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  1. Isn't it ironic that a game that focuses on killing dragons requires you to be level 10 to survive a fight with a dragon without 10 guards at your back.also, shouldn't early companions quest not be leading you into 8th level dungeons.
  2. how do I activate godmode and what does it do.(Tried typing in "godmode" in the script and didn't work)(Played many games with godmode which never say what it does)
  3. and I just tried sprinting. it doesn't even happen.
  4. [*]Hi, as my name suggests, I'm new. not just to skyrim, but to the elder scrolls series. My problem is this. I am in the bleak falls barrow, loaded down with loot. I have so much loot that I have to drop something like 300 gold worth of items to get through the many areas which require that the character can run. I m stuk between two such areas, and I was wondering if it is possible to drop some loot, run to town to sell it, and come back to pick it up. please answer quickly.
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