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Lydias missing

Guest Mike


Guest Mike

I was in labyrinthian and as I entered the Thouroughfare I noticed she was gOne. I don't think she's dead, no notice or letter, not in catacombs either, been like 4 game days. I can get other followers though, so is this a glitch, not in either drams reach or breezehome. Plz help!!

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She should automatically go back to Breezehome. If you've already gotten a new follower and she still hasn't returned, you should check to see if she's dead by visiting the "Hall of the Dead" in Whiterun. There's also a chance that she disappeared because of a glitch that tends to happen with followers. Your only option if that's the case will be to load a previous save from before she disappeared or just continue the game without her.

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Yes, I lost Jordis (the House Thane of Solitude) a few weeks ago in Markarth when i first downloaded Dawnguard. We weren't in any danger so Jordis shouldn't have been killed. However, she disappeared and I have had several followers since. She never returned to Solitude.

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