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  1. I made a new set. It now works for potions other than enchanting. If I want to make an enchanting potion, the alchemy gear I made myself is adding zero benefit, I have to use the gear I bought. Very odd.
  2. Yes, they stay worse. Oddly enough, I made destruction gear as just right after, and that works as advertised. I guess I will have to make the Alchemy gear again, see if that helps. And yes - same ingredients. Little paralysis factory in my greenhouse, never have to worry about money!
  3. I bought 3 pieces of alchemy gear and enchanted a ring with an Alchemy boost. Later, when my enchanting skills had increased, I enchanted a new ring with alchemy boosts and made my own gear (circlet, bracers, necklace). However, when I use the new gear, my potions get WORSE. For example the circlet I purchased makes potions 17% stronger. The circlet I made makes them 25% stronger. But when I actually create the potions, they come out worse with the new gear that was supposed to give me better potions. It worked with the first ring I made giving me a 14% boost, but not with the second ring I made giving me a 25% boost. What am I doing wrong?
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