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Everything posted by Luckyseven95

  1. Whenever i make a character, there is no dialogue. Even if its a new char. I only get dialogue when i talk to an NPC and i have to choose an respose. The characters themselves do have voice. I would love any help ^^ also, thanks ^^ i'm glad to be here.
  2. I've made mutiple characters, and just started on my new one. I lost my dialogue right after the dragon attacked in the beginning and you had to go into the tower.
  3. i use a PC, i have no mods,, and this started happening around the time your under attack by the dragons and your in the celler.
  4. Okay after i started playing skyrim, all the dialogues in my game went away. The only words of any kind on the screen is when i talk to someone with a quest. I don't even have to compass-like thing. Any help? Please?
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