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  1. Well, I was able to redownload the DLC, had to delete all prior saves to get it working, so not sure if I can complete the Quest this time around.
  2. I hope that I am wrong and it is a way to keep the hybrid glitch, but both of my characters after the newest, mandatory update lost the Vampire Lord 'change' functionality. Perhaps my DLC, is just being weird again. But, I hope to get a 2nd opinion from some who have or had the hybrid glitch.
  3. Thanks for the response. I spent three days working on it. Finally, I was able to get the game to play. But, my Dawnguard items were all missing from my game and character inventory. I spent the weekend working to remove and reinstall the DLC. Finally late yesterday night it started showing the Dawnguard items. Now, however I cannot access the Castle (as the gate is now down, the structure looks light purple), and Serana no longer speaks or responds. She just follows me. I then removed the DLC yet again, most recently the game load freezes before I even get out of the loading screen. I was happy just playing the game before Bethesda decided to do their so-called upgrades. I now have less access and seem to be completely restricted from playing the video game. I changed out the disc and I still have the same issue. After another day of working on it, finally have it working. I had to delete all Dawnguard saves and redownload it yet again. I was also able to recreate my hybrid.
  4. I tell you this game went from my favorite-down to one that I resent, due to the DLC and mostly as a result of the so-called updates. It seems that the more updates they release; the more frequent the game crashes, freezes or refuse to even load a continued/loaded game. They messed my particular system up so badly, that now Serana does not speak or respond, the Castle and other Dawnguard items are either missing or look like they are still in the 'production stage of animation'. I wish that I could obtain a refund.
  5. Just wondering if anyone else has had problems with there Skyrim on XBox 360? It seems as though as soon as the new update came out, my 360 is saying that my disc is 'Unrecognized.' It's really funny, it seems as though I am the only person having problems with the Elder Scroll V game. Perhaps I need to purchase a new console, however no other video games seem to be having any problems on the 360.
  6. I wonder if it will be possible on the PS-3. I must admit that part I absolutely love! When you switch to werewolf mode, and revert back to human, your eyes and countenance look just as it did before your Vampiric Lord transformation. In other words, you don't have the red eyes. People still comment on your vampire nature and your werewolf nature. Then once you switch back to Vampire Lord, you regain your Vampiric Sight and your red eyes. I love it, if they didn't mean to make this glitch, then somehow that was a perfect mistake! :0 I will help you with getting the hybrid situation started if you need (once the Dawnguard comes available for the PS3). Because, it took me a while to work it out on my characters. One of my characters was able to do the hybrid transformation (by pushing for the change to Vampire Lord) right when I began to drink the blood in the Underforge, and it worked perfectly. My second character, I did the same thing, but as soon as I stepped outside, I changed from werewolf right in to the Vampire Lord, and I had to have Serana bite me again, which gave me both the Werewolf and Vampire Lord hybrid feature.
  7. I know right, Unknown ProbLem?!?! I don't know what is going on, no one else seemed to have this particular problem with the Vampire Seduction. I started thinking that maybe my character and I need to go to remedial Vampire school. LOL... I created a new character and made sure that I cleared through all of the known quirky glitch issues before they begin...then finally, guess what! The same problem, the moth priest still keeps saying, "You monster, blah, blah blah....he's not getting compelled. :(yeah, in my case CJ, I always had the vampire seduction and it shows that it hits the target. The game lets me bite/feed on them, but it does not turn them into a thrall. It just states that I have satisfied my vampiric hunger, or what ever it says.
  8. Thanks for all of the info, overall the new updates should really help the DLC out a lot!
  9. Thanks for the help. I had to re-install the DLC several times before I could even get it to work or show up in the game the first time around. Then, of course you know the end result, I was unable to do 'The Gift' quest, or 'The Prophet" quest, also I had multiple drain fatigue shouts, and I had issues with completing the Word Wall at Archwind Point, along with the game not allowing my objective of 'Joining' the Mage's College in Winterhold and the Bard's College and the Thief's guild to complete. It also had 4 duplicate NPC's standing at the Whiterun Stables after I gave Frost to the 'new owner'.So, I have now joined all of the factions, so now that I have re-installed the DLC to the new created character we'll see what happens. I wanted to knock out all of the known problem issues before I re-downloaded Dawnguard. Hopefully Archwind Point's Wall will show up now that I have uploaded the DLC and I can complete it before the Greybeards point me in that direction.
  10. Traaginen do you know if the Skyrim 1.7 patch will prevent the vampire-werewolf hybrid glitch?
  11. Well, this has without question been the worse DLC I have purchased. Not only has it kept me from playing it fully. But, this morning trying to clear the cache yet again. I deleted all of my saves, stemming from 11-11-2011 @ 12:49 AM onward, and my disc seems faulty now. Not at all pleased. But, thanks for all the help and suggestions all of you gave. Maybe, I will reconsider purchasing Skyrim on a P.C..
  12. I have a question for those who were able to convert their character to the 'Vamp-Wolf.' LOL Does, Lord Harkon try to rid you of the 'werewolf affliction' once you return to his Castle? I know that when you become a regular werewolf, he gets peeved and says that you must re-take the Ancient Blood gift. I was just wondering in case I eventually try to do the 'hybrid' thing. No one seems to have mentioned that being a problem, perhaps as the game system still recognizes you as a full bodied Vampire Lord. Just wondering....
  13. Yes, I lost Jordis (the House Thane of Solitude) a few weeks ago in Markarth when i first downloaded Dawnguard. We weren't in any danger so Jordis shouldn't have been killed. However, she disappeared and I have had several followers since. She never returned to Solitude.
  14. That is exactly what he keeps doing, he'll say I am not afraid of you, over and over while he is in the ' seduced' state and I try to talk with him after feeding on him. I will try to go back out again and then re-enter to see if it will work the next time around. Unfortunately, I have already saved over the prior saves of when I first went in to deal with him, because this has been a problem for over a week.
  15. Hmm, yeah it didn't work. Think I just have to count the Dawnguard DLC as a lost investment, or any other ideas? Thanks in advance of course.
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