor is a separate and already taken care of.

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1. I'm pretty sure that the percentages are additive. I'm just making an assumption, although it's rather safe, since that's how other percentages are stacked in TES games. For example, the "Fortify Magicka" enchantments can stack four -25% to get -100%. There are numerous other examples as well.Note that there is a cap on Magicka Restistance at 85%; that's as high as you can go. According to the wiki, Bretons can actually reach this without even having enchanted armor: Racial Bonus (25%), Agent of Mara (15%), Magic Resistance 2/3 (alteration perk; 20%) and the Lord Stone (25%).2. Magic Resistance should work on dragon breath. However, you'll probably be able to get fire/ice resistance to higher percentages alone.3. Later in the game, you'll likely be nearly hitting the armor caps of 567 regardless of whether or not you invest in those perks (especially if you boost the stats like one of our guides mentions). It really just depends on whether or not you want to hit the cap faster at the expense of your perks. I wouldn't invest any into Heavy Armor for sure, just because that will hit the cap relatively soon anyways. Light Armor, maybe, but again, only if you don't have anything else you think your perks would be better spent on.4. The fortify enchantments could help if you don't want to spend your perks, and the solution wouldn't be permanent if you change your mind and want a different enchantment. It's hard for me to say since I'm not sure how much damage you're taking.

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