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Camera Glitch (RAGGEEEEEE!!!!)



Apparently, something screwed up and then I screwed up by saving on that screw up...therefore, I can no longer get this one savefile to work properly.Here's the problem: Basically, in the middle of a battle of deathlords, my character goes into killmode (3rd person) and the camera freezes in place, while my character can still move around and attack. Unfortuantely, as I said I saved during this issue and now when I load the savefile by itself I'm stuck between the ceiling and the outside (can hear the wilds); though I can return it back to the static camera glitch state by loading a regular save, then reloading the glitched one.How do I solve this issue, or do I just give up on that savefile altogether?'Cause so far...I USE TO HAVE A SAVEFILE, UNTIL I TOOK A GLITCH TO THE F**KING KNEE!

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Wow, never heard of that one. I had something similar though that involved me dying by falling thousands of feet from the sky right after a fast-traveling autosave.Is the camera simply frozen while gameplay continues? Dying and reloading the file that way can sometimes solve problems like that. I'm assuming you don't have any recent saves besides the one that's glitched?Something similar?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcZzAXBemV4

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I have an earlier save...from earlier this morning. Had to turn off Save on Travel 'cause it was crashing my game every time I fast traveled. But yeah, it's something like that (camera frozen while game continues). I've seen people on 360/ps3 have the same problem, but they can apparently fix it by moving the bloody thumbsticks around/clicking them. So far nothing I've done has fixed this. I've tried using the mouse scroll to change perspectives and hitting the F button--nothing. I've reloaded it multiple times and pushes all sorts of keys--nothing. It also crashes when I press Tab too. It pretty much doesn't want to get fixed, which has me wanting to simply start a new game -_-.

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Well, if you're on the PC you can try toggling different camera modes with console commands.

    [*]animcam - Toggles a 3rd person camera mode that lets you rotate and zoom the camera around the player without changing the direction the player model is facing.

    [*]teofis - Disables blur, contrast adjustment, and a few other things. Will give a huge framerate boost on "weak" video cards, at the expense of some prettiness.

    [*]tfc <1> - Sets your controls to move the camera around, instead of the player. Use with 3rd person view to get a good look at your character. Adding the "1" tag at the end freezes all the environment, but still allows you to move around with the camera.

...And others.

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OMFG ...... a glitch to the knee... thats great.. and as for that.. no clue what to tell you there.... ive saved during glitches and yea it never really worked. from now on make multiple saves (i have like 5) that away if i screw up a quest or the game glitches i dont have to start all the way over and im not too far from where i was at.

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Guest kuteycoolboy

Ive got a idea of how it might be fixed, i dont know if it doesnt work on versions like xbox and ps3 (I have pc skyrim) but i think these things might work: Sit on a chair and go off, go on a horse and go off, do one of those epic one hit k.os, fast travel and other things that change where you look, they might work, yet i havent tried it, il try now. Help from kuteycoolboy.

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Guest someNerd

I have the same glitch on PC. I've tried using the suggestions on other sites and this one, but they have all anded up making it worse. Is there a command to reset all of the camera settings to default?

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Just had the same exact issue. Camera Got stuck after a kill cam. Had no back up saves and everything I did made it progressively worse. I ended up having 2 auto saves that would just ctd and the only saves that did work had the camera suspended miles in the air over skyrim. Then I began hitting buttons in a fit of rage and activated beast form. The transformation animation actually snapped the camera back in place. I have no clue what I would've done if I didn't have beast form

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