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Quest Speaking Troubles! Help!

~thug lyfe~


Ok, so I'm having trouble with 2 of my quests (A Return To Your Roots and Hard Answers). I've been doing what I'm supposed to for each one, but when I get to the part where it tells me to go speak with someone they either don't talk to me, or it doesn't have an option for continuing/finishing the quest. What do I do? I need helpppp :(

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2 answers to this question

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Here's what I've found. I'm not sure which part of either quest you're talking about since your description is pretty general. If you narrow it down a bit (e.g. which NPC's won't speak to you) I can probably go into further detail.

Hard Answers

1. In Calcelmo's Lab there might be a buggy "markarth city guard" who gives you a bounty regardless of your standing towards Reach faction. All talk options except going to prison or fight fail. You won't be able to erase that bounty via console afterwards.

    [*]If you play on PC you can fix this by locating that guard, opening the console, click him and typing kill. Leave console. The other guards won't give you a bounty as described above.

    [*]Fixable by sneaking into the room with the buggy markarth city guard, use a bow to kill the city guard first, preferably from a distance. But even if he is running towards you, it seems if you can kill him before he starts his formal dialogue the bounty is not added and you can play on as normal. On PS3 the bug is present, however you incur the bounty before any dialog. Just kill all the guards in the room and you will get a dialog "last witness killed bounty removed".

2. Enthir will be stuck saying "This is going to be terrible for business" if the quests The Staff of Magnus or The Eye of Magnus are active. Both of these quests must be completed in order to talk to him.

    [*]This bug is fixed by version 1.4 of the Official Skyrim Patch.

A Return To Your Roots

The quest tracker may not tally all collected Nirnroots properly.

    [*]If your journal is frozen on the query stage "Collect 30/30 crimson nirnroots.", simply drop one and pick it back up to continue the quest.

    [*]On occasion, the quest system might alert you on having obtained all of the 30 roots when you have less than 30.

Dropping and picking the Nirnroots back up should solve the above issues (assuming you have all 30).

    [*]For some reason, if you speak to Avrusa about Sinderion's dead body before you show her the Nirnroot, she will stop talking to you altogether and the quest cannot be completed. Make sure to give her the Nirnroots before you tell her of her friend's death. (Fixed on PS3, tested).

Hopefully that helps. Just respond back and let us know how it goes; if it doesn't help, we'll try something else. You should also include what console (360/PS3/PC) you're playing on.

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